Bike or trailer for walks with Baby?

Your little one is big enough to learn to ride a bike! Accompany him to discover the world at the command of his two (or four) wheel machine!

Trailer or bicycle seat, the selection criteria

To guide your choice, there is no rule, the two models offer similar security guarantees. However, if the bicycle seat is recommended in town, the trailer offers more than comfort and stability for a long walk in the countryside. It can also carry two children.  

  • Trailer

More comfortable and more stable for the child, well wedged inside, the trailer also allows easier movement for the cyclist. It reduces the swaying of the bike and offers greater freedom of movement. Count around 120 € for a quality trailer.

  • The bicycle seat

Attached to the back of your bike (the seat in the front is to be avoided), it must be strong and comfortable. Count at least 60 € for a quality seat. On the comfort side, the backrest must have a minimum height of 35 cm, the footrest be adjustable and the safety harness have three attachment points. Finally, check that the maximum weight of the child is on the seat (in principle 20 to 22 kg).

Complete check-up before setting off by bike

Your bike must be in excellent condition for the safety of your child and yours! Before each ride, check whether the tires are properly inflated, the brakes, the saddle and the handlebars properly secured. An important accessory: the mirror on the handlebars allowing you to see if everything is fine at the rear when you are riding!

Also check whether the bicycle seat is securely attached to yours, the straps and the footrest. When your child is installed, make sure that no strap is likely to get in the way or injure him. Take some water, a snack, a mist and sunscreen.

On the road, the rules of conduct

Wearing the helmet is compulsory for children. In the event of a fall, the head is the first affected. Do not hesitate to make regular stops, to allow your child to stretch his legs. Remember, if you roll around, he is still in his seat. Inactive, he may fall asleep, rocked by the rocking, and find himself in an awkward position. Think of tie it up well and install it properly.

Before leaving, check that your baby is correctly positioned in his seat. Hydrate yourself and your child regularly. Think about it, by bike you get dehydrated faster than by walking.

Even if the rules of the road allow two bikes to ride side by side, prefer to ride in line, the one that does not carry the child in the back. Thus, it provides additional protection and control.

The duration of a ride depends on the weather conditions. A little too hot, a little too cool: it is better to shorten the getaway. On the other hand, if the weather is mild and your stops are frequent, a beautiful three hour walk will pass very quickly.


From 4-5 years old, your child can accompany you by bike. On small, safe forest roads or in any semi-protected environment (cycle paths in the woods, along the banks, in large parks, etc.), provided that he is already quite autonomous on his bike. He must know how to drive straight, brake and stop by putting his foot on the ground. On the other hand, not before 7-8 years on well-cleared country roads and, in town, it is prudent to wait a few more years: when he is 10 years old minimum.

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