Benzydamine – occurrence, action, indications, harmfulness

Benzydamine is a substance belonging to NSAIDs, i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thanks to its effectiveness in fighting inflammation, it is a popular ingredient in drugs for various ailments. However, if we have a teenager at home, it is worth knowing that benzydamine in high doses can be a dangerous drug, which today’s youth are well aware of.

Benzydamine – the most important information

Benzydamine is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Preparations containing benzyidamine are generally available over the counter. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, anesthetic and also disinfecting properties, because it has a killing effect on many species of bacteria and fungi. It is highly effective in relieving inflammation and has few side effects when used correctly. They are usually limited to tingling, numbness or pricking sensations at the site of benzydamine application and are self-limiting. It is worth knowing that too long use may lead to the development of an allergy to benzydamine. In such a situation it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

What does benzydamine help?

The use of benzydamine depends on the form of the preparation it contains. These products also contain different doses of the drug depending on the needs. Most often we find benzydamine in the following agents:

  1. Lozenges, intended for the treatment of pharyngitis, as well as for disinfecting the oral cavity after tooth extraction.
  2. An aerosol, also designed to fight throat infections.
  3. Mouthwash and gargle. It is also suitable for the treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract as well as various diseases of the oral cavity. These include, among others, aphthas, inflammation of the mucous membranes, tongue and gums. The liquid with benzydamine is also administered after dental and laryngological procedures, and after intubation in order to clean the oral cavity.
  4. Powder for vaginal irrigation solution. Used in the treatment of inflammation of the vulva and vagina, as well as cervicitis. Benzydamine solution is also used to disinfect the female reproductive tract before and after operations, and during the puerperium.

Of course, all of these preparations differ in the concentration of benzydamine, and thus in the recommendations for use. Although benzydamine is considered a safe substance to use, you should always read the recommendations in the leaflet for each preparation, and consult your doctor about using benzydamine in parallel with other medications.

Harmfulness of benzydamine

As we mentioned, benzydamine when used as prescribed is quite a safe substance. It is very poorly absorbed into the bloodstream when applied topically, so there is a low chance that it will spread throughout the body and cause systemic effects.

Unfortunately, in recent years, adolescents have discovered a completely different effect of benzydamine, which is manifested by oral ingestion of large doses, significantly exceeding the therapeutic norms. It turns out that in such a situation, benzydamine has a strong psychoactive effect. For 8 to 12 hours after ingestion, a person experiences vivid, sometimes indistinguishable visual and auditory hallucinations. She experiences a significant change in body perception, has trouble speaking and maintaining balance. Euphoria is possible, but also strong delirium with frightening visions. After these effects subside, there is a significant deterioration in well-being, fatigue and problems with falling asleep.

The most popular form of taking benzydamine for intoxication among adolescents is … vaginal irrigation powder. Its solution is drunk after being dissolved in water, and it is sometimes also filtered to remove excess salt from the formulation. Recipes for such preparation of benzydamine can be found on the Internet without any problems. The main reason why teenagers use such a dangerous substance is its low cost (one sachet costs about PLN 2,5; two are enough for serious intoxication) and availability – you do not need an ID card or know the dealers to take benzidamine. It is enough to go to the pharmacy.

Benzydamine in such high concentrations is highly toxic. It can damage the heart as well as the kidneys, especially if you drink an unfiltered solution with a very high salt content. The strong psychological effect of benzydamine can cause psychological problems in the future. The person under the influence may also have little contact with reality and thus lead to an accident.

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