best face cream for acne

Today we will talk about acne creams. Do they really help? And if so, by what components? And what is the difference between an anti-acne cream for teenage skin and a similar remedy for mature skin? Let’s look at the acne creams that Healthy-Food considers the best.

Causes of Acne

Acne is not just acne, but a serious inflammatory disease of the sebaceous hair follicles. Enlarged sebaceous glands produce an excess amount of fat that accumulates in the mouths of the hair canal. A sebaceous plug is formed – an ideal breeding ground for acne bacteria, and an inflammatory process begins in the pores. This is how acne occurs.

What are the main causes of acne?

Effect of hormones

One of the main reasons for the increased production of sebum is the high level of male sex hormones androgens or the increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. Up to 25 years of age, skin problems due to unstable hormonal levels are considered a normal variant, but it is important to consider that even at a more mature age there are factors that can affect the production of sex hormones, such as pregnancy, menopause, or prolonged stress.

Check if you are taking care of problem skin properly.


Hyperkeratosis is expressed in the inability of the skin to get rid of dead cells in time and their accumulation on the surface of the epidermis. This prevents the free exit of sebum to the surface of the skin and the formation of sebaceous plugs in the hair ducts. To avoid this, you should use exfoliating products and do not neglect deep cleansing procedures in salons.

Features of food

According to the results of numerous studies, an excess of carbohydrates in the diet (white flour baked goods, snacks and desserts) increases the activity of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, provokes the appearance of acne. Science has not yet officially recognized this fact, but reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates in any case does not hurt.

Improper care

We list the most common mistakes that owners of oily skin make when caring for it.

  1. Overdry the skin, wanting to get rid of excessive shine with the help of aggressive cleansers. This leads to dehydration and flaking, and also provokes increased production of sebum.

  2. Used to care for irritated, overdried skin, a thick nourishing cream that clogs pores.

  3. The pores are clogged, the oily sheen has intensified, and the skin is again cleaned, for example, with alcohol-containing products. This creates a vicious circle that needs to be broken.

Rating: 6 best creams for acne, blackheads and acne

What is the best acne cream? Effective cosmetics against imperfections do not just dry out pimples, but fight inflammation and have sebum-regulating properties. It is these products that are presented in the list of acne creams – the best, according to the editors of Healthy-Food.

5-in-1 Hyaluronic Aloe Care BB Cream, Combination to Oily Skin, SPF 25, Garnier evens out skin tone, visibly reduces acne, mattifies thanks to “smart” mineral pigments. As befits a BB cream, it includes SPF 25 sunscreen.

Day corrective care double action Normaderm Phytosolution, Vichy

As part of the care probiotic Bifidus, hyaluronic acid, salicylic acid and Vichy thermal water. Working together, these substances help to hydrate and protect the skin barrier. Imperfections, enlarged pores, blackheads disappear. The skin looks much better.

Effaclar Duo(+), La Roche-Posay Corrective Tinting Cream-Gel for Oily Problematic Acne-Prone Skin

In just 12 hours, it visibly reduces imperfections, as well as masks them and prevents the formation of new ones. The composition includes Aqua Posae Filiformis, mannose, as well as a complex of salicylic and lipohydroxy acids, Procerad ceramide.

Corrective emulsion Effaclar K +, La Roche-Posay

The tool helps to normalize the production of sebum and absorbs its excess, prevents the formation of black spots, mattifies up to 8 hours. The incredible lightness of the texture and mattifying effect are provided by the Airlicium molecule, consisting of 99% air and 1% silicon. Active ingredients have a caring effect: vitamin E, carnosine, salicylic acid, lipohydroxy acid.

Highly effective night care cream with retinol Retinol 0,3, SkinCeuticals

The cream reduces the visible signs of photodamage, tightens pores, reduces the visibility of wrinkles, improves skin texture, stimulates its renewal. Used in the evening! Contains pure encapsulated retinol.

