Berry diet: minus 2 kg per week

Berry diet: minus 2 kg per week

Now, when fruits, berries and vegetables are in abundance, you can take advantage of the season to lose those extra pounds. But isn’t the role of vitamins in diets exaggerated? Together with Maksim Onishchenko, nutritionist of the School of Proper Nutrition, we have collected myths about weight loss.

Myth number 1. If you eat one strawberry, you will lose weight by leaps and bounds.

Such a diet cannot be considered a diet, these are fasting days. They can start in the second week of your main diet. Sitting on one fruit once a week is useful, two is no longer recommended. Since the body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates on a daily basis, and a product in which they are all present in the right doses simply does not exist. For a fasting day, I advise you to choose those fruits that contain vitamin C: strawberries, citrus fruits. It helps break down fat in the body. We take 1,5 kg of strawberries, divide it into 4 meals. We drink at least 1,5 liters of water. The result is minus a couple of kilograms per week.

Myth number 2. Is it true that those who are losing weight should not eat bananas and grapes?

Not certainly in that way. Yes, they belong to starchy foods with a high glycemic index of carbohydrates (this means they increase blood sugar, contribute to the accumulation of excess fat). But if there are grapes of green varieties and slightly unripe bananas with green peels, then there will be no harm. There the glycemic index is several times less. Other useful products include tomatoes, cherries, dried apricots, green varieties of salads, unroasted seeds and peanuts, plums. Watermelon, rutabagas, potatoes in any form, zucchini, canned apricots, dates, boiled carrots and beets, juices from packages have a high index (which means they should be excluded from the diet during the diet).

Myth number 3. All vitamins help to lose weight, that’s why they are vitamins.

Vitamins and minerals help the body function normally, and therefore stay in shape too. But there are groups of substances that are necessary for weight loss. Chromium regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, blood sugar levels. Found in tomatoes. B3 helps chromium to be absorbed. Zinc (eggs) and vitamin E (vegetable oil) lower cholesterol. Magnesium (red fish) and calcium (Russian cheese, parsley) normalize glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. With the help of B1, glucose is oxidized, and the energy necessary for the normal functioning of organs is formed. D (milk, dairy products) regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Q10 is required for enzyme activation.

Myth number 4. Our bodies will not succumb to the action of exotic vitamins.

The same product will have the same effect on a person regardless of where the person lives – in Cape Town or Krasnodar. Another thing is that while avocados, mangosteen or fir are brought to us from afar, they will lose half of the nutrients. So we’d better choose the fruits we are familiar with.

Myth No. 5. If you rub grapefruit into the skin, then there will be no cellulite!

At best, what grapefruit juice will do is to moisturize and tone the skin. Which is good, but no more. But if you regularly eat half a grapefruit or drink 150 ml of fresh juice before meals, then you can lose weight. The fact is that this fruit is unique. Its pulp contains a substance called naringin, which speeds up the digestive process and regulates the lethargy of the intestines. The metabolism is stimulated, the kilograms are lost.

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