Bichon Frize (French)
They look more like white clouds or balls of cotton candy than like dogs with the elegant name of bichon frise, comfortable in the hold of a medieval gallion, the chambers of French kings and a circus arena.

History of origin

Although today the patrons of the Bichon Frize breed, which means “curly lapdog” in French, are France and Belgium, where the standard of these charming dogs was bred, their history began on the Mediterranean islands that were part of the Roman Empire. Which island became the birthplace of the Bichon Frize dogs is no longer known, but references to small snow-white dogs with curly hair are found in late antiquity. And from the Mediterranean islands on merchant ships, miniature white dogs, which were used as rat-catchers during sea voyages, ended up on the shores of France. And in the middle of the XNUMXth century they came to the court here. Especially, to the court of King Henry III – the most sophisticated king of France. He not only became a legislator of exquisite court etiquette, but also brought into fashion the French lapdog dogs, of which there were more than a hundred in his “retinue” alone.

Following the king, courtiers and noble ladies hurried to own Bichon Frize dogs. The fashion for French lap dogs spread throughout the royal courts of the whole world and reached Our Country. Catherine the Great had several Bichon Frize favorites, which in Our Country were also called “bed dogs”, as royal and noble persons slept with their French lapdogs. But by the end of the First World War, the breed almost disappeared, if not for enthusiasts from France and Belgium. They managed to restore the population of snow-white curls. And in 1933, the Bichon Frize or French lap dog breed was registered with the International Cynological Organization and its standards were fixed.

Breed description

Bichon Frize dogs are very small. Their height should not exceed 30 cm, and if the dog is even lower, then connoisseurs of the breed will only be happy.

The main advantage of Bichon Frize dogs is their thick, curly snow-white coat. According to the breed standard, only an even white color is allowed, any strongly pronounced shades or color spots are considered a marriage. True, puppies may have spots, but over time they usually disappear and the French lap dog turns into a white cloud. Under the fluffy coat hides the rectangular body of the dog with straight muscular paws. The small head is in proportion to the body. Black eyes with a dark rim and a black nose form an equilateral triangle on the muzzle. The lips of the Bison Frize dog are also black, with a scissor bite. Ears, covered with wool, hang down on the sides of the head, a magnificent tail twists into a ring at the end of the back.



“The character of the representatives of the Bichon Frize breed is not aggressive, because they were built as lap dogs, companion dogs,” says Tatyana Glazkova, owner of the Bichon Frize kennel “White Star”. – Bichons Frize are kind, I would say even too kind, so in families with small children who still don’t understand how to behave with a dog, they only have to patiently endure all the children’s pranks, because it’s not in their nature to respond to aggression, for example, bite. At the same time, French lap dogs are very temperamental: they love to play, walk, communicate. Therefore, cynologists do not recommend getting dogs of this breed for people who are rarely at home – they can be very bored alone and express their longing in a not very pleasant way, for example, howling, barking or destroying an apartment. By the way, miniature Bichon Frize dogs can safely bark at strangers who come to visit – this is how they guard the owners and protect the territory. But this is perhaps the only manifestation of unfriendly behavior that French lap dogs allow themselves.

“Bichon Frize are ideal dogs for life in a city apartment or in a private house, charming and loyal friends,” the expert believes.

Care and maintenance

The main advantage of Bison Frize dogs is their luxurious snow-white and curly coat. And the owners will have to take care of it regularly so that the dog looks well-groomed and does not lose its charm.

– When the owners choose a Bichon Frize puppy, they need to immediately pay attention to his coat. It is preferable to choose a baby not with a thin, but with a thicker springy coat, advises Tatyana Glazkova. – Coats with dense hair are easier to care for and retain their “commodity” appearance longer. Regular washing is recommended for every French lap dog – once every 10 – 14 days. It depends on whether the dog walks on the street, and if he walks, then in clothes or what the lap-dog mother gave birth to. In the latter case, you will have to bathe a little more often.

