Bikini depilation – methods of depilation, epilation at home, side effects

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In modern times, bikini hair removal is no longer a taboo subject. Every woman wants to feel comfortable and aesthetically pleasing both when going to the beach or swimming pool, but also in the bedroom. There are currently many ways to remove unwanted intimate area hair – the method of removal depends only on our preferences. What is bikini epilation? What are her ways? Is bikini epilation at home safe?

Bikini hair removal – a bit of history

Bikini depilation is a trend whose origins can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where the standard of beauty was a body completely hairless, also on the head. Wealthy Egyptian women wore wigs and made sure that not a single unnecessary hair appeared on the body. In the Middle Ages, hair removal from the intimate area was considered obscene, but the fashion for depilation returned at the beginning of the XNUMXth century.

First, models with depilated armpits appeared on the pages of the cult Harper’s Bazaar, then Coco Chanel began to promote the fashion for depilation of legs. Bikini hair removal was just another step. Currently, the most popular type of bikini hair removal is Brazilian depilation.

See: How to shave intimate areas to keep them smooth? Practical tricks for bikini hair removal

Bikini depilation – methods of depilation

Depending on the long-lasting effect of getting rid of hair, we can choose one of several methods of bikini hair removal. Most treatments can be performed at home. In recent years, even laser hair removal can be performed at home. If you prefer epilation with an electric epilator, you can reach for the B-Beauty 5in1 epilator.

The most popular method of hair removal on a bikini is with a razor. This method of hair removal has several advantages, but in the broader perspective, it can contribute to many problems.

Shaving intimate areas with a razor is quick and does not require specialized cosmetics, but the effects do not last long, up to a maximum of 2 days. Moreover, when you epilate the bikini yourself with a razor, it is easy to cut yourself and your skin is often irritated. Usually, purulent pustules appear around the regrown hair, and the hair itself becomes coarser.

A good method of bikini hair removal are creams and gels available at drug stores. This method of depilation is completely painless and the effect of hair removal, depending on individual predispositions, lasts up to a week.

Unfortunately, bikini hair removal gels and creams can cause skin irritation. In addition, they do not remove hair with roots, so even immediately after bikini hair removal with cream or gel, the part of the hair under the skin usually remains visible.

Bikini waxing is highly appreciated. Usually, this type of treatment is performed in a beauty salon, and the cost of such a service is about PLN 100. Bikini waxing allows you to completely remove the hair along with the bulbs, and the effects last up to two months. Unfortunately, bikini waxing is the most painful type of hair removal. Before deciding to visit the salon, it is worth considering whether we will withstand such a treatment.

The most effective method of bikini hair removal is laser hair removal. This method allows you to get rid of hair permanently. The cost of laser bikini hair removal is quite high. A one-time visit to a beauty salon for a bikini laser hair removal treatment costs about PLN 150, and to obtain a lasting effect, at least 5-6 such visits should be made. Laser bikini hair removal is painful, but much less painful than bikini waxing.

Read more: Wax depilation – what is it? The use of epilation, its advantages and disadvantages

Bikini hair removal – types

Depending on what bikini area we want to depilate, we can distinguish classic, Brazilian, Hollywood and French epilation.

Types of bikini hair removal – classic hair removal

Classic hair removal in the bikini line is to get rid of unwanted hair from the bikini line, lower abdomen and groin area (it does not include the labia and pubic mound). Its main task is to remove pubic hair in such a way that it does not protrude beyond the underwear when it is put on.

If you want to avoid irritation after epilation, reach for Herbamedicus aloe gel – it is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Types of bikini hair removal – French hair removal

French hair removal removes unwanted hair from the sides of the pubic mound and from the groin area. In this epilation, women are left with hair on a larger area of ​​the mound, most often in the form of a strip, a triangle or a rectangle. However, any pubic hair that might protrude beyond the underwear area is removed.

The leftover hair on the pubic mound, the beautician can trim it, leave it in the form of a small haircut, or give it specific shapes – a strip, circle, heart. The decision and the fantasy are yours only.

Types of bikini hair removal – Brazilian hair removal

Brazilian hair removal is considered the most popular method of intimate hair removal. It consists in the complete removal of intimate hair from the groin area, labia, pubic mound, buttocks and the place between them. The hair in the center of the pubic mound remains – most often in the form of a thin rectangle.

Types of bikini hair removal – Hollywood hair removal

Hollywood hair removal among women is becoming more and more popular. Thanks to it, the effect of completely smooth skin of the intimate areas is obtained. It consists in the complete removal of unnecessary hair from “the entire” intimate area.

All hairs are removed from the groin, labia, pubic mound, and the buttocks area. This intimate epilation leaves no strip of hair on your pubic mound.

Bikini epilation at home – epilator

The bikini hair removal treatment can be uncomfortable for some women. An alternative that allows you to obtain a relatively long-lasting effect (no hair up to 4 weeks) and does not require leaving the house, may be bikini epilation with a depilator.

A good company bikini epilator is a one-time cost from PLN 250, more and more often epilators are equipped with cooling or massage attachments, which allow you to minimize the pain associated with using the epilator. Unfortunately, using a bikini epilator is painful because the epilator removes the hair with the roots. It often happens that the pain is so severe that women decide to perform bikini hair removal in several series – every few days.

When deciding on the type of bikini hair removal, it is worth considering what is our priority and how much pain we are able to endure to achieve the dream effect of smooth skin.

Bikini hair removal in men – what is it?

At the moment, not only women undergo depilation of intimate places, but it is also becoming more and more popular among men. Maintaining aesthetics and hygiene is no longer a taboo for men.

More and more beauty salons offer intimate hair removal for men. Most often it is waxing. As with the fair sex, men may choose to epilate completely – the entire genital area and buttocks, and leaving some hairy area.

Men may also opt for permanent intimate laser hair removal.

Bikini hair removal – side effects

As with any hair removal, pubic hair removal can have some side effects or cause damage to your private area if epilation is done incorrectly. Here are some examples of the side effects of bikini hair removal:

  1. itch,
  2. ingrown hair,
  3. redness and irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin
  4. allergic reaction to creams or gels,
  5. immune system reactions such as hives (with laser)
  6. swelling or inflammation
  7. cuts or scrapes from the razor blades,
  8. infections caused by bacteria getting into open wounds,
  9. inflammation of follicle.

If you notice these or other worrying symptoms that don’t start healing in a few days, see your doctor.

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