Best thrush pills for men
Although thrush is considered a female disease, men can also suffer from it. At the first sign of a fungus, it is important to choose the best pills for thrush for men.

Thrush is a type of yeast infection caused by the opportunistic yeast fungus Candida albicans. Candidiasis in men is rare, usually associated with serious health problems, reduced immunity, long-term treatment of severe infections. It can develop in the mouth and throat, on the skin, or in particular on the genitals. Yeast infections on the genitals are more common in women, but they also happen to men.

In these cases, yeast infections can affect the glans penis and urethral opening. Genital fungal infections are more common in uncircumcised men. This is because the presence of the foreskin promotes colonization by the fungus.

Yeast infections on the skin can usually be treated with an over-the-counter antifungal cream. But often thrush pills for men are needed to prevent recurrence of the infection.

If a man or his partner has had a yeast infection before and recognizes the symptoms, it is possible to self-administer an antifungal cream without a prescription. Apply an antifungal cream twice a day.

A corticosteroid cream in addition to an antifungal cream can help with itching and swelling. But this drug should only be recommended by a doctor, as a corticosteroid can allow a yeast infection to linger and even get worse.

The usual first-line option for treating a male yeast infection that does not involve the penis is a topical cream containing clotrimazole or miconazole. These are the same over-the-counter drugs used to treat fungal infections in women and athletes. If there are any adverse reactions, your doctor may prescribe nystatin cream for you.

Men with severe yeast infections or penile involvement may need to take an antifungal pill, such as fluconazole, or other drugs that a specialist chooses. It is definitely difficult to name the best pills for thrush for men, in each case they are selected individually, taking into account tolerance and indications, the state of the body.

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Rating of the top 10 pills for thrush for men according to KP

We have selected the most commonly prescribed tablets for thrush, which are recommended for men when there are signs of a fungal infection of the genitals or skin.

1. Diflucan

The drug is available in the form of capsules and solutions, sold without a doctor’s prescription. The main active ingredient is fluconazal, an antifungal agent with a wide spectrum of action. The drug is indicated for the treatment of thrush of various localizations in men, with an uncomplicated form, a short course of treatment is sufficient. Often, it is necessary to take the drug at the same time as a partner.

The drug inhibits the activity of the fungus, destroying the cell wall and leading to the death of pathogenic colonies. But there are cases of yeast resistance to the drug, then you need to choose another remedy.

Contraindicated in case of allergy to fluconazole and drug components, up to 3 years, in patients with lactose and maltose intolerance. It is used with extreme caution in patients with liver and kidney pathologies, as well as people taking drugs for the treatment of heart disease and antibiotics. Incompatible with alcohol, does not affect driving.

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2. Flucostat

The drug is available in capsules, sold without a medical prescription, the main active ingredient is fluconazole. It has activity against most fungi of the genus Candida, is used for thrush in the genital area and smooth skin, which occurs sporadically. With recurrent processes, it may lose effectiveness.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of acute thrush, in parallel with a partner. In the case of an uncomplicated infection, one capsule of the drug is sufficient; as directed by a doctor, the course can be continued. Perhaps the appointment in conjunction with local drugs to enhance the effect.

Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, patients with allergies to components, intolerance to lactose or maltose. With caution, appoint men with problems of the heart, liver and kidneys, taking antibiotics and heart drugs. The medicine is incompatible with alcohol.

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3. Itraconazole

The drug is available in capsules and tablets, sold by prescription from a doctor. The main active ingredient is itraconazole, an antifungal drug with a wide spectrum of fungicidal activity. It has a pronounced effect on Candida fungi, it is used in a course. It is indicated for thrush, it is used to treat acute and chronic, recurrent forms of fungal infection. It is usually prescribed for the ineffectiveness of other antifungal agents or the resistance of fungi to fluconazole.

Contraindicated in case of allergy to the components, in heart failure, taking many cardiac drugs. Be wary appoint people with diseases of the liver and kidneys, hearing impairment and pathologies of the heart. The drug is incompatible with alcohol, many drugs, so only a doctor should prescribe it after a thorough assessment of all conditions and concomitant diseases.

4. Pimafucin

Available in the form of suppositories, tablets and topical cream. It is released from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, it has fungicidal activity. The main active ingredient – natamycin, has antifungal activity, including against Candida fungi. It is indicated in the treatment of genital candidiasis and its other forms, with damage to the genital organs, treatment is necessary together with a partner. It is also prescribed for the prevention of fungal infections of the intestine after taking antibiotics in patients with immunity problems, to eliminate the fungus on the skin.

Contraindicated in case of allergy to the components of the drug. It is prescribed with caution for intolerance to oligosaccharides, problems with the kidneys and liver. The drug is incompatible with alcohol, no data on negative combinations with other drugs were found.

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5. Nystatin

The drug is available in tablets, capsules, cream and vaginal suppositories. It is released from pharmacies by prescription. The main active ingredient – nystatin, has antifungal activity, belongs to the preparations of the polyene series. Effective against Candida fungi, some other species, has a fungicidal effect. It is indicated for candidal infections of the oral cavity and intestines, with genital candidiasis local remedies are effective.

Contraindicated in children under 13 years of age and pregnant, lactating. It acts only in the intestines, poorly absorbed into the blood. Incompatible with alcohol, does not affect driving.

6. Fungistab

The Indian drug with ketoconazole in the composition is active against candidiasis pathogens. The release form is one – tablets. Simultaneous intake with acidic drinks increases the absorption of the substance.

