Best red caviar in 2022
Historical paradox: throughout history, caviar was considered an offal and was consumed most often by fishermen. Then universal recognition came – largely thanks to emigrants. We present the rating of the best producers of red caviar according to Healthy Food Near Me

An important nuance for such a product as red caviar is the place of packaging. All caviar that is sold in our stores today is mined exclusively in the Far East. Further, the manufacturer has two options. The first, which allows you to achieve maximum preservation of freshness, is to immediately preserve and prepare the product for sale. And then take it to the shops of our vast.

However, storage and transportation technologies allow producers to resort to the second method: to pack caviar not in the usual cans for the buyer, but in shipping containers in order to send the products to a plant in Central Our Country. And already here arrange it in jars. In some cases, it is more cost-effective for the business.

For transportation, caviar needs to be frozen: and here again the company has two ways – “sparing” cooling to about -4 degrees, or shock freezing. GOSTs and sanitary standards do not prohibit this. But at the same time, it is clear that such a delicate product as red caviar, traveling around the country, loses both freshness and elastic texture. Therefore, in the top of our ranking of the best producers, we placed those producers who prefer packaging at the place of catch. Or do not use shock freezing.

To make it easier for you to choose, Healthy Food Near Me tells about the best producers of red caviar in 2022.

Top 10 producers of red caviar according to KP

When preparing the rating, we considered products according to several criteria:

  • public reviews;
  • value for money;
  • availability in stores;
  • the completeness of the information that the brand provides on the packaging.

1. “Tunaycha”

It is named after the Sakhalin Lake, where the company began to fish a quarter of a century ago. Now it is a large company with access to international markets, which also fishes in the bays of the Sea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbOkhotsk. Do not be alarmed if you see the name “Sakhalin Product” on the bank – this is the company’s distributor. Caviar is sold in various packages, from cans and glass to XNUMXkg plastic buckets. Packed at the place of catch within one to two hours after production.

A clear indication of which fish caviar is in the package, there are products without preservatives at all.
High price.
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2. “Very”

The Putina company delivers caviar to its production facilities directly from Sakhalin. Packaging takes place at the plant in Novosibirsk or St. Petersburg. She also has jars under her own brand with a specific type of fish, but the best reviews are about the Very brand. Although its composition uses a more general concept of “salmon caviar”. Sold in glass jars of 160, 260 and 490 grams in popular chain hypermarkets. Despite the large volume, the price is quite affordable when compared with the cost of a classic can of 90-100 grams.

Elastic eggs in a jar, large packaging at an adequate price.
Complaints about an unsuccessful lid, the label says that the preservation method “complies with EU standards”, but there are no descriptions and confirmations.
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3. “Meridian”

A company from Moscow, production began to work in Soviet times. A popular brand of a variety of fish products, which are presented in ordinary supermarkets. Red caviar is packaged in cans (140 g) or glass (90, 115, 210, 310, 450, 600 g). The two largest form factors are equipped with a large yoke. On some packages, in the line “Ingredients” it says that pink salmon caviar is inside, while on others it is more streamlined – “salmon caviar”. Also, glycerin is added to some glass jars, which is not prohibited by GOST. However, other participants in the ranking of the best producers of red caviar in 2022 somehow manage without it.

Easy to find on sale, large selection of jar sizes.
Many complaints about excessive salinity, E400 (glycerin) in the composition.
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4. “ROK-1”

The caviar of this fish processing holding from St. Petersburg can be found under the brand name “A’more” or “ROK”. There are two types of items on sale. The first is “Elite” in cans (120 g) or glass (60, 114, 200, 300, 500 g). The second one is devoid of a premium prefix and is simply called “Grained Salmon Caviar”. But it is released either in small glass jars of 90 grams, or in plastic packages weighing up to 1000 grams. However, it is difficult to find such containers in ordinary stores – this is a form for restaurants, which means you need to look for them in markets, wholesale depots or specialty stores. Interestingly, the composition of both types of products are identical.

“Elite” packages look presentable, without excess liquid.
A marketing ploy with two names of the same product should be looked for in stores.
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5. ” Sea”

This is the brand of the well-known manufacturer “Santa Bremor”. The catalog has a decent selection of salmon caviar. On sale cans of 90 or 140 grams and a ruler in glass jars from 95 to 500 grams. Found in most chain stores. Unfortunately, due to its wide popularity, it is often faked – conclusions about this can be drawn based on reviews. People buy the same package of caviar in different stores, but stumble upon products of radically different quality. So be careful. Although caviar is produced in the Moscow region, however, the manufacturer honestly indicates if the batch is made from raw ice cream. Try to purchase with the indication “first grade” on the package – these eggs have not been subjected to shock freezing.

There is a separate sale of caviar of pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, in the vast majority of reviews there are no complaints about the taste.
The price is higher than the market average, a lot of liquid from broken eggs.
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6. Globus

The caviar is made by the Putin company, already familiar to us, especially for a large retailer. Therefore, unfortunately, you can meet it only in the stores of this network or in small private departments on the periphery of cities that buy goods in these hypermarkets. However, many consumers call this red caviar the best. Roskachestvo also included it in the top during the analysis of popular manufacturers. It is sold in neat 90 or 250 gram tin cans, as well as in classic tin, but in a volume of 140 grams with a convenient storage lid.

