Best Automotive Compressors 2022
The compressor, or as it is popularly called the pump, should be in the trunk of every car. A lot sometimes depends on a simple thing, especially on a long journey. How to choose the best car compressor – KP will tell

No one is safe from a tire puncture on the roads of vast Our Country – neither the owner of an old Lada, nor the driver of an expensive Mercedes. The latter, as knowledgeable people will object, has tires made using Run Flat technology with reinforced sidewalls. And such a tire will give a mileage of 50 km after a puncture, which is enough to get to the tire shop. But, firstly, such wheels are rare and expensive. Secondly, it is necessary to pump up rubber periodically and without damage – tires tend to lose their “atmosphere”. In short, driving without a compressor in the trunk is more expensive for yourself. It remains a small trifle – to choose a car compressor.

Top 9 rating according to KP

1. Pump K50 (average price 2000 rubles) 

A pump from a company with a speaking name is one of the most common piston compressors. In short, their principle of operation is to compress air in a cylinder with a piston. This compressor is capable of delivering a maximum pressure of 7 atm, and a capacity of only 30 liters per minute. Yes, this is not enough for jeepers on 33 “goodriches” or kamaz drivers, but it will do for a passenger car. The K50 works only from the cigarette lighter, but keep in mind that the length of the power cable here is only 2 m, which is really not enough even for the dimensions of a C-class car. 

The built-in pressure gauge, even if desired, cannot be called a standard – its error can be 0,2-0,3 atmospheres in both directions, which is not good. It is advisable to have a normal pressure gauge with you to double-check tire pressure. Well, at least in the kit there is a bag for storage and adapters for ball mattresses. 

Relatively inexpensive, cigarette lighter powered 
Short power cable, shamelessly lying pressure gauge
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2. Hyundai HY 1540 (average price 2700 rubles)

The South Korean industrial giant Hyundai is not only Solaris from a taxi, but also many different household appliances. Including compressors. The HY 1540 comes in a compact package that will appeal to some, but raises questions from fans of metal compressors with a carrying handle and feet on the bottom. Compactness also dictates a modest inflation rate of the tire, which is only 15 l / min. The compressor works only from the cigarette lighter, and the power cable here is under 3 m, which is not bad. The pressure gauge is digital here, users have no complaints about its accuracy. There is also an auto shut-off when the required tire pressure is reached, which is convenient. And yet, on the case there is a flashlight that will simplify the work in the twilight. 

Compact – can even fit in some glove boxes, auto power off, built-in flashlight 
Short power cable, shamelessly lying pressure gauge
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3. BERKUT R17 (average price 5500 rubles) 

A much more serious compressor, “R17” in the name of which hints at working with large diameter wheels. The pump only works from the battery terminals, so people who are afraid to get under the hood of a car should probably not choose this model. But such power gives much greater performance. So, the compressor in a minute can “give” 55 liters of air. In this mode, the pump can work for 40 minutes, and if something goes wrong, the overheating protection will turn off the device. Finally, the total length of the power cable and air hose (we note, easily removable) is 10 m. But the analog pressure gauge likes to lie, overestimating the “atmosphere”. 

Powerful, huge cable and hose length 
Not suitable for people who are afraid of the engine compartment, the pressure gauge overestimates the pressure 
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4. SWAT SWT-106 (average price 1370 rubles)

A very inexpensive “Chinese”, the purchase of which can be either a success or a failure. With the latter, everything is clear – marriage, judging by the reviews of real users, is quite common: it suddenly stops turning on or fails due to careless assembly. But if you come across a successful copy, then the pump will more than beat off its money. The manufacturer indicates a capacity of 60 l / min, but something suggests that it is overestimated by 1,5-2 times. Still, power from the cigarette lighter imposes its limitations. But a three-meter power cable and a meter air hose will allow you to reach each wheel. And yet – the pump is quite annoyingly noisy, be prepared for this feature. 

Very cheap, relatively productive, complete with a bag and adapters 
High probability of running into a marriage, noisy
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5. AUTOPROFI AK-35 (average price 1900 rubles)

A relatively inexpensive compressor, the main feature of which is the ability to connect both to the cigarette lighter and to the battery directly. Despite this, the performance here is average – 35 liters per minute. Enough for any passenger car. There is short circuit protection in the AK-35, but the time of continuous operation is not encouraging – only 20 minutes. Despite the claimed 3 m of power cable and a meter of hose, many motorists, even with small cars, complain about the insufficient length when used from battery terminals. Not only that, the material from which the hose is made strives to suffocate at temperatures below zero. And yet – the pump weighs a considerable 2,5 kg. 