The drug is effective for relapses of thrush and candidiasis in adults. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and children under 3 years of age. Acute and chronic liver damage is also included in the list of fungistab contraindications.

It is impossible to combine the intake of Fungistab with hepatotoxic, that is, drugs that adversely affect the liver. During the course of treatment, it is recommended to regularly donate blood to monitor liver and kidney function.

7. Itrazol

Another antifungal agent that is effective against fungi that cause thrush. The drug is presented in the form of capsules for oral administration. The active ingredient in the composition is itraconazole.

Itrazol is used to treat lesions of the mucous membrane and skin, including if candidiasis of the oral mucosa is diagnosed. It is recommended to take capsules immediately after meals, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

The drug is not recommended for children and elderly patients, as well as for people with pathologies of the liver and kidneys. There are quite a few drugs on the list of contraindications that cannot be used simultaneously with Itrazol, so the drug is available by prescription.

8. Mycosoral

A drug in the form of tablets and ointments for external use. Contains ketoconazole, which has a strong antifungal property.

Effective in case of yeast infection of the skin and mucous membranes. Used to treat chronic candidiasis in men and women. The drug should be used with caution in women over 50 years of age.

Contraindications include:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children’s age (<3 years);
  • liver disease;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency.

The drug is prescription, so the treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

9. Diflazon

Diflazon capsules contain the active substance fluconazole and is an antifungal agent for the treatment of diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

It is used to treat generalized and genital candidiasis. Do not take during pregnancy and lactation, because the drug passes into breast milk.

A prescription is not required, but due to the nature of the interaction of the drug with many drugs, the use should be discussed with a doctor.

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10. Irunin

Another drug with antifungal action. The composition includes itraconazole – a substance aimed at combating the cause of thrush. Available in the form of gelatin capsules.

When using the drug should stop breastfeeding. In pregnancy, the drug is effective for the treatment of systemic mycoses, but its use is associated with risks to the fetus. Violations of the functions of the liver and kidneys are the basis for the selection of another drug.

There are no studies on the efficacy and safety of use in children. Caution should be used in persons with heart disease. Irunin is a prescription drug, so the use should be supervised by a doctor.

How to choose thrush pills for men

A male yeast infection leads to balanitis, which is inflammation of the tip (glans) of the penis. Typical symptoms of a male yeast infection include the following:

  • redness, itching and burning on the glans penis and under the foreskin;
  • white discharge from the site of infection, resembling cottage cheese;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • it is difficult to move the foreskin;
  • pain and irritation during sex;
  • pain when urinating.

If a man suspects thrush, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to rule out the possibility of an STI and confirm that the problem is a yeast infection. Candidiasis can usually be diagnosed based on the symptoms and appearance of the site of infection, as well as using a potassium hydroxide preparation to look at the yeast under a microscope.

After determining the fungal infection, drugs are selected depending on the age of the man, the location of the affected area, the severity of the condition and concomitant diseases. If these are sexual infections, the treatment is carried out in parallel with the partner, for the duration of therapy, sex without a condom is excluded.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions about the choice of drugs against the fungus and the treatment of thrush in men pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Olga Zorina.

Why can there be thrush in men?

In most cases, yeast infections in men are caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Yeast is a type of fungus. Candida Albicans is a natural resident of your body. In a warm, humid environment, opportunistic fungus is able to grow faster than your body’s immune defenses can control it. This can lead to yeast overgrowth. Places where fungal infections are usually activated:

● mouth, throat and esophagus – yeast infections here are commonly referred to as oral thrush;

● folds on the skin, in the armpits or between the fingers;

● area under the foreskin and on the head of the penis.

Factors that increase the chance of a yeast infection include:

● poor hygiene of the intimate area and the whole body, oral cavity;

● obesity, as folds in the skin create good conditions for the development of thrush;

● diabetes mellitus, because high blood sugar can help intensify yeast infections;

● a weakened immune system, for example, as a result of severe infections such as HIV infection, cancer treatment, or immunosuppressive drugs;

● prolonged use of antibiotics.

Is thrush a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

Thrush is not considered an STI, but men can sometimes get thrush from intercourse with a woman who has a yeast infection. In this case, both partners need treatment so that there are no complications.

When should you call an ambulance?

The disease does not require emergency care. Thrush is not a life-threatening condition, unless we are talking about cancer patients or people with end-stage AIDS. But these patients are usually treated for the fungus in a hospital.

What to do if a man has thrush?

It is important to consult a doctor, determine the exact diagnosis and be treated under the supervision of a specialist. After taking the drugs and against the background of therapy, a number of activities that are carried out at home will be recommended.

Can I treat myself?

Self-medication should not be practiced, but there are a number of recommendations that are necessary during therapy. Using an antifungal cream should bring the infection under control within a couple of weeks. Sex should be avoided so as not to irritate the area and spread the infection to a partner. If a man has sex, be sure to use a condom.

After the infection clears up, the following steps should be taken to prevent candidiasis from recurring:

● be sure to retract the foreskin and thoroughly wash the head of the penis every day;

● do not use deodorants, talcum powder, scented soaps or body washes on the penis and foreskin as they may cause irritation;

● wear loose cotton clothing to avoid creating a warm, humid environment for yeast to thrive, avoid wearing tight spandex or nylon shorts and tight jeans.

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