Bessey’s cherry care: description, features of agricultural technology, pollination, secrets of increasing productivity

Bessey’s cherry care does not involve any particular difficulties. The combination of the original appearance of the shrub and the unusual taste of berries makes this cherry variety especially popular among summer residents.

Variety description

Bessea is a small shrub. The height of an adult plant, as a rule, does not exceed 1,5 m. Until the age of seven, the branches of the shrub have a red-brown tint and are erect. In the future, the color changes and acquires a dark gray tint, and the branches spread along the ground.

The foliage looks like willow. The shape of the leaves is elongated in length and flattened. Green color has a barely noticeable silver tint. With the onset of autumn, it changes to red and the tree acquires a bright color.

Besseys cherry care: description, features of agricultural technology, pollination, secrets of increasing productivity

The first harvest can be harvested already in the second year after planting. The average period of effective yield for this shrub is 14 years. After that, the number of fruits decreases.

With a small growth of the shrub, the berries are quite large (the average weight is 2,5 g). The dark brown color is saturated, often with a black tint. Through breeding, scientists managed to develop several varieties with green and yellow berries.

One of the characteristic differences compared to classic cherries is the absence of sourness in ripe fruits. To taste, they are more reminiscent of mountain ash and bird cherry – a little tart and sweet.

Video “Cherry varieties of Bessey”

From this video you will learn about the features of the Bessey variety and how to grow such cherries in your garden.

Cherry Bessey. NGO “Gardens of Our Country”.

Hybrids based on Bessei

The most suitable tree for crossing with Bessey is plum. The resulting hybrid is characterized by higher growth (about 2 m) and good yield. The fruits of the hybrid look and taste like plums, but are smaller – the weight of the berry is 25 g.

Besseys cherry care: description, features of agricultural technology, pollination, secrets of increasing productivity

It is necessary to plant crossed shrubs at a distance of 2,5–3 m from each other (for classic Bessey, 2 m is enough). In the immediate vicinity of them, it is necessary to provide several more varieties. In this case, the hybrids will receive the pollination necessary to produce a crop. In this case, the Bessey sand cherry itself can act as a pollinator.

In the future, for reproduction, it is necessary to use horizontal layering of the lower branches. The use of seeds from berries is not used, since in this case the general properties of the plant are lost and signs of only one of the varieties remain.

The nuances of agricultural technology

You can plant Bessey in any soil, although there are more preferred options. Best of all, the shrub, like its predecessor sand cherry, takes root in sandy soil. Crushed stone or pebbles will prepare heavy soil for planting. To loosen clay soil under Bessey, you need to add sand to it. When choosing a landing site, it is recommended to give preference to elevated areas on the sunny side.

The rules for planting and caring for Bessey are similar to those for classic cherries. If the root system of the shrub is open when buying a seedling, it must be planted in the spring. Closed roots (located in a container) are characterized by planting Bessey cherries in early autumn. When a large amount of snow falls in winter, it is necessary to carefully clean the shrub from it with the help of agricultural technology.

Besseys cherry care: description, features of agricultural technology, pollination, secrets of increasing productivity

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Choosing Bessey for planting on the site, gardeners, as a rule, are guided by the following considerations:

  • attractive decorative features;
  • immunity to pests, diseases and phytoinfections;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • lack of root shoots, as in the case of the felt variety;
  • resilience to climate change.

The main drawback of the variety, according to summer residents and gardeners, is the tart taste of fruits, which not everyone likes. It is quite easy to reduce it – it is necessary to pick the berries not immediately, but some time after full ripening.

Besseys cherry care: description, features of agricultural technology, pollination, secrets of increasing productivity

Reviews of gardeners

Tamara Petrovna, 67 years old: “Bessey was imprisoned for her granddaughter. She doesn’t like regular cherries because of the acid. Fortunately, she liked the berries, although everyone else complains about excessive astringency. But in compotes it is almost not felt.

Lida, 42 years old: “Because of the busy work schedule, I can’t spend much time in the country. As a result, the garden looks more wild than well-groomed. A few years after planting, Bessei noticed that the taste and shape of the berries of a nearby plum tree had changed. It’s interesting to see what happens next.”

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