Affordable, battery and cigarette lighter powered
There is not enough length of the hose and cable when connecting to the terminals, weight (but it stands steadily on the surface)
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6. Aggressor AGR-160 (average price 7200 rubles)

Such a thing is suitable for an avid jeeper or medium-duty truck driver. With a power of 600 W, this compressor with a “screaming” name can pump up to 160 liters of air per minute. Of course, battery powered only. The total length of the power cable and air hose is more than 10 m (!). You will have to pay for all this splendor with impressive dimensions and a huge mass of 9,1 kg. In the trunk of an urban hatchback, this compressor will definitely look alien. 

Top performance, good workmanship 
Not cheap, not suitable for every motorist 
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7. Bort BLK-250D-Li (average price 3800 rubles)

Perhaps this is one of the most unusual automotive compressors. It is made in a case that looks very much like a screwdriver. Indeed, the Bort company is engaged in construction tools. But that’s not all – BLK-250D-Li is equipped with its own battery and can pump air autonomously. Its own battery means that this compressor can become a universal tool in the household, working with it will not be tied to a car. True, the performance when running on battery is slightly reduced. If you connect the compressor to the cigarette lighter, then it will be equal to 16 l / min. Sparsely, but the format of the compressor is unique. 

The compressor runs on its own battery, convenient housing, similar to a drill or screwdriver, automatic shutdown when the set pressure is reached 
Performance degrades in battery mode
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8. AVS KS900 (average price 3900 rubles) 

It is unlikely that when choosing a device that will lie in the bins of the trunk 95% of the time, someone will be guided by the appearance of the device. But the creators of the AVS KS900 do not think so. The case of the device is made of stainless alloy steel, which looks (no matter how strange it may sound for a utilitarian compressor) stylish. This model works only with the help of terminals. But the performance here is considerable – 90 l / min, which means that the device is suitable for owners of large cars with large wheels. There is also protection against overheating. The barrel of honey was not without tar – some users complain about the marriage of the connecting rod, which disables the compressor. However, such problems are isolated. 

Beautiful, productive 
Weighs 4,5 kg, there is a serious marriage
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9. Airline X5 CA-050-16S (average price 2100 rubles)

A relatively inexpensive compressor capable of pumping air into tires at a rate of 50 liters per minute. At the same time, power here is possible both from the cigarette lighter and directly from the battery. True, for the second method, the cables and hose are short here – a problem may arise with the rear wheels. Like many other automotive compressors, there is a pressure gauge error here. But the equipment is rich and there is protection against short circuits. 

Relatively cheap, 50 liters per minute, runs on both cigarette lighter and battery 
False pressure gauge, power cables and air hose could have been made longer
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How to choose a car compressor

Gone are the days of hand or foot pumps that strengthen the driver’s muscles and steal valuable time. Now every trunk has a compressor. These devices are not used so often, but if they are, then it is difficult to overestimate their usefulness. We will talk about how to choose the best car compressor in 2022 with the owner of several tire fitting stations Alexander Studkov.

How to connect 

Well, in general, seasoned drivers prefer compressors that can be directly powered from the battery. They have higher power and less chance of burning the cigarette lighter. But in modern cars, sometimes the battery is so hidden that you just can’t get close to it. And, for example, in some BMWs, it is generally in the trunk for better weight distribution – it turns out that you will have to lay out all the cargo on the road. Connecting to the cigarette lighter is loved by those who are not too “friends” with the car. 

Performance and pressure

The first is measured in liters per minute at a pressure of two atmospheres. The higher the numbers, the faster the wheel will inflate. But this characteristic does not only affect this. For example, you have a flat tire and it fell off the side of the disk. A low-power pump simply will not be able to replenish the outgoing air and the tubeless tire will not fall into place. But chasing huge numbers is not worth it if you have a small car. 

The pressure in the tires of a passenger car should be at the level of 2,1-2,6 “atmospheres” and a conventional compressor of 3 atm is enough. But if you have an SUV for mud or a truck, you need more “atmospheres”. 

Cord and air hose

With the power cable and air hose, everything is very simple. If you have a large car, look for the best car compressor with a total length of 5-6 m. The same applies to connecting to the battery, when the wires have to be pulled through the entire car. In general, there is no short length. 


A complex topic with pressure gauges in compressors. In many, they not only have an uncomfortable scale, but also often lie. To somehow compensate for the first, look for compressors without a double scale – why do we need pounds per square inch in Our Country? With the second it is more difficult, it was ideal at least for the first use to check with a normal reference pressure gauge.

Duration of continuous work 

Piston compressors, which are the majority on the market, inevitably need breaks between work. The longer the pump can pump air without shutting down, the more likely it will be more expensive. But it is not necessary to overpay, it all depends on what kind of car you have and what tires you have on it. If you have a small car with 14 low-profile tires, you can save money. But for an SUV with a high 19-inch “rubber”, you will have to look for something long-lasting. 

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