Benzoic acid (E210)

Benzoic acid, according to the classification of food additives, is abbreviated as E210. In the international terminology of the chemical industry, it is labeled with the full name benzoic acid. But, no matter how manufacturers of various food products label it, it will still be an artificial preservative.


Despite the fact that the presented substance is a chemical derivative, it can still be found in its pure form in various plants. In the course of numerous studies, experts came to the conclusion that acid modifications can be found even in the internal organs of some animals. The selections of representatives of the fauna taken for analysis confirmed the hypothesis. Researchers have also found it in the muscles of certain animals.

But it is much easier to get it in the required quantities from the three popular berries. We are talking about blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries. A preservative will also be found in most sour-milk drinks familiar to the Slavs, such as yogurt. In addition to yogurt, cheese will please her with a natural reading, as well as a number of essential oils, which are often used for production processes in various directions.

The formula of a substance will tell little to ordinary people, but knowledge of the physical characteristics will make it possible to better present one of the most popular additives in semi-finished products. This powder is white in color and has a crystalline structure. It dissolves in oil and water, but not very well. Another thing is the connection with ethers, benzene or pure ethanol.

Under laboratory conditions, the production of benzoic acid occurs only with the help of chemical synthesis technology.

Widespread use

Most of the references to this remedy are for its use in the creation of sour foods.

Such a narrow focus in the food industry is explained by the fact that E210 blocks the development of microbial activity.

With its help, experts achieve a situation where microorganisms slow down their metabolism, which slows down the deterioration of ready-to-sell products.

But not all plants prefer to use pure acid. Instead, they practice the use of its derivatives with identical efficiency. This is a special salt that has a similar E211 marking number, but, in fact, is a close modification of benzoic acid.

Due to its reaction to various microbes that negatively affect the final durability, specialists began to use it to create soft drinks. Specialists of factories where fruit and vegetable juices are produced, which, without the addition of preservatives, will simply deteriorate in a couple of days, did not bypass the food assistant with their attention.

In addition to being added to ordinary fish products for the mass consumer, the chemical properties of the supplement are widely used in the composition of gourmet caviar. But even without being attracted to such exquisite culinary goodies, acid and its salts have become regulars in good quality margarines and preservation. Especially often the mention of E210 can be found on the labels of cans with olives or fruits.

Some time after the food industries began to use such a universal soldier, he was rightly appreciated by pharmaceutical companies specializing in the manufacture of cosmetics. All the same preservative qualities should be thanked for this. They help the body cope with fungal diseases, acting as a specific effective antiseptic.

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