You are sold to the enemy for bright rags!
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Mels, you’re worse than an enemy. You are a traitor!!
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Betrayal — the transition from the ranks of the Own to the ranks of Aliens (Enemies) in a situation of war or military danger. If a person took an oath and violated it, he committed treason and must be held accountable for this in accordance with the law. Laws must be respected, but this has nothing to do with betrayal, which is often talked about in everyday life. In everyday life, there is usually no betrayal behind the word «betrayal». Behind this word lies only the desire to hit and this or that limiting belief on the topic “close people are obliged to help me and support me in all my difficult situations.”
What can be called betrayal? Violation of the agreement is often called betrayal, although there was a request not to do so. Asking “not to talk” is a typical stupidity common among teenagers: one friend, without thinking, shares confidential information with another friend and asks her not to talk about it, without thinking about whether she knows how to “not talk”. Since her friend is not smarter than herself, she does not know how to control herself and acts impulsively, on the machine, she will soon “spill out” in a natural way. In response to this, the first friend cries and accuses her friend of betrayal, usually without drawing any reasonable conclusions for the future.
“Galya, don’t tell anyone, Zoya told me this!!! She asked me not to tell anyone, so don’t tell anyone either, okay?! So….” It was like this for me: I blurted out someone else’s secret to one girlfriend, and three days later another girl told it to me, it turned out that the secret went through the entire chain of girls in our company and returned to me. Each asked the other not to tell anyone!
It’s not appropriate to talk about betrayal here. It’s just a lack of common culture and a tendency to blame others for one’s own mistakes.
The following reasons are usually behind the tendency to see “betrayal” a little and throw this word. Most often, this is anger and revenge — the desire to take revenge on a person for letting us down and not doing what we needed so much. Sometimes this is deliberate manipulative pressure: an accusation of betrayal in order to leave him next to you, on your side. Often, women, especially those of a hysterical plan, cry about betrayal, because they want to throw off the blame for their failures, and sometime just to draw attention to themselves. Most often, cries of “betrayal” are an indicator of a person’s weakness, his confusion and his lack of understanding of what to do. Strong, mentally healthy people practically do not use the category of «betrayal».
“Betrayal” is a label that is often hung on a person who has stopped supporting us. His views have changed, her mood has changed … — and you were counting on support. Yes, it happens and it is very painful, sometimes it entails serious everyday problems, but responsible people in such cases do not think about betrayal, but about the need to select friends and associates more deliberately. If you have been betrayed, more often it is not the fault of the traitor, but your problem: you have not trusted the wrong people.
They seriously talk about betrayal when the agreement concerned difficult or painful issues: the person trusted, made it clear that the topic was painful, and at that moment they deliberately hit him. Yes, decent people don’t do this and this can be called a betrayal, but smart people in such cases more often think not about betrayal, but about the causes of the conflict and what needs to be done in this situation to resolve the issue.
If a wife cheated on her husband with his best friend, this can be called a betrayal. On the other hand, it is more productive here to talk not about betrayal, but about the low human culture of all the participants in this plot. Those who know how to understand people, who have someone to choose from in the place of their wife and real friends, who carefully monitors the mood of people close to him and takes care of being loved by them, or at least seriously needed, with similar situations in their lives does not collide. In situations of this kind, sorting out within oneself, it is more productive not to accuse others of betrayal, but to take responsibility for oneself and think about the future.