Bilbao foodtruck forum

On April 9, the first forum on Food Trucks will be held in the Basque city of Bilbao, as a result of the success that this dynamic form of food and beverage service represents.

The Food Truck Forum is a new concept of meeting and gastronomic event that seeks to offer the general public and especially entrepreneurs, the wide range of business opportunities in this new way of marketing in a world on wheels, with the kitchen incorporated.

The food trucks are being a very interesting way of entrepreneurship and at the same time a very direct channel of diffusion of the Brand of many hospitality establishments that have already been physically established. This phenomenon of street food is what encourages the organizers of the event to make the first call.

The entity (online guide of foodtrucks) is in charge of launching the project and has the collaboration of the Higher School of Hospitality of Bilbao Artxanda (ESHA) which is also where the food trucks that give ambient color and flavor of the day.

From Foodtruckya, it seeks to consolidate the gastronomic phenomenon that is revolutionizing the sector, and in turn to be the channel for the wide range of ideas and solutions that revolve around food trucks, so that any intrepid chef or entrepreneur begins to roll with his mobile kitchen.

A new way of creating value with street food as an activity

Within the set of activities that have been planned for the occasion, different formats of presentations and talks will be developed with the professionals of this business model, who will try to reel off and analyze the reason for the growing movement of food trucks and the reality of the sector. .

Reputed and consolidated experts “food truckers” such as Nora Calzada and Jon Idirin from Papamóvil, Iker and Aitziber from Tabe-Gozo, Nino Fichera from Hambroneta, Susanne Gries from Salsicia or Angel Rubio from Irrintzi Street Food, will offer their experiences behind the wheel and in the stoves, to meet the demands of the attendees, clarifying doubts about how to start, or undertake a project of these characteristics.

As part of the program, the birth of a new recognition of the best food trucks of the year will also take place, divided into several categories:

  • Cleanest FoodTruck Award.
  • Coolest FoodTruck Award.
  • Tastiest FoodTruck Award.
  • Most Sympathetic FoodTruck Award.
  • FoodTruck Award with the best Quality-Price.
  • Most TOP FoodTruck Award.

Entrance to the Forum is free, but you need to accredit yourself and reserve your place, since capacity is limited, we leave you here a link to do it directly online.

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