Best car alarms 2022
A separate alarm for a modern car is not needed – some will grin. And here it is not, because there is not much protection for the car and the contents of the cabin. How to choose the best car alarm in 2022 – we will tell you right now!

It would seem, well, you bought a new car. There is a remote control for the central lock, trunk. Or better yet, keyless entry. Live and be happy, as they say. But the problem is that most of the anti-theft systems from auto manufacturers have been thoroughly studied by villains, especially for Toyota products, which are in constant “demand” among villains. Simpler cars often don’t get even primitive anti-theft systems at all – see Lada cars, where they save on everything. So it turns out that the car alarm as a mandatory “additional” is more alive than all the living. Let’s see which systems are most relevant in 2022.

Top 10 rating according to KP

Editor’s Choice

1. StarLine A63 ECO (average price 5900 rubles)

Bestseller from a domestic manufacturer of anti-theft systems. What is the secret of success? Here, the functionality of older models is cut down, but not enough to turn the alarm into a useless keychain. For example, the encoding here is interactive, with individual encryption keys of 128 bits. It provides reliable protection against all known code grabbers that are now available to almost schoolchildren. In addition, the possibility of installing a GSM module is available here, with which you can control the alarm from your smartphone from anywhere where there is a mobile connection. You can also buy autorun, but the financial feasibility of such investments is already doubtful.

Advantages and disadvantages
Available among competitors, 128-bit encryption, you can buy additional modules
The key fob is gluttonous – a battery once every three months is normal
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2. Pandora DX 6x (average price 9700 rubles)

Just look at the appearance of the keychain – the designer definitely had a hand in it! Such a thing with an OLED display will definitely look good on a Lexus or BMW keychain. But something we digress, it’s not the main thing for signaling. Of course, there is feedback and dialog encryption, which should save you from a code grabber. This security complex, like the previous one, allows you to expand its functionality thanks to additional GPS and GSM units or Bluetooth peripherals. By the way, support for the “blue tooth” makes it possible to control the alarm through the Pandora mobile application at a distance of up to 50 m from the car. But the range of the key fob in urban areas is not a standard and can fall up to 80 m.

Advantages and disadvantages
Bluetooth with mobile app, customizable
Key fob range
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3. Alligator A-1S (average price 2200 rubles)

A simple alarm, suitable for those motorists who need only a siren and only opening locks with a key fob. There is no feedback here, so if something goes wrong, you won’t even know about it from a short distance. The coding here is dynamic, so the threat of grabbers is not illusory. Although the manufacturer claims a certain anti-scanner function. But there is an immobilizer mode and two key fobs included. Handy people who want to save money can install the complex on their own, since the installation is not too complicated. In short, this alarm is suitable for vintage car drivers or professional truck drivers.

Advantages and disadvantages
Very cheap, two key fobs included
Car protection at the highest level
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What other car alarms you should pay attention to

4. Davinci PHI-130 (average price 1500 rubles)

Another very affordable alarm with a minimum level of protection. One-way communication, of course, is not very good. As well as the range of 50 meters, which takes the key fob. But here there are two of them. It seems that protection from radio interference should cover the code grabbers, but there are doubts about its effectiveness. The impact sensor here is already two-level – there will be no roar from each KamAZ passing by.

Advantages and disadvantages
Even cheaper, two key fobs included
Дальность работы совсем маленькая, от злодея с кодграббером скорее всего не спасет
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5. Centurion 15 (средняя цена 2300 рублей)

This alarm system is also for poor motorists, but with somewhat improved protection against hacking. A feature of the Centurion 15 is a radio channel on which the dynamic code is transmitted at a frequency of 868 MHz, with FSK modulation. In addition to increased theft resistance, this also gives a gain in the communication range between the key fob and the car. However, this is all the same one-sided scheme. So, for more expensive cars, it is better to find another system.

Advantages and disadvantages
Price, burglary protection is better than that of budget counterparts
A one-way system is not for everyone
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6. StarLine S96 BT (average price 12,8 thousand rubles)

A sophisticated anti-theft system from the company StarLine. This is a security and telematics complex with a GSM interface, authorization via Bluetooth Smart and the ability to work via 2CAN + 2LIN buses. Keyless access is implemented here, but depending on the model and manufacturer of the car, it is also configured differently. To control via GSM using a smartphone, you will have to buy a SIM card for an alarm and, of course, pay a monthly fee every month. There is even GPS, but without a cellular connection it is useless. But autorun is also available from the key fob, or via the application, but only on short-range communication. Well, the notorious invulnerability of StarLine is attached.

