😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! The article “Bernard Shaw: biography, facts, quotes” – a short story about the life of an English writer and a unique playwright.
Biography of Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Date of birth 26.07.1856/XNUMX/XNUMX, zodiac sign – Leo. His father was a grain dealer, his mother was a professional singer. The family with a modest income had three children.
Scandals often happened between the spouses. George did not remember his parental warmth. Instead of affection, the baby often received a slap on the head.
As a child, the boy attended college. Then he was sent to a Protestant school, which focused on spiritual development, not science. Physical punishment for disobedience was also practiced here. Imagine what the guy had to endure, because he was one of the worst students.
The young man hated school. The school period was the most terrible in his life. At the age of 15, he happily started working as a clerk in a real estate office. Soon his parents divorced. The mother and her daughters left for London. George stayed with his father, continuing to work in the office.
Four years later, he easily left Dublin, with which he was associated only with sad memories, and moved to his mother.
Bernard Shaw in his youth
There was no money for Bernard’s further education in his mother’s family. 20-year-old George took up self-education: he read a lot, visited museums. Stayed up late in the reading room of the British Museum.
For eight years, the young man wrote novels and articles. He sent his works to various publishers in London, from which only refusals came. But the young writer did not despair, retained faith in himself, optimism and love of life. Ashamed of his poverty, the guy did not communicate with girls.
After reading Capital, Shaw declared himself a socialist and entered a society promoting socialist ideas. He began to actively lecture, without receiving a penny for it.
A chance acquaintance with the writer Archer will make adjustments to Bernard’s life. George decides to try his hand at journalism. At first he worked as a freelance correspondent, worked as a music critic for London World magazine. He then worked as a theater critic for Saturday Rview magazine.
The debut of the 36-year-old playwright was the play “House of the Widower”. The first real success was brought by the play “The Devil’s Apprentice” (1897).
The writer’s home in Hertfordshire, near London. Here he lived and worked for the last 44 years.
In 1913 the play “Pygmalion” became the “pearl” of drama, which had an overwhelming success. In 1925, Shaw received an Oscar for the script for the film Pygmalion. During his long life, the playwright wrote 56 plays.
Believe it or not, the writer was indifferent to money. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, but he refused the money!
Bernard Shaw was very fond of traveling. Despite his venerable age, he visited many countries, including the USSR. As a socialist, in 1931 he met with Joseph Stalin.
Personal life
The writer first married when he was 40 years old. His wife was 20-year-old Charlotte Payne-Townsend. She was a wealthy heiress, but Shaw was completely indifferent to her millions.
Charlotte Payne-Townsend (1876-1940)
The marriage was happy. The couple lived together for 45 years. Charlotte knew how to create home comfort, was a support and assistant in her husband’s affairs. The couple had no children. Bernard survived his wife for 7 years.
There was also a difficult period in family life when the husband became interested in actress Stella Patrick Campbell. The main role in the play “Pygmalion” was written for her. Then the stormy romance of the actress and playwright turned into friendly relations.
Stella Patrick Campbell (1865 – 1940)
Favorite garden
In old age, he had an excellent memory, clarity of mind. He continued to work, but an accident occurred. While working in his favorite garden, Bernard fell and broke his hip. I had to postpone two operations.
Soon the great playwright left this world. He was 94 years old. The cheerful life-lover could easily have lived for another ten years! By the way, the writer was a vegetarian.
Bernard Shaw’s grave does not exist. According to his will, the body was cremated and the ashes scattered in the garden. Unique, cheerful, with a subtle sense of humor, fearless, independent, witty, original and unpredictable Shaw …
Bernard Shaw Quotes
The best quotes from the genius Shaw are presented in this video:
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