Betaine HCL – indications, sources, contraindications

Betaine is an amino acid that supports many processes in the body. Used in the treatment of heart diseases, it is well known to bodybuilders, people actively practicing sports, who care about healthy and rational building of muscle mass. It helps in burning fatty tissue and regulating the action of fatty acids. Betaine HCl, present as a supplement, is indicated for people struggling with the problem of too low concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Taken in the form of a supplement, it improves and improves digestion, improving the process of assimilating nutrients from food. Thanks to Betaine HCl, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases, and its proper level is necessary for the thorough digestion of proteins and the assimilation of amino acids. It is also necessary to maintain an appropriate glycemic load and the absorption of vitamin B12 from the consumed food. An insufficiently high concentration of gastric acid means that the food we eat is not properly sterilized, which may increase the risk of pathogenic viruses entering the body. Too little acid in the stomach can contribute to diseases related to poor digestion and aggravate diseases such as anemia and Hashimoto’s disease.

Are you looking for a preparation with betaine? You can order Betaine HCL + pepsin – YANGO dietary supplement at Medonet Market now.

Does Betaine HCl help?

Betaine HCl is a specific that helps acidify the stomach.

Betaine HCl supplementation can support the body in the treatment and prevention of many diseases and ailments:

  1. helps to acidify the stomach properly,
  2. supports protein digestion,
  3. reduces the feeling of constant fatigue,
  4. reduces the feeling of sleepiness,
  5. reduces the risk of heart disease, such as heart attack,
  6. supports digestion and assimilation of nutrients from consumed foods,
  7. supports the work of the liver,
  8. supports the weight loss process by reducing body fat without the risk of losing muscle mass,
  9. supports the building of muscle mass.

In what products can betaine be found?

The greatest amounts of betaine are found in wheat sprouts and bran, large amounts can also be found in beetroot and spinach, and seafood such as mussels and shrimps.

You can also look for dietary supplements with betaine. Order HappyMe Health Labs on Medonet Market today – when you lack motivation – the preparation is available at a promotional price.

Betaine HCL – precautions and contraindications

Like any drug or supplement, Betaine HCl can also cause a hypersensitivity reaction. Taking the wrong dose may be associated with gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain. People who are obese, diabetic, or take medications for heart, liver and kidney diseases should be cautious about Betaine supplementation. People taking NSAIDs should consult a specialist before taking Betaine HCl. It is also not recommended for people suffering from hyperacidity, heartburn and ulcers of the digestive system.

Many people struggle with the consequences of having stomach acid levels too low. The problem especially affects people suffering from hypothyroidism (Hashimoto), whose concentration is very low or practically non-existent.

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