Benign lung cancer

It would seem from the name of good, you might think that this is good. But good is not enough, the fact is that a benign tumor does not destroy tissues and does not give metastases, like malignant ones, but it does not add optimism.

Benign lung cancer develops from the walls of the bronchi or is localized in the upper lungs.

Groups of lung tumors

By histological diagnostic methods, benign lung tumors are divided into groups:

  • Papilloma or adenoma. The origin of such neoplasms is epithelial;

  • Neurofibroma or neurinoma;

  • Fibroma, lymphantioma, chondroma, myoma. Such tumors are of mesodermal origin;

  • Chorioepithelioma and teratoma are disembryogenetic neoplasms;

  • Histiocytoma and hematoma.

No matter how all these types of benign lung cancer are called, it needs to be detected in time and measures taken for treatment at an early stage.

Symptoms of the disease

Cancer tumors are characterized by insidiousness. They masquerade as seemingly harmless diseases like the common cold or whooping cough.

But if you are attentive to your health, especially the elderly, then if you have some signs of cancer, you should pay a visit to an oncologist. Such signs include:

  • Weakness in limbs;

  • Causeless frequent coughing;

  • Shortness of breath

  • Anhidrosis.

Particularly should alert hacking cough with sputum.

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