The composition indicates the species of caviar (i.e. which fish it belongs to), convenient lids and packaging.
Sold only in stores of its network, much more expensive than analogues.
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7. Oyster 

Previously, the brand was called Fresh fish. This company selects suppliers and resells seafood under its own brand. It relies on deliveries to restaurants and sale in its own online market, as well as through intermediaries – other virtual platforms for ordering products. There is caviar of chum salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon. The minimum purchase amount is 250 grams. The product is delivered in plastic containers. There are production sites both in the Far East (Kamchatka) and in Moscow. In the reviews, buyers note that there is no excess juice in the jar, and the eggs are so whole that each one is felt in the mouth.

Large, elastic eggs, products of a fresh catch.
One type of packaging, hard to find in a convenience store.

8. “Made at sea”

We will not talk for a long time about the packaging options for this red caviar: on sale you can only find laconic cans of 140 grams. Produced at a factory in St. Petersburg. Refers to the first grade caviar according to GOST, which is considered the best (for more details, see below in the block “How to choose red caviar”). Sold in both online stores and ordinary supermarkets. Not cheap, however, the product is quite worthy.

Moderately salty, the jar is filled to the brim with caviar without excess “juice”.
Fragile lid ring, small eggs.
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9. “Tungutun”

Manufacturer “North-East Company LTD”, which is located in Moscow. If this is not the best red caviar, then certainly a strong average. More often it is sold in neat glass jars of 90 or 230 grams or tins of 140 grams. For some reason, the latter type of packaging has more negative feedback. It is on sale in almost all retailers. Some packages indicate the species of fish – pink salmon caviar.

Common product, natural taste.
Suspicious regularity: reviews for caviar in glass jars are better than for the same product in cans, the main complaint concerns a large number of bursting eggs.
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10. Fish World

Fish canning plants on the territory of New Moscow and Vladivostok. The brand has won dozens of distinctions at professional trade shows. It makes caviar for its own brands of chains and operates under its own brand. It produces products in glass (90, 100, 200, 230, 350, 500, 600 grams), half-kilogram plastic containers and numerous cans (90-140 grams). Note that on some packaging the company indicates the name of the fish, while in others it simply writes “salmon”.

Passed the safety tests of “Roskachestvo” and “Roskontrol”, reasonable price.
There is not enough salt in the taste, most of the positive reviews for this brand concern caviar packaged in the Far East, and not in Moscow, which indicates insufficiently stable transportation conditions.
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How to choose red caviar

To make the material more useful, we talked to a person who has been in charge of the production in which red caviar is harvested for 15 years. About the rules for choosing a delicacy ” Healthy Food Near Me” told Zhanna Kurkova, senior foreman of caviar workshop.


In 2022, 100 grams of red caviar in retail stores outside the Far East cannot cost less than 220-250 rubles. This is due to the selling price at which fishermen sell raw materials to factories. Plus, add the markup for packaging, logistics, store and manufacturer profits. Anything less than the specified mark should cause healthy suspicion.


The tin can is considered canonical. But lately there are more and more glass vessels on the shelves. And if we are talking about a large amount of caviar (200-500 grams), then they can also be packaged in a plastic container.

It is preferable to choose glass. First, the material does not adversely affect the content. Secondly, the consumer can carefully consider the delicacy. Pay attention to the shape of the eggs, and there should not be too much brine, otherwise it is called “juice”. Plaque, bubbles are a sign of a violation of packaging technology.

Be careful when purchasing red caviar by weight. You can carefully study it and even taste it, but be sure to ask the seller for documents and quality certificates.

About grades

GOST (1) distinguishes two varieties of red caviar. The first one is salted (4-6% of salt from the total mass of caviar) and chilled right at the place of catch. There are no clots, fish film and other “artifacts” in it. Such a product is more expensive. It consists strictly of caviar of one type of fish. That is, sockeye salmon with pink salmon cannot be mixed.

The second grade already contains up to 7-8% salt and has a less marketable appearance: bursting eggs, clots, the presence of liquid. As a rule, it is frozen after being caught and sent to the factory, where it is defrosted (that is, defrosted) and then packed.

But it is interesting that caviar can generally be produced not according to GOST, but according to TU – technical conditions. Manufacturers can install them themselves. The paradox is that some companies may impose stricter requirements on products than GOST, while others, on the contrary, make concessions.

Perfect composition

For preservation, various food antiseptics are sometimes added to caviar. They are not dangerous to humans, but they negatively affect the taste. You can recognize the additive by unpleasant bitterness in the aftertaste. Sodium benzoate (E211) and sorbic acid (E200) are considered the least taste-altering. It is rather problematic to find caviar without preservatives (only with salt and vegetable oil) on sale in regions outside the Far East. If you met such a product in the Urals or in Central Our Country, then it was definitely subjected to shock freezing. This is not bad, provided that the defrosting process has been carried out in the right way.

Storage and expiration date

It is best to take banks on which the date of harvesting (working out) is indicated in the second half of summer. After all, salmon spawning occurs in July-August. 12 months – the deadline for the conservation of caviar. Already at the end of the allotted time, it acquires a more viscous consistency, begins to taste bitter. And caviar is very sensitive to storage conditions. Ideally, it should be stored at -4 … -6 degrees Celsius. But in a domestic refrigerator it is usually +4, and in a freezer it is much colder. However, canned caviar is normally stored in a conventional refrigerator. But if you buy by weight, then keep in mind that within three days the product must be eaten.

Sources of

  1. GOST 18173-2004. Salmon caviar granular jar. URL:

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