Best Task Schedulers 2022
These programs can greatly simplify any work, especially during the period of self-isolation. The best task planners in 2022 and what they can do, KP will tell

Keeping track of your to-do list or daily routine on a paper sheet is no longer very relevant, and even less convenient. A digital tracker of your tasks and plans may be the answer, but how do you find the right one that will fully meet your needs?

Luckily, many task scheduling apps offer full-fledged features that are often free and available for iOS and Android devices. We have selected 9 of the most optimal and convenient applications for planning a daily routine and tracking tasks that are available for download in 2022.

Top 9 rating according to KP


A is a great app with a clean and simple interface that provides quick and easy task management and even integrates with the iOS Reminders app. So you can tell Siri a reminder and it will show up in However, syncing only works in one direction: deleting tasks from won’t remove it from the iPhone Reminders app, but if you’re using as your primary app, this won’t be a problem. There are also additional handy features such as automatic sorting of grocery lists and a “planner of the day” to help prioritize tasks.

Synchronization between PC, tablet and phone is another nice addition to iOS and Android support. Upgrading to the premium version requires a monthly fee of $3,50 for Android and $5 for iOS, but it expands the app experience with unlimited recurring tasks, color-coded labels and checkboxes, location reminders, and 100GB of file storage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Good smartphone integration, cross-platform
Color palette only in the paid version

Google Play

App Store

2. Google Tasks

Google Tasks as simple as a paper to-do list. It’s a stunningly minimalistic and well-designed app that does exactly what it’s supposed to do and nothing more. You can create tasks, describe them, and then add subtasks. They appear in a bulleted list, and you can mark each subtask as completed when the time is right. Each task is below the list, and there is no limit to the number of lists you can create.

You can have a shopping list, a to-do list, and more. In exchange for the simplicity of Google Tasks, we lose some of the deeper tags and organizational features you might find in other apps. Google Tasks is available on iOS and Android. If you use Gmail on the web, you can see an overview of your tasks on the right side of the interface, next to the Calendar and Google Keep apps.

Advantages and disadvantages

Free, simple interface
Limited detailing and planning options

Google Play

App Store

3 Todoist

If you need a dedicated to-do list app, then go to T worth a look. This is one of the largest applications with a huge number of users and proven efficiency over the years. You can sign up with your Facebook profile or Google account, and getting started is as easy as entering your first task and hitting submit.

You can set a deadline, as well as assign a priority to a task, or put it in a group of similar tasks. Completion involves ticking a checkbox next to a task, and there is a certain amount of satisfaction in that action and its animation. Task reminder settings, additional active projects, task comments, and automatic backups are all extra features, and a Todoist Premium subscription will net you about $29 per year. However, if you’ve tried it and think it’s worth it, then $29 is reasonable for the annual price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Popularity, a large number of settings
Limited functionality in the free version

Google Play

App Store

4. Evernote

Evernote is another task list that contains many other options, and at the same time, this is a note-taking application. It supports multiple ways to take notes and reminders, including voice notes, full lists, and photos. However, Evernote takes it one step further with the ability to add videos and attach Word documents or PDFs to your lists. As with Google Keep, every time you add something to Evernote it will sync across all your devices, but unlike Keep, there is an option to access your files offline – but only if you pay for the Premium version .

Evernote is free with Evernote Basic, and costs $8/month or $70/year for Evernote Premium. But it has a whole host of additional options, such as offline access, additional storage, and the ability to add password support to lock your laptops. However, only you can decide if it’s worth your money or not, and we always recommend using the free version for a while to evaluate if it’s worth upgrading.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ability to attach media files, synchronization on all devices
Limited functionality in the free version

Google Play

App Store

5. Microsoft To-Do

Organizational tools rarely exist in a vacuum. If you’re connected to the Microsoft ecosystem with Outlook email and Office work, you might be interested to know that Microsoft has its own to-do app.

Microsoft To-Do, created by the Wunderlist team after Microsoft acquired the app in 2015. The product from the “small soft” is strikingly similar to Wunderlist – and that’s not bad; setting new tasks is easy and it offers pretty much the same in terms of tools and features. Microsoft To-Do is different in its emphasis on My Day, which is the idea that you start each day with a clean slate and take time at the beginning of each day to write down what you want to achieve for that day. It is a philosophy of life without fuss, and it aims to keep users focused on what is happening here and now. It’s not for everyone, and if you like to plan ahead, Microsoft To-Do allows that too. It even has a smart suggestion tool built in that will suggest tasks for you based on your previous entry.

