
Benjamin Franklin is a scientist, journalist, publisher, and diplomat.

I wonder how you would feel if you were born the 15th child in the family? More: your father is an immigrant, makes a living by making soap and candles. What do you get after that?

In such a family was born Benjamin Franklin, whose face you know very well: you see it on every hundred-dollar bill. By the way, he is the author of the aphorism “Time is money!”

He began to earn a living at the age of ten, education (two classes of a village school) was replaced by self-education almost a life long. He independently studied the basics of arithmetic, grammar, logic and geography, slowly mastered French, Spanish and Latin, opened his own printing house and began to educate his fellow citizens, at the same time forming a society and lifestyle he liked. However, he began with himself: according to the developed system, he taught himself for years such qualities as Abstinence, Silence, Order, Decisiveness, Thrift, Diligence, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Purity, Calmness, Chastity and Modesty.

In Sintone, a similar system is called Distance.

To be convincing, he opened a discussion club, where he learned to express his thoughts freely and competently; in order to have access to scarce literature, he organized for himself and his fellow citizens the first public library in the country. Each of his new business in the city, namely:

  • creation of regular fire brigades and fire safety system,
  • restoring order in the police protection of the city,
  • road cleanliness,
  • development of a convenient and economical heating stove (“Franklin stove”),

people understood and needed. Each strengthened his authority and allowed him to successfully promote his next projects, including such serious ones as his founding of the University of Pennsylvania.

In his life, he really was able to do a lot. As a scientist, he explored the nature of electricity, invented a lightning rod and created a capacitor battery, introduced the designation of electric polarity “+” and “-” into physics, put forward the concept of an electric motor, invented bifocal glasses, studied the flow, width, depth (and gave this name!) of the Gulf Stream . As a politician, he was the only one who sealed with his signature all three of the most important historical documents that underlie the formation of the United States of America.

The first American to become a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. When he died, about 20 thousand people gathered for his funeral.

Franklin Pyramid

Franklin was sure of several things. First, that life should have a worthy purpose. Do you agree with him? If there is a worthy goal and for you this is not an empty phrase, then you should have a plan to achieve it. master plan of life. This master plan should be concretized into big plans for several years, big plans into specific annual plans, annual plans into monthly plans, the latter into plans for the week and for the day.

This is a completely standard procedure for concretizing plans, adopted in any project management.

If you have the main goal of life and it is not an empty phrase for you, if it is important for you, then the steps described by Benjamin Franklin are completely natural.

Moral Improvement Plan

“About 1728, I conceived a bold and difficult plan for achieving moral perfection, highlighting the thirteen most important moral virtues known to me. Here are the names of these virtues with the corresponding instructions … «See →

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