Big jackpot: what attitudes prevent us from becoming rich and how to get rid of them

Many of us would like to earn more, but … We don’t mind starting our own business, but … And it would be nice to invest some of the money in, say, stocks, but … For every sane thought about how to improve our financial situation, we tend to there is a solid “but”, and sometimes more than one. Why is this happening and how to change the situation?

It’s no secret that businesses have long used psychological techniques to maximize revenue and increase sales. Consultants and business coaches actively use NLP psychological techniques to train business managers in sales and negotiation techniques, PR and brand promotion. Marketers study the results of psychological research in the field of decision making and the formation of attachments. There were even separate areas of psychology – neuromarketing and neurocopywriting.

In a word, today the focus of specialists is the search for ways to influence our consciousness (or rather, our unconscious) to increase sales. In the West, big business has been funding such research for a long time. And who pays, he orders the music.

However, studies of the mental and behavioral patterns of wealthy people, or the so-called psychology of wealth and success, often remain behind the scenes. And this is understandable: the rich do not need these studies, and psychologists are mainly approached with problems in relationships or at work.

Of course, such psychological inquiries are just the tip of the iceberg. Under the layering of social and psychological factors, the basic problems of the individual are always hidden: faith, love and self-acceptance. It is these problems that often lead us to the inability to adapt and socialize in a team, to take responsibility, to show our leadership qualities, to enlist others, to start our own business.

An important step on the path to wealth is to become aware of negative programs and attitudes and begin to change them.

As a result, personal problems are exacerbated by financial ones. Many vegetate for years in an unloved job or even remain without it, feel their own uselessness, insignificance, lose the meaning of life.

These thoughts drive a person into stress and depression. The levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, rise in the body. And now a dangerous circle of stable negative neural connections has closed in the brain, and in the body – no less dangerous cycle of biochemical processes that lead us to the same recurring negative situations and results in life. It looks like this: negative thoughts – stupid decisions – unreasonable actions – a negative result.

An important step on the path to wealth is to become aware of these negative programs and attitudes and begin to change them. The easiest way to break this chain is at the level of thought patterns. Therefore, first of all, I ask clients to write down all the negative thoughts and phrases they are used to about money – their own and their parents. In addition, recall family traditions and stories about wealth and money. Based on these records and memories, a person’s current money scenario is easily calculated.

The next step is to change negative attitudes according to the method below. It is necessary to form the right attitude towards money – without their excessive revaluation, but also without depreciation. You need to understand that money is a resource that we can use to realize our ideas, for the benefit of our family and others. Money deserves love and respect.

Here is a complete list of steps to achieve financial freedom:

  1. Awareness and change of the place of money in the scale of life values.
  2. Awareness and change of negative attitudes and family programs about money.
  3. Honest introspection and taking responsibility for your financial condition.
  4. Formation of a firm intention to become rich through awareness of why this is specifically needed.
  5. Choosing a financial goal and a strategy for achieving it: career, business and / or investments.
  6. Closing gaps in knowledge, training in advanced training programs, studying the basics of management, business and investment.
  7. Formation of contacts among professionals, businessmen or investors.
  8. Preparation of a business plan and/or clarification of an investment strategy, including detailed financial goals, budgets and tactical plan.
  9. The study of mental blocks and fears and the beginning of active actions to implement plans.

If, in the course of this work, the client’s attitudes appear to be that it is unpleasant to be poor, that he has something to offer the world, if he makes a firm choice to become rich, enter the circle of prosperous people, come up with his own strategy and plan, overcome psychological blocks and fears, and begin to act actively, it will certainly acquire financial independence. The following technique for changing negative attitudes about money is especially helpful.

Technique “Romance with money”

  • Write down your main SMART financial goal for the coming years on a piece of A4 paper, put the sheet in front of you.
  • On another piece of paper, write down your negative beliefs about money and the people who earn it, as well as the fears that are keeping you from reaching your goal.
  • Do the same exercise for negative attitudes, prohibitions and instructions from parents and other significant people.
  • Taking a new sheet of paper and placing it next to the one on which you wrote your negative beliefs, next to each item write a paraphrased positive statement, while crossing out the negative one. Formulate new beliefs in positive terms, without the “not” particle, in the present tense.
  • Burn or tear the sheet with crossed out negative attitudes and throw it away.
  • Hang a sheet of positive affirmations in a prominent place or take a photo and use it as a screensaver on your computer screen.
  • Dictate positive beliefs about money into a voice recorder, using your favorite soft music in the background.
  • Listen to positive messages several times a day for several months.
  • It is advisable to combine listening with active physical exercises. You can say them after the recording.

Of course, changing your negative thoughts and attitudes, understanding the value of money and increasing its priority is not enough to succeed in life. An adequate environment, the ability to act, as well as the ability to quickly learn and gain practical knowledge in the field of business or investing are necessary. But this is the subject of a separate detailed discussion.

About the Developer

Irina Romanenko psychologist, consultant, banker, project manager. Specializes in the field of group psychology and leadership, development of strategies for life, career and business. Author of the book “Master of the Game”, founder of the project #SELF-Academy.

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