Best sunscreen: how to make sun exposure safe

Let’s be clear right away: sunscreen is not the one that instantly turns you into a mulatto, but the one that makes contact with the sun safe. We’ll show you how to choose the best sunscreen, according to the editors of Healthy-Food, and how to use it correctly.

Why you need sunscreen

Special skin cells melanocytes under the influence of sunlight produce the pigment melanin. And he, in turn, is a natural screen that protects against ultraviolet radiation. True, with prolonged exposure to the sun, melanin alone is not enough.

Natural protection is enough for 15-20 minutes. If you spend more time on the beach, you will need an SPF cream, otherwise you will not avoid burns and less noticeable, but no less dangerous tissue damage.

Suntan cream:

  • protects against sunburn;

  • slows down the process of photoaging;

  • prevents the appearance of pigmentation;

  • moisturizes.

The sun provokes photoaging, so a protective cream is a must.

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Sun: friend or foe?

Be that as it may, we need the sun no less than air and water. You probably noticed that on warm clear days you want to smile, you feel a surge of strength and vigor? Nothing surprising. Under the influence of sunlight, vital processes occur in the body.

  • Vitamin D is synthesized, the deficiency of which leads to osteoporosis (brittle bones) and, according to the latest scientific data, to a decrease in immunity. This vitamin is especially important for residents of northern latitudes, who are deprived of sunlight for six months or more.

  • Increases the density of the epidermis and its resistance to aggressive effects.

  • The hormones of good mood are produced – endorphins.

  • Increased resistance to seasonal depression.

All of the above is relevant if you know how to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun. Otherwise, potential good will turn into evil.
  • If you stay in the sun for a long time without protective equipment, you are more likely to get burned.

  • UV rays cause premature aging of the skin by destroying fibroblasts, cells that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

  • An unreasonable attitude to the sun increases the risk of melanoma.

Check if you know how to use sunscreen.

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How does sunscreen work

The main task of products with SPF is to protect the skin from sunburn with the help of a special “shield” that can reflect or absorb UV radiation. For this purpose, two types of filters are added to the formulas:

  1. physical;

  2. chemical.

Physical filters (mineral screens)

These include:

  1. titanium dioxide;

  2. zinc oxide.

Physical filters work on the surface of the skin: they create a protective layer from which rays are reflected. These substances are safe, hypoallergenic, but very easy to wash off.

The textures of products with mineral screens are not the most comfortable – dense, poorly distributed and absorbed, leaving white streaks. Such filters do not have a care function.

Modern products protect against broad spectrum UV radiation

Chemical (organic) filters

Benzoates, parsol 1789, octocrylene and other substances of organic origin are absorbed into the stratum corneum of the epidermis and provoke a chemical reaction, turning harmful UV radiation into relatively harmless heat.

Such filters make the texture of the cream lighter, more comfortable, non-sticky. But during a chemical reaction that neutralizes UV rays, the filter itself is destroyed, that is, its protection is short-lived.

What should be the best sunscreen?

  • Be labeled UVA or broad-spectrum (against a wide spectrum of radiation);

  • Contain complex of physical and chemical filters (usually several items of each);

  • Быть convenient to use, as on the beach it needs to be updated every 2 hours.

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Degree of protection in tanning products

Dermatologists never tire of repeating: SPF cream should be used 365 days a year. In order to choose it, you need to understand the inscriptions on the labels. So what do the abbreviations SPF, PPD, PI mean?


Stands for Sun Protection Factor (sun protection factor) and shows how much the product reduces the amount of UVB rays that enter the skin.

SPF 50+ indicates that the cream blocks more than 98% of type B rays, which not only show a tan, but also cause burns.


If you bought a sunscreen in Asia, the abbreviation will look like PI. This factor indicates the degree of protection from UVA rays, which means it protects the skin from photoaging, hyperpigmentation and other more dangerous changes.

The maximum PPD that scientists have been able to create to date is 42. For an adult, a factor equal to 8 and above is considered safe and sufficient.

It is not the number itself that matters, but the ratio of SPF and PPD levels of the product. It should tend to 2,5 or 3. If this proportion is observed, the tube is labeled UVA or Broad Spectrum (broad spectrum protection).

