Big weeding: how to get rid of the toughest weeds

There are weeds that are not easy to get rid of, but there are still effective ways to deal with unnecessary plants.

What exactly, “Antenna” was told by the agronomist-vegetable grower Dmitry Lukyanov.

SPASSY CREEP. An incredibly tenacious plant: one weed gives up to 10 thousand seeds, and its roots can penetrate a meter into the soil. Each piece of rhizome is capable of growing a new plant. That is why wheatgrass is so difficult to get rid of.

What to do. In the most contaminated areas, you need to dig up the ground with a pitchfork (so as not to damage the plants) and carefully select the roots by hand. Wheatgrass does not tolerate regular short mowing: it depletes and gradually disappears. In the spring, the weed will germinate one of the first, so it is easy to remove, the rhizomes appear in it only after 2-3 months.

DREAM. Once appearing on the site, it spreads in all directions, conquering all new spaces. The main danger is the same as that of wheatgrass: tenacious rhizomes.

What to do. Do not dig up weedy areas with a shovel. Even small pieces of rhizomes are removed manually, only when digging with a pitchfork. Mow down the growing shoots with a trimmer until the dullness depletes your strength. If this is a new or very neglected area, it is easier to remove the sod from it and fill in the prepared soil or compost. Or, on the contrary, lay an opaque material on the ground – old linoleum, roofing material. In a year or two, the land will be clean.

DANDELION. Parachute seeds are carried by the wind and sprout well, so new weeds will sprout over and over again. The plant has a powerful taproot up to 30 cm in length, while being fragile. Puffing is useless – it will break, and a new weed will grow from the remaining piece.

What to do. It is best to scoop up each weed with a special narrow, sharp scoop, especially if the dandelions have grown on the lawn. No time? Mow rosettes of leaves regularly, do not let the plant bloom and get seeds.

SAGEBRUSH. It grows very quickly and spreads over the site, because each adult plant gives up to 70 thousand seeds. At the same time, the weed does not care about the fertility of the soil or its moisture, it feels great in any conditions.

What to do. Mature plants need to be cut and then the root dug out, it can penetrate deep into the soil. If not removed completely, it will germinate again and become stronger and stronger. It is better to cut wormwood in June-July, before the seeds ripen. After removing the wormwood, you can mulch the soil: this reduces the number of weeds by about 5 times. Be sure to mow the area outside.

BORSCHEVIK. He is increasingly capturing the Moscow region and the North-West. The weed is tenacious, it actively moves from roadsides to fields, is transmitted from site to site. The seeds are capable of sprouting for five years in a row. Therefore, the problem concerns all land owners. The weed leaves severe burns on the skin, and if the juice gets into the eyes, it can lead to blindness.

What to do. Do not cut with a trimmer or mower: toxic sap splashes in all directions. You must be dressed, goggles must be worn, and a scarf must be tied around the lower part of your face. Cut the plant with long-handled pruners. Use a shovel to chop at the very root from several sides. Pour Roundup herbicide into the hole of the pipe. Put a plastic bag over the plant and tie it with a rope, and the next day, pull it out and burn it.


The state is obliged to fight against hogweed. If you see weeds somewhere, log in to the Dobrodel portal of the Moscow Region government. Select the item “Create a complaint”, category “Nature, ecology”, indicate your coordinates. The application will go to the right organization. If this weed grows along the road, remember the place and call the hotline of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region with a description of the problem by phone: 8 (495) 228-19-19.

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