Bergamot pear varieties description

Bergamot pear varieties description

Pear “Bergamot” has spread thanks to its delicious juicy fruits. The variety combines several varieties. In Russia, only a few of them are grown, the most frost-resistant. The tree cannot be called unpretentious. Only adherence to the rules of caring for it will give the result: healthy, beautiful fruits with a pleasant taste.

Description of pear “Bergamot”

The name of the variety has Ottoman roots – beg-armudi, which means “beist pear”. The main feature of the variety is the flattened shape of the fruit. Up to 200 kg can be removed from one tree. The weight of each fruit does not exceed 80 g, covered with a yellow-green skin, they turn pink under the influence of direct sunlight.

Pear “Bergamot” is popular for its juicy tasty fruits

For planting in our latitudes, varieties are suitable:

  • “Maslinovka”. Acceptable for planting in the southern and southwestern latitudes of the Russian Federation. The variety is distinguished by large, persistent fruits that ripen in autumn.
  • “Red Bergamot”. Grown in the central part of Russia. The advantage of the species is its resistance to climatic changes.
  • “Sapezhanka”. RF takes root well in the west. Non-transportable type.
  • “Moscow”. A successful result of the work of Russian breeders, created for the central regions of Russia.

Over time, the Moskovsky variety has supplanted other varieties in the gardens. “Sapezhanka” and “Red” are gradually losing their popularity.

The main characteristics of pear varieties “Bergamot”

A low-yielding tree requires care. Leaving it unattended, you risk getting dry, tasteless fruits. To prevent this from happening, consider the following features of the plant:

  • Doesn’t like frost. If you do not take action, in cold winters, the bark freezes.
  • The fruits are often affected by scab. Regular treatment with Bordeaux liquid is required.
  • Prefers moist soil. Watering is a prerequisite for growing during dry periods.
  • Prefers nutrient-rich soils. Fertile loamy soil or black soil are suitable for planting.
  • Begins to bear fruit in the 7-9th year after planting. Gardeners have to be patient.

The tree must not be left unattended. Cover it in the winter, water it in the summer, and remember to spray it against pests.

In general, the described varieties are popular with gardeners. Pear is a popular product. Its fruits are tasty and healthy. They contain chlorogenic acid and arbutin. The inclusion of “Bergamot” in the diet, accelerates the metabolism, which leads to a healthier body and weight loss.

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