Best Eye Exercises
If you sit at a computer or in front of the TV for a long time, your vision may deteriorate. It is necessary to regularly rest the eyes and arrange special exercises for them. Together with an expert, we have compiled a list of eye exercises that you can do at work and at home.

Currently, there is a large selection of different exercises for the eyes. Let’s analyze the 9 most popular and effective techniques. It is important that in order to achieve the best effect, it is necessary to consult a specialist and draw up an individual exercise plan.

Rating of the top 9 exercises for the eyes that will help improve vision according to KP

It is important to understand that eye exercises will not help you put glasses or lenses in a deep drawer.1. But regular exercise will help relieve daily stress and prevent the development and progression of such ophthalmic diseases as myopia, hyperopia and dry eye syndrome.1.

1. “Curtains”

You need to blink rapidly for two minutes. It is important not to strain the eye muscles. This exercise helps to moisturize the eyes a little and improve the blood supply to the tissues.

2. Look out the window

For this exercise, we need a window, plasticine, sticker or marker. We glue a small circle cut out of a sticker on the glass, or make a point from plasticine.

To perform the exercise, you must position yourself in front of the “mark”. The essence of the exercise is to alternately look at the mark and any distant object outside the window. This exercise helps to relieve fatigue and is a good simulator for the eye muscles.2.

3. Big eyes

To perform the exercise, it is better to sit on a chair. It is necessary to tightly close your eyes for 5 seconds, and then open wide. Repeat these steps 8-10 times. Exercise helps improve muscle tone and circulation.

4. Massage

Exercise is also desirable to perform on a chair. It is necessary with clean hands, with the pads of three fingers, press on the closed eyelids. The pressing force should be small, and the time should not exceed one second. Repeat up to 5 times. This exercise accelerates the movement of fluids in the tissues of the visual apparatus and helps reduce swelling.2.

5. Introducing the picture

The easiest way to perform the exercise is to simply close your eyes and imagine a beautiful picture that will evoke positive emotions. To improve the effect, you can close your eyes with warm palms, fingers crossed on your forehead. Observing an imaginary picture is a great way to quickly relieve tension.

6. Drawing with eyes

There are several options for this exercise. You can use special pictures with images or “draw” imaginary figures with your eyes. The essence of the exercise is to slowly “draw” and “draw” straight and curved lines with your eyes. Of the most popular pictures: figure eight, arrows in different directions, square, circle, bows3.

7. Looking sideways

Sitting upright in a chair, turn your eyes to the right as much as possible. Fix your eyes on a certain object. Return to starting position. Then take your eyes as far as possible to the left and also fix your eyes on something. Look up and down in the same way. If you are tired, then rest. It is important when performing the exercise not to turn your head and completely relax the neck muscles.

8. Nose-eyebrows

Sitting upright in a chair, first focus on the tip of your nose. Hold for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Then focus your eyes on the area between the eyebrows (“third eye”). Return to starting position and rest. This exercise should start with a few seconds and gradually increase to a minute.3.

9. Thumb

Stretch your arm forward and raise your thumb and index finger. It should be at a distance of 30-40 cm. You can also use a pen or pencil for the exercise. It is necessary to move the object (or finger) up, down, to the sides and at the same time do not take your eyes off. When approaching a finger, it is important to focus on the papillary pattern (print lines), and when approaching an object, on its small details.

Reviews of doctors about exercises for the eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes improves blood circulation and strengthens muscles, but it is unlikely that it can dramatically improve vision. It can be considered as a method of prevention and adjuvant therapy. Gymnastics has contraindications, so you should consult a doctor before doing the exercises.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed important issues related to exercises to improve vision, with ophthalmologist Tatyana Tsyganova.

Can you restore vision with eye exercises?

– No, it is impossible to restore vision only with the help of gymnastics. In the treatment of any disease, an individual integrated approach is required, which is selected by an ophthalmologist. Eye exercises are only an auxiliary element.

Are there any contraindications for eye exercises?

– Contraindications for exercise are:


• increased intraocular pressure;

• cataract;

• retinal disinsertion;

• myopia of a high degree;

• rehabilitation period after eye surgery.

In these conditions and diseases, any exercises for the eyes should be performed only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

What else should be supplemented with eye exercises to improve vision?

“Improving vision requires a holistic approach that involves the entire body. For this you need:

• proper nutrition with a sufficient content of micro and macro elements, vitamins;

• correct habits (cessation of smoking, alcohol, observance of the regime of work and rest, eye protection from the sun, reading and work in a well-lit place);

• taking complex vitamin preparations (“Complivit Oftalmo”, “Vitrum Vision Plus”, “Resvega”);

• correctly selected medicines for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases;

• use of night lenses;

• hardware therapy on special ophthalmic simulators;

• laser vision correction.

Sources of:

  1. Eye exercises. Boyko E.A. Moscow, 2011.
  2. Gymnastics for the eyes. Demirchoglyan G. G., Yankulin V. I. Moscow, 1988.
  3. Eye exercises. Ochkalov A.F. Bulletin of the LNU. Taras Shevchenko, No. 17 (204), part 2, 2010.

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