Advantages and disadvantages
There is almost everything for a modern car alarm, keyless entry
Expensive, not all machines will have full functionality
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7. Pharaon LC-20 (average price 3200 rubles)

Security system for a car with an “Egyptian” name. In general, the Pharaon LC-20 can claim to be one of the cheapest feedback alarms on the market. According to the manufacturer, the reception range is 1000 m. But in dense urban areas, of course, it is much lower. In the kit you can find two key fobs – one with a screen, and the other without. Code grabbers, most likely, can still bypass this system, which must be remembered. But there is a turbo timer that will be useful to owners of turbocharged “iron horses”.

Advantages and disadvantages
Cheap for a two-way system, operating range up to 1000 m
The reliability of protection against hacking is questionable
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8. Pandora DX 91 LoRa v.2 (average price 21 thousand rubles)

A very expensive security system, but, let’s make a reservation, not with the most advanced features. In general, you will also have to pay here for the glorious name of the manufacturer who makes invulnerable anti-theft devices. Although for that kind of money I would like to support GSM and GPS out of the box, and not as additional modules for extra money. Pandora DX-91 LoRa v.2 was the first on the market to receive support for Bluetooth 5.0, and this protocol significantly expands the range of communication with a mobile phone or key fob. The latter, of course, can also work on a traditional 868 MHz radio channel with dialog coding. By the way, this Pandora DX-91 LoRa v2 bypasses the regular immobilizers of most modern cars, so you don’t need to keep a duplicate somewhere in the cabin.

Advantages and disadvantages
Rich functionality, reputation of an invulnerable security system
GSM and GPS only in the form of additional modules, expensive
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9. Cenmax Vigilant V-5A (average price 4000 rubles)

Option for the discerning car enthusiast. In principle, there is a necessary minimum, even autorun. They even put a siren in the kit, which means that this is an additional savings. But the dynamic coding of the signal makes the system vulnerable, although the anti-scanner function is declared here. The maximum communication range in alert mode is 800 m. But users complain that it often falls short of 100 m. In general, everything seems to be there, but the implementation let us down.

Advantages and disadvantages
Автозапуск, два брелка
Communication range is unstable
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10. Boomerang DGST (average price 5700 rubles)

Недорогая диалоговая охранная система. Дальность связи между авто и брелоком — до 2 км. Но, если вы пользуетесь автозапуском, то команда уходит лишь на 800 м и это на открытой местности. В комплекте поставки два брелока, что делает работу с сигнализацией комфортнее. В общем, есть в этой системе многое, но противоугонная стойкость, конечно, пониже, чем у брендов.

Advantages and disadvantages
Dialogue, autostart at 800 m
There are questions about the quality of workmanship and burglary resistance
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How to choose a car alarm

Вопрос дополнительной противоугонной стойкости автомобиля достаточно серьезный, чтобы подойти к нему без подготовки. Конечно, современному автолюбителю не стоит углубляться в тонкости, но основные моменты знать надо. О них вместе с «Комсомольской правдой» расскажет Армен Копелян, сертифицированный установщик антиугонных систем.

Installation and construction

From personal experience, I will say that even the most sophisticated anti-theft, installed according to a template or of poor quality, is weak protection. Therefore, it is necessary to turn not just to professionals, but to those who are creative in their approach to installation. Monoblock systems with one alarm control unit are frankly outdated. And they do it instantly. For this, spaced options are needed. Well, no instructions from the Internet. That is, a negligent master will put a heaped up Pandora on your Camry according to a template, and then experienced hijackers who know this very template by heart will take the car away in a matter of minutes.


The first were static signaling. This is when there are commands in the key fob and they are unchanged. They are so “leaky” that they can be opened almost with the help of a slightly modernized walkie-talkie. Not only that, but your car can also be opened with exactly the same key fob. Fortunately, manufacturers have already moved away from such devices.

Then it was time for dynamic coding. With it, the data in the block is constantly changing. You press a button on the key fob and a new code comes into the security system. The calculation is carried out according to a special algorithm. But this encoding has a serious drawback – the data can be intercepted and decrypted. Hijackers with code grabbers work on this principle.

Самое продвинутое на сегодня — это диалоговое кодирование. Принцип работы следующий: с брелока запрос идет в систему. Блок же отправляет сигнал со случайным числом. Если все совпадает — команда проходит. Считается, что даже при перехвате сигнала, расшифровать его для взлома системы невозможно.

Working range

A sore subject for any car alarm. Be skeptical if you find in the instructions the figures for the communication range between the unit and the key fob of 1,5-2 km. Such figures are achieved only in the open field. It often happens in the city. There is a car under the window, and you are on the 10th floor. And the signal will not always reach you. And if there are several concrete floors and several hundred meters between you, there will definitely be no connection. This is solved radically – with the help of GSM. Now even security systems are getting this option. In fact, with it you can control the alarm from anywhere in the world, there would be a mobile connection. Bonus – an application for a smartphone that completely replaces the key fob.

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