From the very first page of the book by the Swedish Slavist Bengt Jangfeldt, we find ourselves in the world of Soviet bohemia of the late 20s: scandalous novels, artistic quests, friendship, enmity…
From the very first page of the book by the Swedish Slavist Bengt Jangfeldt, we find ourselves in the world of Soviet bohemia of the late 20s: scandalous novels, artistic quests, friendship, enmity … And in the very center of this seething cauldron is one of the greatest poets of the XNUMXth century, Vladimir Mayakovsky and the main love his life Lilya Brik. Telling the story of their strange relationship, Youngfeldt simultaneously recreates the whole panorama of the cultural life of those years. His book is a rare example of inspirational and at the same time documented historical reconstruction: officials, writers, artists, filmmakers of the Soviet avant-garde era acquire flesh and character under Yangfeldt’s pen, and the interweaving of their destinies turns out to be noticeably more interesting than any detective story. Many rare photographs that have never been published before give the book additional volume and depth, allowing the reader to fully feel like an eyewitness and participant in historical events that determined the fate of Russian culture for many decades to come.
Kolibri, 640 p.