Beware of sweet drinks!

Tens of thousands of cases of diabetes and heart disease, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on healthcare – that’s what American scientists believe drinking sugary drinks leads to.

Complicated analyzes of data from 1990-2000 on the growing consumption of sweet drinks and the increase in diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the United States were presented by scientists from the University of California-San Francisco at the American Heart Association conference.

Soda drinks with added sugar, sweetened juices and sports drinks were made very seriously accused in the report. The authors believe that they probably contributed, inter alia, to up to approx. 130 thousand cases of diabetes and 14 thousand. falling ill with ischemic heart disease. Treatment of these diseases cost between $ 2000 and $ 2010 million between 300 and 550.

Researchers suggest that a way to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks could be a tax of 1 cent per ounce on their sales, or about 30 ml. They assume that the consumption of these drinks would drop by 10%. They also advise not to drink more than approx. 1 liter of sugar-sweetened beverages a week. (PAP)

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