The biceps is two-headed muscle of a shoulder, which is good visible on the outside of the arm. It often demonstrates as a sign of a muscular body, so it is familiar to everyone. If you decide to work on relief and a strengthening of the muscles, we offer you a selection of effective exercises on the biceps and training plan, so that you can tighten up problem areas or to work on the muscles depending on your goals.
General information about training biceps
Whether you need girls to train biceps?
If you are doing strength training and want balanced to work all muscle groups, Yes, to execute exercises on a biceps required. Otherwise you will not be able to achieve the necessary progress in other muscles. For example, qualitative study of the back muscles needed strong biceps muscles. And if they do not develop, you will not be able to progress in the strengthening of the muscles of the back.
If you are doing power training but just want to lose weight and bring the muscles in tone, to do isolated exercises for biceps optional. Rather you can include 1-2 exercise for biceps in training for hands, but the full set of exercises for the biceps is not necessary. In this case, we recommend view article: Top 20 exercises for arms. It presents the General plan of the exercises to tone arms, including the biceps, triceps and shoulders (Delta).
Many girls worry that strength training their muscles will increase and body will become muscular and square. However, we hasten to reassure you. Even with heavy weights to achieve significant muscle growth girls is very difficult because of the peculiarities of the hormonal system. So do not give up strength training, because with their help, you can get a beautiful toned body.
How often should I train biceps?
When strength training, the biceps are often trained in one day with the back, because during strength training on the back muscles involves the muscles of the flexors of the hand (biceps). Another popular option is to train the muscles of biceps in one day with muscles antagonists, i.e. triceps. The first option is more traditional. The second option is often used when you want to change the classic training plan for new growth power performance.
So, if you are doing strength training, you perform exercises on your biceps 1-2 times per weekusing one of two combinations of muscle groups in one day:
- Back + Biceps
- Biceps + Triceps
- Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
If you are in priority weight loss and slimming, it is best to use the workout into separate muscle groups, as described above, and for the whole body. In this case it is necessary to pay attention to circuit training, which includes a variety of exercises for different muscles, including the biceps.
Exercises on biceps for girls
1. The bending of the arms at the biceps
Fold your hands is one of the most useful and effective exercises for the biceps to tone your hands. Stand up straight, take a dumbbell in hand, palms facing forward. Straighten your back, keep the elbows close to the body. On the exhale, bend your elbows, raise your forearms and Cup your palms to the shoulders. Hands above the elbow remain stationary. On the inhale slowly lower the forearm to return to their original position.
2. Bending of hands on a biceps with a grip “hammer”
This exercise for the biceps is one of the variations of bending of the hands, but here we use a neutral grip, so there is other load on the target muscle. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in hands, palms facing each other. Try to keep the elbows close to the body, shoulders are down, back straight. On the exhale, bend your elbows, palms up at shoulder level. On the inhale return to starting position.
3. The bending of the arms at the biceps with the change of hands
This exercise for the biceps is particularly suitable for those who have in the presence of heavy dumbbells. Take dumbbells in hands neutral grip. On the exhale bend the elbow and lift the palm of one hand, turning the brush to the joint. On the inhale slowly return to starting position. Then do the same movement with the other hand. Basically, you can bend both arms at the same time, permitting the weight of the dumbbells. This exercise for the biceps is not recommended if you have problems with the carpal joints.
4. Bending of hands on a biceps, with rotation of the elbow
This option exercises the biceps are looking for those who want to diversify the workout routine. The principle is the same as the first exercise. Take the dumbbells so that the palms looked outward. On the exhale, bend your elbows to position the right angle between arm and forearm. In this position, hold for 2 seconds, turn into the carpal joint 180 degrees and back. Then pull hands to shoulders on the inhale return to starting position.
5. Flexion Of Zottman
This is an exercise for the biceps is in fact a combination of two exercises: flexion straight grip + flexion reverse grip. Take the dumbbells and rotate your palms outward, back straight, shoulders down. On the inhale bend your elbows and lift your palms up to shoulder level. Rotate your wrist 180 degrees so they looked outside. On the inhale, lower the hands, keeping the reverse grip. In the lowered position rotate the wrist back 180 degrees and repeat the exercise.