Choose sunscreen based on your phototype

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How to choose a sunscreen by phototype

You are probably familiar with the concept of phototype: this term refers to the individual sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Using the Fitzpatrick phototype table, you can determine which one you belong to.

Table of phototypes

PhototypeFeaturesRequired SPF
CelticPractically does not tan, there are not enough melanocytes in the skin that could produce a significant amount of pigment.50 and 50+
European NordicSometimes he tans, but more often he burns. The skin is light, the hair is light or dark blond, the eyes are light.50
Central EuropeanThere are enough melanocytes in the tissues. It tans well, but it can burn. The skin is light, without freckles, the eyes are light or brown.The first days of exposure to the sun – 50, then you can reduce protection to 30.
MediterraneanPerfectly tans, never burns. The skin is swarthy, the eyes and hair are dark.For maximum protection, you need SPF 50, but SPF 30 is enough.
IndonesianPerfectly tans, does not burn. The skin is swarthy, the eyes and hair are dark.20
АфриканскийNever burns.20
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The composition of the sunscreen

An effective beach cream should first of all include protective filters:

  1. physical: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide;

  2. chemical: benzoates, parsol 1789, octocrylene, mexoryl SX, mexoryl XL, etc.

Sometimes manufacturers add skin care ingredients:

  • moisturizing agents (aloe juice);

  • antioxidants (vitamin E, baicalin, green tea extract);

  • oils, for example, shea butter.

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Rules for applying sunscreen

Like any cosmetic product, SPF cream is used according to certain rules.

Renew your sunscreen every two hours

Don’t save

Sunscreen is applied in a thick layer. For example, one arm requires about 5 ml of the product, and 15-20 ml per leg. For clarity:

  • for the face – a teaspoon;

  • for chest and abdomen – dining room;

  • the same amount on the back and arms;

  • for each leg – about a tablespoon.

Be meticulous

Do not forget to apply the cream to areas of the skin that are not always visible:

  • Feet;

  • popliteal fossa;

  • areas under the straps of clothing;

  • ears;

  • chin and lower jaw;

  • hairline.

By the way, light summer T-shirts let through about 80% of UV rays, so before getting dressed, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin.

Keep track of time

Because chemical sunscreens only work when absorbed into the skin, apply sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going outside.

Whether you are swimming or relaxing on the beach, reapply a layer of cream every 2 hours. This is the law.

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Note to expectant mothers

During pregnancy, UV protection is especially important to prevent the characteristic pigmentation that can occur due to hormonal changes. Choose unscented products with the highest possible protection factor. And do not show up on the beach during the hottest hours – from 11.00 to 16.00.

At sea, it is better to spend time under an awning or in the dense shade of trees.

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Safety measures

There is only one warning here – do not use an expired product. And in general, in the new season it is worth changing the creams bought last year for new ones, with the packaging not yet opened. The exception is hermetically sealed sprays.

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Top 5 Best Sun Creams

Why does Healthy-Food consider these tanning creams to be the best? Because they meet the basic requirements that we place on sunscreen: broad spectrum UV protection, comfortable texture, reliable sunscreens and high SPF.

Capital Ideal Soleil Moisturizing Spray Veil, SPF 50, Vichy

Contains physical and chemical UVA+ UVB filters, vitamin E, Vichy Spa thermal water. Shake well before use. Apply to skin before going outside.

Milk for face and body Anthelios XL, SPF 50+, La Roche-Posay

Thanks to the Mexoplex solar filter system and senna alata extract, it provides enhanced protection against UVA/UVB rays. Reapply every two hours during prolonged sun exposure.

Extra Protection Sun Milk, SPF 30, L’Oréal Paris

Mexoryl SX filter system, long UVA filters, antioxidants protect the skin from photoaging. Apply just before sun exposure. Reapply regularly after swimming, toweling or exercising.

Sun milk for face and body 50+, Garnier

The composition includes filters from broad spectrum rays (types A and B), shea butter. The product does not leave marks on clothes. Try to reapply every two hours.

Sun milk “Expert Protection”, SPF 50+, Garnier

Use with UVA+ UVB filters and Vitamin E 20 minutes before going outside, reapply every two hours.

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