Cream-gel anti-aging for problem skin Normaderm, Vichy

It perfectly moisturizes the skin and reduces imperfections, and also has an anti-aging effect. Contains exfoliating glycolic acid, lipohydroxy acid, vitamin C.

How to choose an acne cream

Acne creams may contain acids, zinc, sulfur, and minerals.

Questions that most often concern those who suffer from blackheads, acne, pimples: is it possible to buy acne cream on the face in a pharmacy, is there a cream for acne and blackheads, which ones really help?

There is no definite answer to these questions, but it can definitely be said that when choosing a cream for acne and blackheads, some nuances should be taken into account.


In adulthood, the epidermis begins to lose lipids, which are important for maintaining the protective hydrolipid mantle of the skin, which prevents the evaporation of water. Accordingly, the skin becomes more sensitive and vulnerable.

Having overcome the 30-year milestone, you can try creams that clogged pores at the age of 18. Now their dense texture will most likely suit you.

Degree of damage

Acne is a serious condition and should be treated under the guidance of a doctor. If the problem is no longer in a few acne and clogged pores, but in cystic inflammation, do not self-medicate, make an appointment with a dermatologist. A specialist will help alleviate the skin condition and prescribe an effective acne cream.


Conventionally, creams for problem skin can be divided into exfoliating and anti-inflammatory, but these functions can be combined in one remedy. The best exfoliators are retinol and acids. Dermatologists recommend actively using them only during the period of inactive sun (from October to March).

Ingredients of acne cream

Below is a list of ingredients to look out for when reading the label of a cream for problem skin.

  • Zinc regulates sebum production and has an antibacterial effect.

  • Absorbents (silicon, perlite, kaolin) matte the skin and deeply cleanse from fat and impurities.

  • Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) stimulate cell renewal, thereby correcting the tone and relief of the skin, fighting inflammation and hyperkeratosis – a pathological growth of the stratum corneum.

  • Niacinamide (vitamin B3) soothes and relieves irritation, improves microcirculation.

  • Salicylic acid (BHA) dissolves the “glue” that holds dead epidermis particles and excess sebum.

  • Hydroxy acids, such as lipohydroxy acid, glycolic, lactic, almond, make the skin renew itself faster. Align the relief and prevent clogging of pores.

  • Talc slows down the activity of the sebaceous glands and mattifies.

Most importantly, don’t forget to use a high-protection sunscreen every day, as retinol and acids increase skin photosensitivity.

How to prevent acne on the face

There is nothing complicated in the prevention of acne.

  • Skin care starts with moisturizing – choose a cream according to your skin type and remember to use it daily in the morning and evening.

  • Creams with acids will help in a timely manner to get rid of unnecessary cargo in the form of dead cells that interfere with the normal regulation of sebum.

  • Soothing creams will tidy up the skin when cleansing is too aggressive and exfoliation is traumatic.

Prevention of acne in teenagers

Acne can appear in both adolescence and adulthood.

Acne in teenagers most often occurs due to hormonal instability. You can only discuss all related issues with a dermatologist, and we, for our part, can only give some good advice on skin care in adolescence.
  • Proper skin cleansing: do not go to bed with cosmetics on your face, do not forget to wash your face after training and physical education classes.

  • Regular exfoliation: at a young age, scrubs are also suitable as exfoliants, but do not use them if there are open inflammations on the face. Acids are a universal exfoliant, the main thing is not to forget about sun protection after using products based on them.

  • Deep Cleansing: Make a cleansing mask based on clay or special mud once a week.

Features of the use of acne creams

The scheme of application of the tool corresponds to its task.

  • Moisturizers creams are applied to slightly damp skin after tonic and serum with massaging movements.

  • Exfoliating products with acids and retinoids, on the contrary, – only on clean skin. Mostly in the evening.

  • Treatment formulas with antibacterial ingredients are also applied to clean skin before moisturizer.

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