Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

Description, photos and reviews of the Bere Bosk pear are of interest to owners of private gardens from different countries. This is an old variety from France. On the territory of Our Country, tests were carried out, after which in 1947 it was entered into the State Register. Pear Bere Bosk is recommended for cultivation in the republics of Transcaucasia, gardens of the Stavropol Territory and in the Crimea.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

Description of the pear variety Bere Bosk

Vigorous tree, characterized by active growth in 1-2 years of life. The spreading crown consists of long, massive branches covered with rough gray-brown bark. It is quite rare, asymmetrical. In mature trees, it acquires a broad pyramidal shape.

Lentils are small, often placed on shoots. The spears and kolchatka are the places where the fruits are formed. The petioles of the leaves are short, a little more than 1 cm. The surface of the leaf plates is smooth, painted in a dark, green color. The shape of the plates is elongated, ovoid, the edge is solid.

Important! The Bere Bosk tree bears fruit for a long time, its productivity does not decrease until 35 years old, it lives for at least 50 years.

Variety Bere Bosk – autumn, late, so the buds bloom when the threat of return frosts has passed. Blooms profusely. The flowers are large, white, grouped in three-dimensional inflorescences, in 1 there can be more than 10 pieces. The ovaries in the brush are formed 1-6 pieces.

The level of winter hardiness in the Bere Bosk pear variety is low. In some frosty winters, severe freezing of trees in the Crimea was noted. The frost resistance of Bere Bosk is not enough even for the gardens of the Krasnodar Territory. Drought tolerance is low.

Characteristics of pear fruit

A feature of the Bere Bosk pear is fruits of various shapes (bottle, elongated pear-shaped). It is different within 1 tree. This corresponds to the varietal description, which can be seen in the photo. The size of the fruits of Bere Bosk is medium and large.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

The mass of an average pear is 180 g, but it can vary from 150 to 250 g. The fruit is covered with a thin, slightly rough skin. The main color is yellow-brown, rusty spots are visible on most of the surface. During storage, the color becomes golden yellow, almost bronze.

Fruits hang firmly on thick, slightly curved stalks. They do not crumble even with strong gusts of wind. The funnel is not pronounced, the calyx type is open, the shape of the seed nests is bulbous. The seeds are small, the color is dark.

Important! The Bere Bosk variety has a taste of 4,4-4,8 points.

The taste of Bere Bosk fruits is delicious. It is sweet, it has spicy notes and almond flavor. The flesh may be pure white or slightly creamy. It is juicy, has a delicate texture, a little oily. Its chemical composition:

  • 14,7% solids;
  • 9% sugars;
  • 0,2% titratable acids.

Bere Bosk fruits are stored for no more than 40 days, transportation is well tolerated. Their taste deteriorates when refrigerated. They lose their juiciness. The structure of the pulp changes, it becomes dry, crispy. Some of the fruits taken from the tree are unripe. Their ripeness occurs in 2-3 weeks.

Pros and cons of the Bere Bosk pear variety

The advantages of the variety include the large size of the fruit, the yield that grows with age. Pear is undemanding to the composition of the soil. With regular watering, it bears fruit abundantly on light (sandy, sandy loamy) soil. Bere Bosk pear is resistant to scab and most fungal diseases.

Comment! The variety is actively used in breeding work. With his participation, at least 20 new varieties of pears were bred.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • low winter hardiness of young trees;
  • low drought resistance;
  • does not like drafts, wind;
  • heterogeneous shape of fruits;
  • uneven ripening of the crop;
  • The crown needs shaping pruning.

Optimal growing conditions

The variety is warm and moisture-loving. The root system of Bere Bosk goes deep, so the distance to groundwater should be 2-2,5 m. Heavy and depleted soils are not suitable. Pear grows best on loose, light soils that pass water and air well.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

Low-lying places where rain and melt water stagnate for a long time are not suitable for Bere Bosk pears. The site should be well lit by the sun. If it is protected from the north winds and located in the southern (southwestern) part of the orchard, then the seedlings will feel great.

Planting and caring for the Bere Bosk pear

You need to buy 1-2-year-old seedlings of Bere Bosk. They adapt faster. They grow a pear in the southern regions, so they are planted in the spring before the buds swell or in October. They do not spare time for preparing the land:

  • the site is dug up;
  • remove the roots of perennial weeds;
  • add humus, mineral fertilizers;
  • sand is added to improve the structure.

Rules of landing

An adult tree has a wide pyramidal crown, so seedlings are planted at a distance of 3-4 m from buildings, trees, fences. Pits are dug deep (1 m) and wide (0,8 m). The root system of a pear is powerful; nutrients are needed for its formation.

When buying a seedling, it is evaluated. Signs that speak about its quality:

  • there is no damage on the bark, it is smooth, even;
  • root length – at least 25 cm, the number of main ones – at least 3-5 pieces;
  • the roots are not overdried, they do not break when bent, and are white on the cut.

A stake is driven into the center of the pit, garden soil mixed with sand, humus, superphosphate, and ash is poured into a mound. A seedling is placed on it, its roots are straightened and densely covered with earth, leaving the root collar outside. From it to ground level should be at least 5 cm.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

The trunk is tied to a support in 1-2 places. It should be located on the south side of the peg. An annual seedling is shortened to 0,8-0,9 m. In two-year-olds, all skeletal branches are shortened by ⅓. Reduce the length of the center conductor. Its crown should be 20 cm higher than the upper tier of branches.

