Benfogamma – composition and action, vitamin B1 deficiency

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is one of the compounds necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, which it cannot produce on its own. Vitamin B1 is a heterocyclic chemical compound composed of thiazole and pyrimidine rings linked by a methine bridge. The isolation of this substance took place in 1911 in the laboratory of Kazimierz Funk, a Polish biochemist, one of the founders of vitamin science.

Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the proper functioning of the human body. First of all, it plays an important role in tissue respiration, including the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is also one of the components of the carboxylase coenzyme. Its other functions include: secretion of gonadotropic hormones and acceleration of the wound healing process. In addition, vitamin B1 has a pain relieving effect. The daily requirement for vitamin B1 is: for adult men – 1,2 mg, for women – 1,1 mg.

Vitamin B1 deficiency can cause a number of disorders in the human body. The most significant are:

  1. problems in the proper functioning of the central nervous system, manifested by a feeling of weakness, fatigue, nystagmus, problems with concentration, memory and depression,
  2. abnormal circulatory system operation, including increased heart rate, enlargement of its size, swelling in the lower and upper limbs,
  3. problems in the proper functioning of the digestive tract, including eating disorders, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss.

Benfogamma – composition and action

In the case of diagnosed deficiencies of vitamin B1, it is worth reaching for one of the preparations available on the pharmaceutical market. One of them is the Benfogamma preparation produced by the German company Worwag.

Benfogamma is in the form of coated tablets containing 50 mg of benfotiamine. Benfotiamine is vitamin B1 in a highly bioavailable form; it is easily absorbed by the human body. It dissolves in fats, which has a positive effect on the level of its absorption. Introduced into the gastrointestinal tract, benfotiamine is rapidly converted into vitamin B1.

The other ingredients of Benfogamma include: corn starch, gelatin, talc, sucrose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate and ingredients building the tablet coating.

Benfogamma is for oral use. The following ways to take it are recommended:

  1. for preventive purposes against the occurrence of vitamin B1 deficiency: 1 tablet, 1-2 times a day, at intervals of several hours,
  2. in order to fight the diagnosed deficiency of this substance: 1 tablet 1-3 times a day.

It is best to take the benfogamma whole, without chewing or crushing the tablets, with plenty of water.

For people suffering from extremely intense deficiencies of this vitamin, the Benfogamma Forte preparation was created, which contains 300 mg of benfotiamine. Currently, however, it is not available in our country.

Benfogamma and the causes of vitamin B1 deficiency

Vitamin B1 deficiency usually occurs as a result of following an incorrect diet for a long time. Most often, deficiencies occur in people who are slimming, following intensive, low-calorie diets. Vitamin B1 deficiency is also caused by alcohol abuse, which blocks its absorption. Therefore, people suffering from alcoholism are exposed to its deficiency.

In the fight against vitamin B1 deficiency, it is worth not only reaching for Benfogamma; the most effective solution is to combine the treatment with this preparation with a change in eating habits. Vitamin B1 can be found in products such as:

  1. various types of meat, mainly pork and cold cuts,
  2. legumes (peas, beans),
  3. yeast,
  4. nuts,
  5. sunflower seeds,
  6. fish,
  7. fruits and vegetables.

Cereals have a high thiamine content, especially the outer layer of their seeds. For this reason, the treatment of cereal seeds depletes the amount of vitamin B1 contained in them. Its small amounts can be found in flour and shelled groats.

Benfogamma – admission, availability and precautions

Benfogamma is a relatively safe preparation, therefore it is available without a prescription. We can easily buy it in most pharmacies in our country. The price of one package of Benfogamma is: approx. PLN 50 in the case of a package containing 100 tablets and approx. PLN 26 in the case of a package containing 50 tablets.

Special precautions should be taken when taking Benfogamma. First of all, it is not recommended to take this preparation if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

There were no known side effects when taking Benfogamma as recommended by the manufacturer.

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