Best External Hard Drives 2022
Want a lot of memory in your pocket for a little money? Then your choice is an external hard drive. Which one is worth buying in 2022 – KP understands

Top 10 rating according to KP

1. Western Digital WD Elements Portable

A popular model of an external hard drive, which has been produced by Western Digital since 2013 with almost no changes. The buyer can choose the volume from 500 GB to 4 TB. Inside the box is a 10-inch WD11JMVW-1AJGS2,5 hard drive running at 5400 rpm and with an 8 MB buffer. The connection provides a USB 3.0 port, which in theory can give a data transfer rate of 500 MB / s. But, in fact, you can’t count on speeds above 120 MB / s. True, this model has one unpleasant feature – for some users, it completely unexpectedly ceased to be recognized by the computer. The manufacturer’s warranty works well and the money will be returned to you in this case, but lost data cannot be reimbursed. 

Proven model, compact dimensions 
Random in quality – some work for years, others face a breakdown a week after purchase 
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2. Transcend TS1TSJ25M 

A family of portable hard drives, the first representatives of which were released back in 2012. The choice of storage capacity is not the widest here – 1 or 2 TB. The model is quite massive against the background of competitors, with a weight of 212 g. Some confidence in the design of the box is given by its rubberiness. Many users believe that this is what can save the hard drive when it falls. However, experimenting, especially with a running hard drive, is not worth it, because the manufacturer does not declare impact resistance in the characteristics. By the way, please note that in the family of these hard drives there are models with USB 3.0 connectors, as well as with universal USB Type-C, which will please owners of modern devices. 

Well-established model, also available with USB Type-C port 
Competitors also offer cheaper models 
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3. Toshiba Canvio Ready 

Relatively fresh model that entered the market in 2016. You can choose from 500 GB, 1 TB, 2 TB, and 4 TB storage options. Toshiba uses hard disks of its own production of the MQ01 series in this model, which adds confidence in a long and happy life of the device. The drive is connected using a USB 3.0 connector, which means that the speed, although high, is not a record one. The model is of rare quality for an external hard drive – it practically does not feel vibration. But the “crazy hands” of Toshiba Canvio Ready will not like it – a hard drive with a soldered USB connector, which means that another 2,5-inch drive cannot be inserted into the case. 

Good build quality and stability, no annoying vibration 
If the hard drive fails, it cannot be replaced. 
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4. Seagate STEA

Portable hard drive from industry giant Seagate. The series is distinguished by an interesting (but impractical) design and a large number of modifications, up to models positioned as a solution for Xbox consoles. The volume of the line is extensive – from 500 GB to 4 TB. The Winchester is quite compact and has a mass of 170 g, but this also has a minus – many complain about the flimsy plastic case, which noticeably creaks. There are also questions about the quality of the hard drive itself, there are reviews about drives that stopped showing signs of life a few months after purchase. But there is a two-year warranty. 

Affordable price, two year warranty 
Can suddenly stop being detected by the computer 
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5. ADATA HD330 

The line of original external hard drives stands out against the background of monotonous competitors. Let’s start with the fact that the case has a durable and voluminous silicone shell, which can really protect the hard drive, for example, when carrying. However, you have to pay for this with increased dimensions and a weight of 317 g. Unlike competitors, the HD330 uses a USB 3.1 interface. Externally, the port does not differ, but the speed in real use can reach 200 MB / s. This, of course, is not an SSD, but significantly more than the competition. By the way, this drive has an extended version of 5 TB. 

Rugged design, fast USB 3.1 interface 
Relatively high price 
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6. Silicon Power SP010 

Another model of an external hard drive, in which attention is paid to protection from external influences. Perhaps, Silicon Power SP010 in this matter is even better equipped than its competitors. The case here is sealed, made of rubberized material and certified according to the IP67 standard. The USB 3.0 connector is covered with a cover, but some will be annoyed by the constant need to close and open. By the way, the connector here is not quite ordinary, this model uses a cable with USB 3.0 Type-A connectors at both ends. If we talk about the main functionality, namely data storage, then the base model offers a 1 TB drive, and the SP020 version has a 2 TB hard drive. The hard drives here are from Seagate. The data transfer rate is quite standard – no higher than 120 MB / s. 

True protection against dust and moisture, high quality workmanship 
Dust constantly sticks to the rubber of the body 
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7. Toshiba Change Premium 

“Premium” version of an external hard drive from the Japanese Toshiba. It differs from its more affordable counterparts not as much as it might seem, looking at the price tag. Firstly, aluminum is used in the case, but only the top flat panel is made of metal. Secondly, in the designer packaging you can find a velvety bag that acts as a carrying case and a rather strange adapter from a “large” USB to a trendy Type-C. It looks even weirder due to the presence of a microUSB-compatible USB Type-B port on the hard drive itself. Why it was impossible to place Type-C on the case is a mystery. Otherwise, this is a high-quality external hard drive that delivers a stable 120 MB / s and a capacity of 1 to 3 TB. 