6. Pulsating flexing biceps
Throbbing exercises are great to perform, if you want to achieve muscle tone, but you have only a small dumbbell. Take the dumbbells and bend your elbows so that the shoulder and forearm formed a straight angle. Now perform a pulsating movement, raising hands up at a small amplitude. The exercises on the biceps it is better not to practice with heavy weights.
For gifs thank you youtube channel HASfit. By the way, we have a great selection of strength training from HASfit for body tone and strengthening of muscles. There you will find a few options of programs on the biceps.
Plan workouts on biceps for girls
What weight of dumbbells to get?
The first question that arises before training biceps, how to use the weight of dumbbells? If you have seriously decided to start training at home, it is better to buy collapsible dumbbells up to 10-15 kg. Even if you are just starting to do exercises on a biceps, and you still have enough minimum weights, eventually your muscles will adapt, and will need to increase the weight of dumbbells.
The weight of dumbbells depends on your goals:
- If you are working on muscle growth, then take the weight of the dumbbells, in which the latest iteration in the approach is performed at maximum effort. For beginners girls will fit weights of 5-7 kg, for the first time for exercise on a bicep that will be enough. In the case of training on muscle growth you need to perform exercises for 8-10 reps, 3-4 approach.
- If you are working on muscle tone and burning fat, the weight of dumbbells for starters, you can take 2-3 kg. In this case, the exercise involves the biceps 12-15 reps of 3-4 approaches. However, in this case, you will need to gradually increase the weight of dumbbells, otherwise the effectiveness of training for the muscles will be reduced.
Workout plan biceps for girls
Workout plan biceps for girls, respectively will also vary depending on your goals. Once we explain that if you have only a small dumbbell (5 kg), no options, use the second plan. With small dumbbells about any muscle growth may not be out of the question, but perform 8-10 reps with this weight is simply insufficient load.
Plan for muscle growth:
- Bending of hands on a biceps: 8-10 reps, 3-4 approach
- Bending of hands on a biceps grip “hammer”: 8-10 reps in 3 sets
- The bending of the arms at the biceps with the change of hands: 8-10 reps on each arm in 3 sets
- Flexion of Zottman: 8-10 reps in 3 sets
Rest between sets 30-45 seconds. Rest between exercises 2 minutes.
Plan for muscle tone (you can leave only 4 exercises of your choice):
- Bending of hands on a biceps with a twist: 12-15 reps, 3-4 approach
- Bending of hands on a biceps with a grip “hammer” : 12-15 reps, 3-4 approach
- The bending of the arms at the biceps with the change of hands: 12-15 reps, 3-4 approach
- Flexion of Settimana: 12-15 reps, 3-4 approach
- Pulsing flexion on a biceps: 15-25 repetitions, 3-4 approach
Rest between sets 30-45 seconds. Rest between exercises 2 minutes.
If you are not able to increase the weight of dumbbells, try to increase the number of repetitions or perform usedona much greater quantity of approaches.
How to train biceps no dumbbells?
What to do if you don’t have dumbbells and want to buy them there is no possibility? Biceps – this is a muscle, which is almost impossible to train in isolation without additional equipment. However, dumbbells can be easily replaced with other accessories.
How can I replace the dumbbells:
1. Instead of dumbbells use a plastic bottle filled with water or sand:
2. Get an elastic band (in sportmagazin) or elastic bandage (in the pharmacy). With this item you can perfectly train the muscles of the whole body, he is very compact and takes up very little space:
3. Or you can buy tubular expander, it is also useful for strength training. With this you can always take it with you:
Video workouts for biceps at home
An excellent workout for the biceps offers the HASfit team. For classes you will need a set of dumbbells, a program suitable for both men and women. If you love to do, and then these exercises for the biceps will suit you perfectly:
1. 12 Minute Dumbbell Bicep Workout at Home
2. 14 Minute Dumbbell Bicep Workout at Home
3. 20 Minute Home Bicep Workout with Dumbbells
If you don’t want to separately perform the exercises on a biceps, but look for a General workout for arms and shoulders, then look at our collection videos: Top 12 strength training with dumbbells for upper body from Fitness Blender.
See also:
- Top 50 exercises for buttocks at home
- Top 50 exercises for the abdominal muscles
Arms and chest