Best radios 2022
The radio in 2022 looks like a somewhat old-fashioned device. But the best of them are in steady demand. If you are thinking about buying a receiver, we will tell you how to choose the right model

The radios seemed to be frozen in time. For example, on sale you can find models that have been stamped almost unchanged for two decades. The radio industry did not even reach its peak in the 90s, when mobile phones began to crowd them out. But the receivers are still on sale. In the conditions of Our Country, radio often becomes almost the only source of information in remote places. But there is also the older generation, for whom the little box mumbling in the kitchen is the same attribute of home comfort as the luminous TV screen. In short, it is too early to bury this class of devices. So let’s take a look at what you can buy in the store right now.

Top 10 rating according to KP

Editor’s Choice

1. Panasonic RF-3500 (average price 3300 rubles)

An unfading classic from the Japanese company Panasonic. The RF-3500 is relatively expensive compared to its competitors, but this is a price to pay for indestructibility and impeccable quality. Albeit with a rather gloomy appearance straight from the 90s. This thing weighs 650g but has a very usable 10cm speaker. The frequency setting here is analog – a twist on the right side. The RF-3500 works with FM, LW, MW and HF. The reception is confident – there are legends that it is able to receive a signal even 100 km from the city. There is actually only one drawback – there is a 3,5 mm headphone output, but the sound will only go in mono mode. This is such a cute retro.

Unkillable, catches where other receivers are dumb
Not cheap, the sound in the headphones is only mono
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2. Tecsun PL-398MP (average price 6000 rubles)

Another legend from the world of radios, but of Chinese origin. Tecsun PL-398MP for radio lovers is a kind of “holy grail”. The price at which you can buy an inexpensive smartphone with the same FM receiver hints at the unusual status of the device. This is a very tiny receiver weighing less than 400 g, but with two speakers. Runs on two AA batteries. Interestingly, they can be charged directly in the receiver – there is such an opportunity. Tecsun PL-398MP receives a signal in the FM, VHF, DV, MW, HF bands. This kid calmly catches a wave 100 km from the radio tower. finally, there is a slot for an SD card, so you can play your own music, but the player here is primitive – for example, it doesn’t remember the position before turning it off, which means you can’t listen to audiobooks.

Excellent reception quality, charging, many additional functions
Exorbitant price, will have to look for sale
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3. Sony ICF-306 (average price 2500 rubles)

Sony is one of the few companies that has at least slightly refreshed the appearance of their radios. Although, this is how you look – in the Sony ICF-306 case, notes of the design of audio equipment from the 60s of the last century are guessed. So, we will assume that this is a kind of retro-futurism. The receiver is extremely simple – there is nothing but a radio. The ICF-306 even lacks an external antenna, so you shouldn’t expect good reception outside the cities. The receiver is powered by two AA batteries, please note that the device is simply not powered from the mains. The frequency here will have to be adjusted with the good old analog “lamb”, but for older people who are accustomed to the radio frequency scale, this is even a plus. They completely forgot about the sound – even though there is only one speaker, the audio is good here, and the sound is velvety and with a volume effect.

Cute, good sound
No external antenna – outside the city, reception can fail
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What other radios are worth paying attention to

4. Ritmix RPR-088 (average price 2200 rubles)

The receiver from the manufacturer, which is known to many as an ultra-budget. But the RPR-088 is not that cheap. Apparently, you have to pay for a deliberate retro appearance, which in the older generation of s will cause associations with the Soviet “Records”, “Speeds” and “Festivals”. However, there is nothing “warm and tube” in this model. But in the presence of USB, a slot for a memory card and Bluetooth. The latter greatly expands the functionality of the receiver – it can be used as an external wireless speaker for a smartphone. RPR-088 works both from batteries and from a power cord. The sound here, despite the two speakers, leaves much to be desired. Problems can also arise with setting the wave – the switch here is analog, but the twist is not made as high quality as that of more eminent competitors.

Lovers of antiquity will like it, a lot of non-radio functionality
The sound is so-so, there are complaints about the quality of the tuner
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5. Hyundai H-SRS200 (average price 1900 rubles)

Yes, Hyundai is not only a taxi driver’s car, but also a manufacturer of affordable household appliances. The company just has a whole mountain of radios for every taste. One of the most popular among buyers is the Hyundai H-SRS200. The appearance of the receiver can hardly be called pretty – it’s some kind of eclecticism. This thing only works on the FM and AM bands. By the way, the power here is only from the power cord, so you won’t be able to listen to your favorite wave in an open field. But there is USB and as many as two slots for SD and microSD memory cards / We don’t know why, but let it be. You can also listen to radio or music with the help of headphones, there is an audio jack here. The wave setting here is analog, using a massive twist. But it is massive only at first glance – users complain about the backlash. The manufacturer also messed with the frequency scale, it does not always coincide with what you will find on the open air.

A lot of things at once, good sound from the built-in speaker
Backlash of the wave twister and an indistinct scale of stations
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6. Bosch GML Soundboxx (average price 11 thousand rubles)

A very expensive radio receiver from the famous German company Bosch. The device can be called an accessory for fans of the instrument from the Germans. There is even compatibility with the branded L-BOXX case. The device does not just look massive – it is able to survive falling onto a concrete floor from a height of 1 m. The radio wave setting here is digital, so you won’t be able to make a mistake in the search. Working with peripherals here is completely entrusted to Aux-In – take a 3,5-3,5 wire and use the receiver with your smartphone as an external speaker. Although, for such a price, Bluetooth could also be supplied. There is also an on-screen clock. The sound is clear and even bassy – the stereo pair works as it should. Well, what can I say – the reception of radio channels at FM and AM frequencies is excellent.