High quality workmanship, stable performance 
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8. Western Digital My Passport 

The well-known series of external hard drives from WD enjoys constant attention from buyers, although it is not without flaws. As an asset of the model, you can write down a nice appearance and as many as six color options. You can also choose the size of the hard drive – 1, 2, 3 or 4 TB. Then the nuances begin. For example, some users come across instances that make a noticeable noise during operation. Others experienced a sudden failure, due to which not only the device died, but also the data was irretrievably lost. All this is “seasoned” with a soldered USB connector to the case board and a noticeable heat during operation. 

Famous brand, attractive appearance 
High chance of getting married 
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9. Lacie STFD

An external hard drive from the French brand Lacie, which is not very well known in Our Country. However, it was French until 2014, when Seagate bought it and, in fact, began to produce its products under this name, but with certain features. For example, at a high price and with design solutions. The Lacie STFD bears the proud “Porsche Design” inscription on the body, for which you will have to pay. But the main thing here is the USB 3.1 Type-C connector. So, if you have a computer that supports Thunderbolt 3, then the drive is capable of writing and reading speeds of 200 MB / s. 

High transfer speed if you have a computer with USB 3.1, stuffing from Seagate 
High price 
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10. ADATA DashDrive Durable HD650 

Another model from ADATA. The case has a silicone coating, which not only protects against impact, but also dampens vibrations that occur during the operation of the hard drive. True, the weight of the device is 201 g. Now there are modifications for 1, 2 and 4 TB, as well as versions with USB 3.0 or 3.1 connectors. The latter provides much faster data transfer, provided that your computer is equipped with such a port. Failures are rare, but if something goes wrong, then the failure will be associated with the connector. If the warranty expires by then, the hard drive itself can easily be moved to another case compatible with 2,5-inch hard drives. 

There is a version with fast USB 3.1, thoughtful design 
Possible defective connector 
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How to choose an external hard drive 

In 2022, classic hard drives are rapidly losing market share under the onslaught of solid state drives. The same trend is observed among external drives. But even now, the best external hard drives of 2022 have a number of advantages, the main of which is the price. Despite the reduction in cost per conventional gigabyte of SSD, hard drives are still out of competition in this indicator. Judge for yourself – a 512 GB solid state drive will cost an average of 6-7 thousand rubles, when for this money you can find a 3 or 4 TB external hard drive. 

Price and manufacturer 

In fact, several large companies are currently manufacturing external hard drives, the main ones being Western Digital and Seagate. However, the cost for everyone starts from 3-3,5 thousand rubles. For this money, you will get the best external hard drives of 2022 with a plastic case, a USB 3.0 connector and a capacity of 1 TB. A model with 2 TB can be looked after from 4,5 thousand rubles. Giants for 4 TB will cost 6-7 thousand rubles. 


What do you need from a device that will often be taken on the road? Certainly a solid body. Some models with a plastic case, even from well-known manufacturers, cannot boast of this, annoying users with squeaks. All-metal external hard drives are now rare, but you can find models with aluminum inserts. The most advanced hard drives have a rubberized casing and even water protection. Pay attention to whether the design allows you to disassemble the case and remove the hard drive in case of a breakdown. Otherwise, a connector malfunction will put an end to a completely serviceable drive. 


There are several memory capacities on the market for the best external hard drives of 2022. The size of 512 GB is now rare, 1 TB has become the standard. If this is not enough for you, there are versions for 2, 3 or 4 TB. Of course, these are all 2,5-inch hard drives. Large ones with 3,5-inch drives have practically disappeared from the market, unable to withstand competition due to their size and the need for additional power.

Connectivity and speed 

Modern external drives use two USB interfaces for connection and several connector options. Basically, the best external hard drives of 2022 are powered by USB 3.0, which provides a maximum transfer speed of 120MB/s. Advanced models work with USB 3.1 (aka Thunderbolt 3 from Apple), which, in theory, can deliver speeds of 1,2 GB / s. In practice, hard drives themselves cannot produce such indicators and the speed rarely exceeds 200 MB / s. As for connectors, most external drives use USB Type-B, which is an extended version of microUSB. Increasingly, there are models with modern Type-C. And there are quite exotic drives with the usual large USB. 

Reliability and guarantee 

It is believed that the best external hard drives of 2022 remain more reliable storage media than SSDs, which have some sort of write data limit. But in reality, users meet with breakdowns. Most often, they are not associated with the hard drive itself, but with the connector and the controller. A separate category of breakdowns is associated with the fall of the device during operation, because hard drives do not tolerate this well. In any case, you should choose models with the fewest negative reviews and the longest warranty. 

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