Better to think sooner than spend later

How many times have you thought about your current daily expenses without thinking about the future? It is worth including in everyday life thinking about securing yourself for rainy days. Thanks to this, you will provide yourself with mental comfort and inner peace, even in the face of unexpected misfortune.

Same, same

We have known for a long time that our favorite national approach to finance is the one that is perfectly captured by the phrase “somehow it will be”. And it does not matter if we are talking about our future retirement, about a dowry for our children, or about a moment when we will need a large amount of money in a difficult situation. Interestingly, we are not so different in this respect from, for example, the British, and sometimes it is hard not to wonder how it happens that we are so careless.

What about my finances when I get sick? What about the home budget?

According to research conducted by Prudential, most adult Poles aged 25-45 admit with horror that they will not be able to cope financially in the event of a serious illness. Every day we realize that you need to have some funds set aside for the “rainy day”. But we ourselves admit that in the event of a serious illness, our home finances will face a catastrophe. Is the belief about free medical care and paid sick leave to blame for this? After all, everyone knows that illness is a drop in household income. It is not so bad if we get sick while working full-time, because then we count our sickness from the total salary. It is worse if we run our own business, because hardly anyone pays a premium higher than the minimum amount. Often finances begin to run out, and we – whether we like it or not – burden our family, friends, acquaintances, etc. with our problems.

Look at the expenses

It seems to us – quite falsely – that the expenses related to the treatment are actually guaranteed. After all, we have access to the public health service, and in addition, we have a family medical package in a private network of clinics. And suddenly it turns out that in the event of health problems … the home budget is bursting at the seams. Everywhere there are bills to pay that keep you awake at night. Getting sick is not only the costs of medical visits, medications and rehabilitation. It is also additional costs related to the greater need for help in caring for children when one of the parents is sick, and sometimes also the need to make changes to the house or apartment, which adds to the costs related to renovation. A quick calculation with a piece of paper and a pencil in hand shows that we are not aware of the amount of expenses and the amounts that the disease can mean for the whole family.

Not cancer at all

When asked about the diseases we fear, we point to cancer. However, the truth is different – most often we die of cardiovascular diseases. Yes, cancer is a serious disease, but we do not “appreciate” the negative power of diseases that result from our lifestyle. A weekend just for yourself, time to rest, relax, sleep, walk or exercise – these are luxuries that fewer and fewer people can afford. In the maze of everyday duties and taking care of the family, we often neglect our figure, which brings not only “aesthetic” but also health effects. It is worth paying attention to each of these details, which is attached to the deterioration of our health – depending or independently on ourselves, because while we can quit smoking, fighting stress is much more difficult and not always dependent solely on us.

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