Beyonce, Kate Winslet and Eva Mendes

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Singer beyonce

Pop diva Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (Beyoncé) follows a lemonade diet. Although, this is more likely not a diet, but a special nutrition program aimed at cleansing the body.

Beyonce, Kate Winslet and Eva Mendes

With adherence to the diet, rapid weight loss occurs, although this is mainly due to the rapid withdrawal of fluid from the body, and not from the loss of excess body fat.

You will not experience weight loss per se, only fluid loss. Therefore, in the near future, the lost weight will quickly return if you do not take this magical drink.

Already on the third day you will feel an extraordinary sensation of lightness. This will happen due to the fact that the body has begun to cleanse itself. Your body is quickly cleansed, losing excess fluid, therefore, the weight decreases.

Most people perceive this food system as a diet. Therefore, they increase the period of stay on this diet up to three weeks, which is contraindicated. The norm is two or three days (as expected).

As for the drink itself, it includes:

  • plain distilled water;
  • juice from half a lemon (for one glass of water);
  • two tbsp. tablespoons of natural maple syrup;
  • one pinch of ground cayenne pepper

There is nothing you can’t eat during the time that you are going to spend on observing this regime. But you can drink up to six glasses of this drink daily. Only if you start to feel hungry are you allowed to drink up to two additional glasses of laxative tea.

However, most experts unanimously argue that few people will feel hungry. The only difficult moment is the correct and gradual exit from this diet. Once you’re done, you should drink freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice for the next two days. There is nothing again.

Only after these two days can you gradually introduce the rest of the solid food. It is important in the process and for some time after the end of the diet to take an additional complex of vitamins of groups B, A and K.

Actress Kate Winslet

The British actress has never been skinny. Her weight fluctuated depending on her roles in films. She got better, then lost weight again. However, after the birth of her daughter, Kate got fat.

Beyonce, Kate Winslet and Eva Mendes

Fans noticed that the actress easily managed to lose as much as 20 kilograms! It seems that Kate liked it too: she decided to shoot in one of the famous magazines, showing off her magnificent figure.

She was upset that she was told that after giving birth, the figure will return to normal by itself. Only for some reason this did not happen to her. She was horrified when she tried to pull on her favorite pants. They couldn’t even get on their knees.

The loose and plump figure only disgusted Kate. How can you love yourself when you look like that?

Naturally, her fans began to worry about the question: how did the Hollywood star manage to get in shape? And so quickly. At first, she tried to wait until the weight was the same. When this did not happen, she had to go to the motherhood control center. There she met a wonderful specialist in her field.

This specialist has developed a program for Kate, which consists of two visits per week to the pool and gym. It also included the so-called “face analysis”.

The essence of the analysis: a specialist carefully examines your face. Then, based on the results of the examination and the studies carried out, he says what substances, minerals your body and face, in particular, lack. What foods are contraindicated for you and develops a special diet for you.

Kate did not immediately attach much importance to this method, however, until she saw an almost instant result. She immediately began to eat exactly according to the scheme, as a result of which her weight began to disappear abruptly. Her skin was rejuvenated and her body behaved differently. Kate stopped constantly getting tired, she began to feel great.

Therefore, Kate Winslet advises everyone to try this approach if you have the opportunity. The actress herself is just crazy about this method.

Actress Eva Mendes

She ignores the diets of the stars, she has her golden rule. Eva has three pairs of jeans in different sizes:

  1. 27 – for thin Eve.
  2. 28 – for the usual.
  3. 29 – for the one who needs to lose weight.

When the last couple becomes obsolete, Eve realizes that it’s time to get to work. For herself, she chose a certain nutritional system, created by a famous Hollywood nutritionist. The principle of the system is known as “all five”.

The principle of nutrition is that you can only eat healthy foods, dividing them into five meals. In this case, it is worth giving preference to wild rice, lean fish and vegetables.

Beyonce, Kate Winslet and Eva Mendes

The method of preparation of these products also plays an important role. A suitable, healthy and valid way is to bake or steam.

If you want the results to be stunning, then you should not exclude sports from this process. Eva is not an ardent fan of sports and does not spend several hours in gyms every day. She goes to the gym twice a week to work with a personal trainer.

First, she does cardio workouts for 30-45 minutes. Then he proceeds to the simulators. When there is no training, she loves to climb the mountains on foot.

She turns to an intense power load only when some important shooting is ahead and you urgently need to lose excess fat. Then she uses the same diet, plus she goes in for sports for fifteen minutes five times a week.

The American actress also has rule number 2. She often has to attend various receptions and presentations. It never goes without drinks and banquets. Eve’s rule is that you need to eat well before every meal. The best option is a green salad with fish.

As for the booze, the actress can afford no more than two glasses of red wine or brut champagne. After all, alcoholic beverages contain empty calories, which never give a feeling of fullness, but are deposited on the sides and hips.


Don’t miss the video! See here for more information on the diets of Hollywood stars.

Diet from Hollywood. The Secret of Weight Loss Stars?

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