Protected housing, excellent sound
For a radio, the price is fantastic
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7. SIGNAL ELECTRONICS RP-231 (average price 1400 rubles)

Another radio that plays on the nostalgia of the older generation. True, the appearance of the RP-231 already refers to the products of the 80s, the design of which largely repeated the Japanese cassette players. However, these are details. So, the radio works with four bands – FM, VHF, MW, HF. The frequency setting here is analog, using a twist. The assembly here is not of the highest quality, someone even in their hearts calls it a “Chinese basement”. But this is how lucky you are with a particular instance. Together with the SD and USB connectors, the manufacturer added LED backlighting. But not all users like this “light music”, and you can’t turn it off. The receiver copes well with “catching” the wave, even at a distance from the city. RP-231 works both from a network, and from batteries.

Appearance will appeal to those who are nostalgic for the audio equipment of the 80s, stably catches the signal
Assembly is not of the highest quality, non-switchable LED-backlight
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8. HARPER HDRS-033 (average price 1730 rubles)

A budget receiver that is quite popular with a buyer. Please note that it weighs a lot – 2,2 kg. In part, this can be justified by the built-in battery. Interestingly, there is still a place for batteries, but there is no mains power. Well, if not, you connect to the charging, here you have work from the wire. HDRS-033 receives stations on FM, MW, HF. Analog frequency setting. There is a strange story with the sound in this receiver – there are two speakers, but the model, for some reason, cannot play the radio in stereo. Some users complain about background hiss when working offline. There are SD and USB slots. The receiver even has a built-in player, but directory navigation leaves much to be desired.

Built-in battery, works like a player
Weird sound, unreasonably heavy
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9. Perfeo Sound Ranger SV922 (average price 1100 rubles)

A very affordable and lightweight (only 160 grams!) radio receiver, which is in great demand among a poor buyer. Despite its price tag, the frequency setting here is digital. Receives station device on FM and VHF. Mains power is not possible, but BL-5C batteries are used here as an energy source (yes, those from classic Nokia handsets). Despite the miniature size, there was a place on the case for a 3,5 mm audio jack, an SD card and a USB connector. However, there is a problem with most radios that can read audio from media – there is no navigation, and the last file does not remember after turning it off. Well, you can’t deceive physics – a small receiver does not like poor signal reception, so it’s not easy to catch something outside the city. However, there are four color options to choose from.

Compactness, accessibility
The signal is good only in the city
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10. BZRP RP-322 (average price 2200 rubles)

Another “Chinese” who plays on the nostalgic feelings of fellow citizens for domestic audio equipment. A piece, not to say light – a mass of 2 kg. There is a built-in battery, it can work from batteries and from the mains. There are two speakers and, according to the manufacturer, their total power reaches 6 watts. Perhaps, but the final sound quality is far from the standard. In addition, the creators have made a compressed tuning scale, which is why it is not easy to “feel” the desired wave with an analog twist. Well, there is SD, USB and even Bluetooth.

Good feature set, built-in battery
Not very convenient wave setting, the sound could be better
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How to choose a radio receiver

The radio receiver is a thing well known for several generations. We literally grew up with him. Although the popularity of broadcast radio is steadily declining, receivers are still being bought. But now we will tell you how to choose and what to look for together with Alexander Sabinsky, engineer and radio amateur.


Here you need to decide where and how you will use the radio. A stationary one is also suitable for the kitchen – it is larger, works from the network and allows you to catch stations well (at least in FM). If it is supposed to go out somewhere with the receiver at least occasionally or move between rooms, then you need to look in the direction of portable ones. Here, both dimensions and weight are sane, and normal battery operation. But often you have to pay with the quality of sound and reception. The most compact are handheld devices. Probably, everyone has seen grandfather in public transport, leaning his ear to a small box. This is what pocket radios are. The functionality in them is often maximally truncated, but they are compact and autonomous.

Radio wave range

Here the situation is quite difficult. It just so happened that from the “zero” on-air radio stations began to massively switch to the ultra-shortwave FM range. Today, it is there that all the “live” activity of broadcasting stations is concentrated. FM, of course, is supported by all modern radios. If your interests in receiving radio waves are a little wider than just listening to Sofia Rotaru and the evening news, then look for long-wave and medium-wave receivers. But this is already a topic for enthusiasts.


With mains power, everything is clear – the receiver has a socket for a 220 V cord. An alternative to it can be, for example, such a round plug, as was used in mobile phones in the “zero”, and the most advanced ones are powered by microUSB. The latter is often found in those models where the manufacturer has installed a built-in battery. But this, in my opinion, is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, no need to bother with batteries. But on the other hand, manufacturers often save on batteries and put not very high quality ones. They can swell over time and damage the device. So the most acceptable choice is D or AA batteries.

Additional functions

In order to somehow revive sales for more than a year, support for memory cards, a USB port or Bluetooth have been added to radio receivers. As for me, this is completely unnecessary – the older generation will not figure it out, and young people have a smartphone with a wireless speaker.

That’s really handy – it’s a digital tuner. With it, you can accurately get on the desired wave, simply by dialing the numbers. For example, 97.2 FM radio ” Healthy Food Near Me”. But for the elderly with buttons, it may also be difficult – they are more familiar with a twist.

Or maybe the Internet?

If you will only use the receiver in a room where there is access to wireless Internet, then you can think about Internet radio. Now on the market there are many models that go online about Wi-Fi. And there the quality of reception is completely different, and there is a huge selection of stations, including foreign ones.

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