Berberine “kills” the sugar. This is how it works for diabetics

Berberine is a dietary supplement that is gaining popularity and is recommended for many health problems. Due to the wide spectrum of properties of berberine, it arouses the interest of scientists and is the subject of many studies. One of the areas of action of this substance is lowering sugar levels. What do we know about the benefits of consuming berberine preparations by diabetics? Are they really effective?

  1. Berberine is an alkaloid with various health-promoting properties
  2. More and more studies support berberine’s effectiveness in treating type 2 diabetes due to its blood sugar lowering properties
  3. The effects of berberine are comparable to that of some diabetes medications
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Berberine – an alkaloid with a broad spectrum of activity

Berberine is a bioactive substance obtained from common barberry common in gardens. It is one of the alkaloids, i.e. compounds that occur naturally in plants and are valued for their various pharmacological effects. Common barberry is known to traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda as a plant supporting the treatment of infections. However, this is not the only benefit of delivering berberine to the body. So far it has been confirmed that berberine lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, protects the liver and strengthens immunity, but its pro-health impact may turn out to be even wider.

Research has shown that berberine has an antioxidant effect, protecting cells against the negative effects of oxidative stress. This means potential benefits in slowing down the effects of the aging process, as well as in preventing the development of cancerous changes in the body. In addition, berberine reduces the level of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in the blood. It also has a hypotensive effect, so it lowers blood pressure.

The list of beneficial effects of berberine does not end there. Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, berberine has a beneficial effect on immunity. It may prove effective in combating Candida fungi, including Candida albicans. More and more in the scientific world are also talking about anti-inflammatory effect of berberine and the reduction of pain caused by inflammation by this alkaloid.

Currently, we can take advantage of the health-promoting properties of berberine by reaching for supplements available in health food stores or pharmacies. Examples of such preparations are Berberine HCL Xenico or Vitama Nature berberine available to order online.

Berberine also supports the liver, especially in the prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Incidentally, it is also recommended for people who want to reduce body weight. It is also worth mentioning the reports on the protective effect of berberine against neurodegenerative diseases or depression, although this mechanism has not yet been fully understood.

It also turns out that berberine supports the treatment of type 2 diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar levels.

Also read: What do you need to know about diabetes? Types, causes, symptoms, treatment

Will berberine really help with diabetes?

More and more studies confirm that the use of berberine supplements is an effective method of supplementing the treatment of type 2 diabetes. This alkaloid improves insulin sensitivity and affects the activity of the AMPK enzyme. As it turns out, the effectiveness of berberine in lowering sugar levels is comparable to the effects of using drugs such as metformin, rosiglitazone or glipizide.

Want to try berberine supplements? Choose Berberine Capsules (500mg Berberine) or a Swanson Supplement 400mg Berberine Tablets.

Using berberine in parallel with diabetes medications can give measurable effects, enhancing their glucose-lowering effects. The potential of using berberine in the treatment of diabetes is also particularly promising for people who cannot take diabetes medications due to heart, liver and kidney diseases.

How to dose berberine in diabetes?

According to most studies, too the appropriate daily dose of berberine is considered to be supplementation at the level of 200 mg to 1500 mg. As a rule, manufacturers recommend taking berberine supplements three times a day before meals. Before starting supplementation with this substance, it is worth consulting a doctor, especially if you are treating diabetes and taking medications.


Contraindications to the use of berberine are pregnancy and breastfeeding. Berberine supplements are also not intended for children.

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