Best Treatments for Urethritis in Women
Urethritis is a rather unpleasant disease, which, fortunately, is successfully treated. We will tell you what tushing is when you cannot do without antibiotics, why you need to increase immunity and follow a diet, and why phytotherapy will not replace medicines

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra, that is, the urethra. Most often, the disease is manifested by burning and cutting during urination. Due to the special structure of the genitourinary system in women, urethritis usually occurs in combination with cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder.

With timely access to a doctor, urethritis is successfully treated and does not become chronic. Treatment in each case is prescribed individually after the necessary examination.1.

Drugs for urethritis in women

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, etiotropic (that is, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease) drug therapy is prescribed. That is why accurate diagnosis is very important in the treatment of urethritis: due to erroneous results of laboratory tests, the doctor may prescribe the wrong treatment, which will not be of any use.


Antibiotics are used when urethritis is known to be caused by bacteria. The doctor prescribes drugs that act on the identified infectious agent. In addition, when choosing antibiotics, the presence of concomitant diseases is taken into account, because urethritis often occurs simultaneously with cystitis, thrush, chlamydia. 

Only a specialized specialist can prescribe antibiotics, because the wrong medications can only worsen the situation.2.

Antifungal agents

Antibiotics greatly affect the microflora of the genital tract, which is why pathogenic fungi begin to actively multiply in it. Therefore, antifungal drugs (lamizil, fluconazole), as well as drugs to maintain the function of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, can be prescribed simultaneously with antibacterial therapy.


Immunomodulators are drugs that restore impaired immunity. Usually they are prescribed in complex therapy when there is a high risk of inflammation becoming chronic.

Immunomodulators increase the body’s resistance to infections, reduce the likelihood of recurrence. With bacterial urethritis caused by Escherichia coli, the immunomodulator Uro-Vaxom is very effective.

Uroantiseptics of plant origin

Together with antibiotics and immunomodulators, the use of herbal uroseptics (Canephron, Cyston) gives a good result – it eliminates unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning), and the main causes that cause the disease and contribute to its transition to a chronic form.

By the way

Preparations for the treatment of urethritis can be used both in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories, ointments, therapeutic tampons, warming applications with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances. 

Physiotherapy for urethritis in women 

Physiotherapy is actively used in chronic forms of urethritis in combination with drug treatment. In the acute stage of the disease, physiotherapy is contraindicated. Due to physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetotherapy), the process of tissue healing is significantly accelerated, inflammation and swelling are removed, and the immune system is activated.

Phytotherapy for urethritis in women

Phytotherapy is used as an addition to the main treatment. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants (celandine, horsetail, cranberries, heather, etc.) can alleviate the symptoms of the disease – pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning in the urethra. It is important to remember that phytotherapy always comes in combination with drug treatment and can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Non-drug treatments

During the treatment of urethritis, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, adhere to a certain diet (it is necessary to exclude too spicy and salty foods). Also, with urethritis, doctors advise to give up excessive physical exertion, alcohol and smoking. You can take herbal diuretics (decoctions of lingonberry leaves, knotweed herbs), which help cleanse the urethra from infection.

Staining for urethritis in women

In rare cases, traditional treatments fail to cope with the disease. More often this happens with advanced forms of urethritis. In this case, there is a method of shading. This is cauterization of the urethral mucosa with a special chemical to completely renew it. After cauterization, a scab forms, and after a few days, new healthy tissue forms under it to replace the one on which there were irreversible changes.

Prevention of urethritis in women

The most important measures for the prevention of urethritis in women are an ordered sexual life, hardening, regular visits to the gynecologist and timely sanitation of foci of infection. For urethritis caused by STIs, the sexual partner should also be treated.3.

Popular questions and answers

About the causes of urethritis and symptoms of urethritis in women, as well as other popular questions answers urologist, andrologist Dmitry Kolosov.

Why does urethritis occur in women?

– Non-infectious urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) can occur as a result of trauma to the urethral mucosa during catheterization of the bladder, the appearance of a tumor in the urethra, or the passage of a calculus (stone) during urolithiasis. Non-infectious urethritis is relatively rare. Much more often the disease has an infectious nature.

The cause of infectious urethritis can be opportunistic flora (E. coli, ureaplasmas, etc.) or sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.). For the occurrence of infectious urethritis, two factors must coincide: the appearance of an infection in the lumen of the canal and a decrease in local immunity. The reasons for the decrease in immunity, as a rule, are hypothermia, drinking alcohol, concomitant gynecological diseases, asthenia (prolonged overwork).

How is urethritis manifested in women?

– The main symptoms of urethritis: frequent urination, pain during urination, discomfort in the urethra and swelling of its external opening. In some cases, discharge from the urethra occurs.

How is urethritis diagnosed in women?

– The diagnosis of urethritis is made on the basis of a combination of data – anamnesis (history of the development of the disease), patient complaints, clinical examination data, laboratory and instrumental tests.

The main diagnostic methods – a general blood test and a general urine test – allow you to determine the severity of inflammation. Bacterial urine culture helps to identify an opportunistic pathogen, and the Femoflor screen test helps to determine which pathogenic microorganisms are present in the genitourinary tract.

In cases of chronic urethritis, ureteroscopy is performed (instrumental visual examination of the urethral mucosa).

What happens if you do not treat urethritis in women?

– If the disease is not treated, the process takes a protracted, relapsing character, and the inflammation becomes chronic. A woman will constantly live with a feeling of discomfort in the urethra, which significantly worsens the quality of life. In some cases, chronic urethritis can turn into a tumor process.


  1. Urogenital diseases caused by Mycoplasma genitalium. Clinical guidelines, 2021. Approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  2. Modern antibacterial therapy of non-gonococcal urethritis: problems and solutions. E.V. Shikh, N.B. Lazareva, E.V. Rebrova, A.Yu. Ryazanov. M., 2019.
  3. Urethritis – symptoms and treatment. Barashikov D.V., 2020.

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