It seems that in the future Microsoft To-Do will sync with Wunderlist and you will be able to import Wunderlist tasks if you switch from that app. In the future, integration with other Microsoft services is planned, which is also very convenient.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ease of use, synchronization with Microsoft services
Not all functionality is available yet

Google Play

App Store

6. Bear

If you prefer to keep your notes and to-do list together, Bear might be the perfect application.

There is a traditional menu bar that lets you format text, and there is also the option to use the stylus to make small, quick changes. You can also group lists and notes by hashtags, making it easy to find all your tasks. Bear is available for iOS, MacOS and WatchOS. You can use Bear for free, but if you want to sync your devices, you’ll have to pay $15 a year. Unfortunately, there is no Android app in development.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ease of use
Paid sync, iOS only

App Store

7. Ike

The application is supposedly based on the organizational method of the 34th President of the United States, Dwight Ike Eisenhower. The application core is based on priority; mark the most urgent tasks as such and build your day at work with the most important ones by forming a “priority matrix”.

This makes more sense as you get deeper into the application. You can attach images to tasks, which means that repetitive tasks become much more readable. You can also attach voice notes to tasks, set location-based reminders, and custom audio celebrations that play when a task is completed.

Upgrade to Ike Pro is a one-time $2 payment that gives you access to location reminders, audio recording, and all custom tags, plus a few extra features.

Advantages and disadvantages

Inexpensive Pro version, interesting approach to task priority
Limited opportunity for long-term planning

Google Play

8. Habitica: Gamify Your Tasks

You might think that a to-do list app can’t be very versatile – it’s not.

Habitat is a completely different approach to the to-do list, which becomes apparent from the moment you download the app. Instead of being asked to complete the first task, you will be asked to create a character. Habitica uses an RPG style game to motivate you to complete your daily tasks. Complete tasks and your character will gain experience and gold that can be spent on making him more powerful. Don’t try to cheat the system – based on a few questions asked during your character creation, Habitica will assign you a few tasks to get you started. Failing to complete your daily tasks and your avatar will take damage!

Habitica is a bit trickier to set up, with a system of different types of quests and rewards to sort through before you can really get started, but if you’re passionate about the idea, then it’s well worth the time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fascinating game-motivation, non-standard approach to tasks
Difficulty in setting

Google Play

App Store

9. Cal Calendar

Cal Calendar recently appeared on the mobile application market (Android, iOS). It is the brainchild of the development team and comes with impressive functionality and thoughtful design. The app comes with a lot of features including support for Exchange and Google Calendar, widgets, voice recording and more.

Cal Calendar has direct integration with Any.Do To-Do List which gives you a unique tandem of two apps. Besides advanced functionality, Cal Calendar is easy to use. Creating events is very simple and fast. Moreover, depending on the name of the event, the application automatically adds contacts and geolocation data to the description of the entry. You can even import your lists and entries from

Another nice thing is that this tool is available for free, so you can use it without spending a dime on the software.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sync with, easy to use, free
– More calendar features than task scheduler

Google Play

How to choose a task scheduler

All the apps in this article are great task management tools, but at the same time they are very different. We all have our own way of working and our own requirements, so it’s up to you to decide which of these applications suits your needs to the fullest.

To do this, we recommend comparing each application according to the following criteria:

  1. Cross-platform. The number of platforms each app is available on.
  2. Performance Incentive Features. Availability of key productivity features and the chips they provide.
  3. Ease of use. Simplicity and intuitiveness of the application interface and its functions.
  4. The best ratio of price and quality. How many features do you get for the paid version, and do you really need it.

We hope that now you know which to-do list/task management apps will be useful for you, and now choosing the right tool for your needs will become much easier. Even if you don’t end up using one of the recommendations on this list, you should have a clear idea of ​​what apps are available and which ones will work best.

Most of the apps in this article have free versions that you can use to try them out for yourself – so download the ones you think have potential and see how you get on.

Once you’ve found your favorite to-do list app, you can switch to a more productive workflow and start adding other productivity tools to your arsenal.

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