“Before bathing, the coat should be sprayed, combed, then washed with a specialized shampoo, then conditioner,” says the owner of the Bichon Frize kennel. – It is especially important to dry the hair well with a hair dryer and comb it thoroughly. If all the procedures are followed correctly, then the Bichon Frize dogs can be additionally not combed in between bathing. But, if your pet has a long coat and wears overalls, it’s best to take a few minutes once or twice a week to comb out his coat. Before resorption, the wool must be sprinkled with water.

Depending on the wishes of the owner, French lap dogs can get a short haircut with a machine or a model haircut with scissors. The second option is preferred by those who get not just a pet, but also build an exhibition career for their dog. Therefore, you need to apply for such a hairstyle to professional groomers. But the owners can cut the claws, rub the ears and eyes of their Bichon Frize dogs on their own.

Education and training

“Bichons Frize are companion dogs, which means that they must be educated, so they need to be dealt with, and the learning process is an excellent occasion for closer interaction with the owners,” says Tatyana Glazkova. – French lapdogs should be taught elementary commands: “no”, “sit”, “lie down”, “beside” and others, which will allow both them and their owners to feel comfortable in any environment. If from childhood the dog is introduced to the outside world, carried in public transport, taught to carry, then the life of the owner and the pet will be without problems. If desired, the owners of French lap dog dogs can go to specialized courses where these cuties will be taught additional commands or circus numbers, because the Bichon Frize is well trained. And most of the white curly dogs that we see in all the circuses of the world are French lapdogs.

Health and disease

French lapdogs are a healthy, cheerful breed. But nevertheless, future owners need to know that pets have two problems that they may face in the future and the sooner they learn about them, the easier it will be to deal with them.

– Now all Bichon Frize dog kennels recommend that owners make sure their dogs have two tests that can detect cataracts and prolapse of the patella. A cataract test should be done every year, and a prolapsed patella test should be done once in a dog’s life at one year of age. Previously, they were made only abroad, but now they can also be made in Our Country, explains Tatyana Glazkova.

In addition to these hereditary diseases, French lap dogs can suffer from allergies, which are expressed in tearing, scratching, coat lesions. To avoid allergies, you need to carefully monitor the nutrition of dogs. It is advisable to feed Bichon Frize dogs not with natural, but with balanced industrial food, making sure that the protein content in it does not exceed 24%. Do not give sweet, smoked.

Another vulnerability of French lap dogs is narrow tear ducts, so if your little one starts crying, she needs to be taken to an optometrist who will determine if it is related to the tear ducts that need to be cleaned, or if she is allergic.

The drooping, adorable ears of the Bichon Frize are another thing to take care of. Overgrown with thick hair, they are almost not ventilated, which contributes to the accumulation of bacteria, so they must be thoroughly wiped and dried very well after bathing so as not to provoke otitis media. These friendly and charming dogs need to be loved and given attention, and they will repay with a devotion that not every person is capable of.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about dogs of the Bichon Frize breed with veterinarian, zoo engineer Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk a Bichon Frize dog?

Do not think that if the dog is small, it is enough for her to walk on a diaper. Any dog ​​needs new experiences, socialization and just physical activity. So wherever you go, take your furry friend with you.

Can a Bichon Frize get along with a cat?

Get along great with a cat. Bichon Frize are very accommodating, the problem may be in the cat – she can offend the Bichon, especially the puppy.

How do Bichon Frize dogs react to other dogs?

With other dogs, Bichons are friendly, they are not inherent in the hysteria of smaller breeds. They are not conflictual in nature.

Do Bichon Frize dogs get cold in winter?

The Bichon Frize has a coat similar to that of the poodle – it warms well in winter. It is necessary to warm the dog in frost below -10 ° C, as well as older dogs, puppies and lactating bitches. But for protection from dampness and dirt, overalls are necessary. During summer walks, you can wear a duster to protect against dirt, dust and burrs to protect the coat.

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