Seedlings of the first 2 years of life require special attention. Mandatory measures for their care:

  • regular watering;
  • cleaning the near-stem circle from weeds;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • preventive treatments for pests and diseases.

Watering and top dressing

The pear loves watering. The fruit-bearing tree Bere Bosk is watered up to 5 times per season. If the summer is hot, but there is no rain, then the amount of watering is increased. Water consumption when watering under the root of 30 l / m². In dry regions, drip irrigation is organized, the soil is mulched to reduce evaporation.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

The top dressing scheme is based on the age of the tree. The first 2 years the pear does not need fertilizers. Those dressings that were laid in the pit during planting are enough. Starting from the age of 3, the tree is fed:

  • in the spring they are sprayed with a solution of complex fertilizer (“Nitrophoska”, “Ammophos”);
  • humus is introduced into the soil annually – 6-10 kg / m²;
  • in the fall, ash is brought into the trunk circle.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

An approximate scheme of root dressing Bere Bosk is shown in the table.

PeriodType of fertilizerQuantity
SpringUrea200 g per 10 l
Summer (June)Urea30 g per 10 l
Summer (July, August)Superphosphate30 g / m²
Potassium salt30 g / m²
AutumnSuperphosphate30 g / m²
Ash1 Art.


In the spring, a mandatory sanitary pruning of the pear is carried out. All shoots that have overwintered poorly and damaged by disease, pests are subject to removal. The first 4 years, the crown is formed every autumn. In the future, asymmetry is eliminated by shortening especially long branches. The branches of the lower tier of Bere Bosk are not touched, they are allowed to grow.

Root shoots grow in the root zone of the pear. It is cut out in the fall. Pests hibernate in it. All cuts on the tree are smeared with garden pitch.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics


The trunk and skeletal branches are whitened in autumn. In early spring, whitewashing will protect the bark from bright sunlight. Prepare it yourself or buy it in the store. DIY recipe:

  • water – 1 bucket;
  • clay – 1,5 kg;
  • lime – 2 kg.

The mixture is applied to the lower skeletal branches and trunk in the area from the ground to the lower tier.

Preparation for winter

In autumn, the trunk circle is cleaned of fallen leaves and weeds. During shallow digging, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. Before the onset of frost, the last (water-charging) watering is carried out.

The trunk circle is covered with mulch. Use peat mixed with humus, or rotted sawdust. So that the roots do not freeze, the thickness of the mulch layer is made at least 15 cm. After the onset of frost, young seedlings are wrapped with covering material.


This is a bee pollinated variety. To get a good harvest in the garden, several trees of Bere Bosk or pears of other varieties are planted:

  • Williams;
  • Bon Louise;
  • Takes Napoleon.


The variety stands out for its productivity. 1 adult Bere Bosk tree gives 150-250 kg of fruit. The amount depends on the structure of the soil, its moisture and weather conditions. Pears begin fruiting at the age of 5-7 years.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

This variety is used in industrial gardens. The record figure – 300 kg of pears from 1 tree was recorded in the Krasnodar Territory. Fruit picking begins in the first decade of September.

Diseases and pests

The variety is noted for resistance to fungal and bacterial infections. But Bere Bosk has a chance of getting sick. When using a dirty garden tool, bacteria can get into the wounds of the tree during pruning, causing a bacterial burn. Symptoms in the form of blackened young pear branches and leaves appear in early summer. Treat the tree with antibiotic solutions:

  • ziomycin;
  • penicillin;
  • Agrimitin.

Wet warm weather can cause the development of scab – a common fungal disease of leaves, fruits, shoots. The affected areas are covered with a gray or brown-green coating. Sick trees are sprayed with a solution of urea, the soil is watered with a fungicide.

In rare cases, Bere Bosk suffers from other diseases of pears, apple trees:

  • fruit rot;
  • ulcerative cancer;
  • cytosporosis;
  • phyllostictosis.

Bere Bosk pear: characteristics

The danger for the pear is the gall mite. You can find out what drugs you need to use to combat it from the video:

Pests of pear and apple trees. Blisters on pear leaves – gall mite

Reviews of the pear Bere Bosk

Antonina Sergeevna, 40 years old, Krasnodar Territory
The pear was planted by my grandfather over 50 years ago. It is still fruitful. We harvest all at once. Unripe pears do well at home. Harvest is not stored for a long time. We let it in for processing (jam, jam). The taste of pears is wonderful. The pulp is tender, sweet. The skin is not very attractive. Branches heavily loaded with fruits have to be supported so that they do not break.
Galina Petrovna, 57 years old, Minsk
Our tree is old, large, fruitful. Pears are delicious, some are very bizarre in shape, if the summer is damp, they are affected by rot. I freeze them for the winter.
Elena Viktorovna, 39 years old, Stavropol Territory
The Bere Bosk tree is a little over 10 years old, 5 of them bear fruit, do not rest, we harvest every autumn. The crown is compact. The fruits are unequal in shape and size. We collect them at the end of September. They do not lie for a long time, we eat them with pleasure.


Description, photos and reviews of the Bere Bosk pear explain the secret of its long-term popularity. It is very convenient to have a powerful tree in your garden that bears fruit for 50 years or more. An adult tree does not take much time to care for. Every year Bere Bosk pleases gardeners with a stable harvest. Pear rarely suffers from diseases and pests.

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