Bengal cat
The history of the Bengal cat begins in the middle of the XNUMXth century. This graceful animal has a bright and very beautiful color, which is a bit like leopard hair. The nature of cats is also special. We decided to tell you more about this breed to make it easier for you to make a choice if you are thinking about adopting a kitten.
Name of the breedBengal cat, Bengal
Country of originUSA
The time of the birth of the breed1961 year
A typeIntergeneric hybrid of domestic and wild Bengal cat
The weight5 – 6 kg
Height (height at the withers)25 – 32 cm
Lifespan12 – 15 years
Price of kittens40 – 000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesOscar, Dakota, Caesar, Padrick, Marquis, Tamerlane, Sue, Tabby, Leo

History of origin

In 1961, Gene Mill, an American cat breeding biologist, went on a business trip to Bangkok. At the local market, Mill saw small wild Bengal kittens that were sold to tourists as living souvenirs. Poachers hunted for the valuable skin of adult Bengals, and the species was on the verge of extinction. The scientist bought a kitten and brought it home, naming it Malaysia.

A graceful leopard-colored animal inspired Mill to create an entirely new breed, and as a result of the gradual crossing of wild Bengal cats from India with domestic cats of various breeds (including Burmese and Mau), a new species was created with the character of a domestic cat and the spectacular appearance of a wild predator.

Breed description

Bengals have an elongated body with well-developed muscles and strong legs (while the hind legs are slightly elongated). The tail is of medium length, with a rounded black tip. Bengal cats have bright, expressive eyes and short, wide-set ears.

The coat of Bengals is short, thick and silky to the touch. The color varies from white to chocolate, the main thing is the leopard pattern in the form of spots, rosettes and stripes.



The nature of Bengal cats combines the temperament of a wild predator and the friendliness of a domestic animal. Bengals have a highly developed hunting instinct, so they love outdoor games: roll balls, play with a bow, hunt down “prey”. They can easily catch mice, although they rarely eat them. With proper upbringing, Bengals grow up to be affectionate, sociable and inquisitive cats. They get along well with other pets (with the exception of birds and rodents), they love children. Bengal cats are smart and easy to train. An interesting fact: Bengals love water, which means that bathing a pet will not be a problem.

Care and maintenance

Bengals do not require special care: it is enough to regularly trim the claws and comb the hair once a month (it is better to choose a brush with natural bristles). Since this breed has a relatively short coat, Bengals do not need to be bathed often, except during molting and estrus.

Since cats of this breed are very active and playful, it is better to purchase a special complex for the pet, where he can play, sleep, and a scratching post.

To keep the cat healthy, the owner should remember about regular vaccination and parasite prevention. As for the Bengal’s diet, there are two options: either choose premium professional food, or provide your pet with high-quality thermally processed meat, not forgetting fiber and carbohydrates, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. If you are unsure which option is best for your cat, contact your veterinarian for a balanced diet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the most common myth among Bengal owners that raw meat is the most suitable food for this breed. We hasten to dissuade you: raw meat can be harmful and dangerous to the health of your cat! Also, do not forget about a bowl of clean water, which should always be within reach of the pet.

Bengals are very clean animals, so you need to regularly change the filler in the tray. It is better to choose woody – it masks the smell better and is more pleasant for digging. The tray itself must be purchased with high boots, otherwise the entire filler (and not only) may end up on the floor. Do not wash the litter box with harsh, odorous chemicals, otherwise the cat may refuse to go there.

Education and training

Bengal is considered to be one of the smartest cat breeds. They are easy to train and follow simple commands. Regular training helps the animal to throw out its indefatigable energy, create a trusting relationship with the owner.

It is better to start training a pet at three months. For each completed command, the cat must be rewarded with a treat and stroked. For example, you have noticed that a kitten likes to carry something in its teeth. Try to say “bring it” at this moment, pick up the item and treat it with a treat. You need to deal with a cat about twice a week, gradually increasing the training time to 15 – 20 minutes. If the pet is tired or does not want to follow commands, it is better to postpone classes for another day.

Health and disease

Usually, Bengals are distinguished by good health (unless, of course, the animal is purchased from a professional proven nursery) and do not cause much trouble to their owners. They may suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, cardiomyopathy, and urological problems. But if the animal is properly fed and regularly checked for health in the veterinary clinic, then it will live a long and happy life.

If you are not going to breed Bengals, then the pet should be castrated or sterilized. This will save the animal from hormonal diseases, and your home from “fragrant” marks. Forget about special equipment like “Sex Barrier” or “Contrasex” – they can cause serious illness and even death of an animal.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about Bengal cats veterinary cardiologist of the European Veterinary Center EVC from Moscow Leonid Krasheninnikov.

Can a Bengal cat get along with a dog?

The nature of this breed is similar to that of a dog. Therefore, they can find a common language quickly enough. Bengal kittens get along especially well with dogs.

Can a Bengal cat get along with other cats?

If another cat already lives in the house, then you need to prepare in advance for the arrival of the Bengal. So that the cats do not start dividing the territory, allocate a separate place, a bowl and a tray for the new one, introduce the cats to each other gradually.

How do Bengal cats treat children?

Bengals are friendly and get along well with people. However, they try to avoid the company of children, although they treat them with patience. They prefer the company of older children and adults.

Is it possible to take a Bengal cat out of town, to the country?

Bengal cats are very active: they love to run, jump and climb. Therefore, they will like open space. But it is important to remember that this breed has a hunting instinct. During free-range, the owners need to look after the cat so that in pursuit of a bird it does not accidentally run away to another area. Also, do not forget about seasonal vaccination and treatment for parasites.

1 Comment

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