Better manage your emotions thanks to essential oils
If you are stressed, anxious, anxious, angry, sad or excited by nature and you have difficulty managing your emotions, know that essential oils have soothing properties. Here are a few that might give you some relief.
Essential oils of true lavender or rosewood against sadness
Emotions are linked to feeling. When they fill us, it is not always easy to silence them or stop the flow of thoughts that accompany them. Yet he It is important to learn to manage your emotions because they influence the hormones secreted by the body like melatonin that helps you sleep well or endorphins that make you happy.
If you’re sad, true lavender or rosewood essential oils can be soothing. It is advisable to inhale the bottle directly for a few seconds so that the smell diffuses into your nostrils. Once you breathe it in, your brain will register this sweet scent and calm the alerts echoing in your emotional seat.
Roman Chamomile or Mandarin essential oil against emotional wounds
You must have already seen herbal tea bags recommended for a sweet night with the scents of chamomile or tangerine. It is not without reason. These foods have relaxing properties that are helpful in calming restless spirits. That is why, Roman chamomile or tangerine essential oils may help treat your anxiety attacks. It is indeed a concentrate of the virtuous properties of these foods.
However, if you experience deep discomfort caused by chronic grief, suffering or self-estrangement, consider discussing it with your loved ones, an emotional counselor or even a psychologist. It can be a difficult step to take, but telling about what makes us suffer often helps us to break free from it. Also know that there are toll-free numbers available at all hours to assist you in this process, which is sometimes necessary for healing.
The essential oil of Laurel noble to fight against the lack of self-confidence
Lack of self-confidence is an invisible sore and constant suffering that can plague life. It influences your social interactions, your outlook on yourself and each of your life choices. It is often difficult to learn to look at and love yourself as you are, to be aware of one’s worth without worrying about the looks or thoughts of others, and even to continue to esteem oneself despite hurtful and regular criticism.
Remember that every life is valuable, can be great, and there are countless amazing things you are capable of accomplishing. In the moments when you will be most in the grip of doubts about your qualities, noble laurel essential oil can help you feel better. It is possible to swallow a few drops before an examination or an important event on half a sugar or to inhale two drops in a tissue.
Compact Bergamot essential oil against mental fatigue
There are days just as ordinary as the others when nothing goes right. You spill your coffee in the morning, your bus is late, your legs are heavy, your smile is absent subscribers and above all, you are exhausted. There is nothing to explain it in particular if it is not an accumulation of fatigue over the months, of tasks to be accomplished, of responsibilities to be carried alone or simply stress. The emotion you feel is normal and it has a name: it is mental fatigue..
The first thing to do when you feel it and accept it: this means that you need to rest and that you will need to ease off in the next few days. Remember to point it out to your loved ones so that they understand you. A drop of compacted Bergamot essential oil in a glass of water or on sugar for a week can also help you perk up quickly. Please note, the use of this essential oil is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under six years old. Also, avoid applying it directly to the skin.