Benefits, indications and contraindications of halotherapy

Modern medicine is characterized by some confusion of concepts in the definition of the artificially created microclimate of salt caves. It is called both a halochamber and a speleochamber or speleoclimate chamber, there are also terms such as a “living air” system or a climatic chamber.

The priority developments of Russian physiotherapy are cameras actively used in halotherapy and speleotherapy. Such treatment is included in the range of services of many sanatoriums and city medical centers. 

What is halotherapy?

Benefits, indications and contraindications of halotherapy

halotherapy is a non-drug treatment based on the reconstruction of an artificial microclimate, as close as possible to the properties and conditions of salt caves.

Such hospitals have a special microclimate. Here there is a constant temperature, without fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, with low humidity and the complete absence of bacteria. Such a climate is called hypoallergenic due to the special property of the air containing salt aerosol.

At the initial stage of the halotherapy procedure, it does not matter if this cave is natural or artificially reproduced, they give a tangible effect. So some patients note the appearance of minor discomfort, others develop weakness and dizziness, and for some, the first session gives a surge of energy and strength. The reaction of the body is purely individual in nature, but the absolute majority experiences cheerfulness and a state of lightness after 2-3 sessions.

Salt caves are equipped with sun loungers and mini gazebos with tables. Of course, the halochamber and its natural prototype differ from each other. The artificially created room has an operator and treatment room.

Particular attention is paid to visitors with bronchial asthma, because. they are prone to bouts of intensifying coughing precisely in the first minutes of the procedure. It takes 10 minutes for the body to adapt and return to its normal state.

The number of halotherapy sessions depends on the characteristics and severity of the disease. Usually the range varies from 10 to 25 procedures. If necessary, the course is repeated after six months.

What is the difference between halotherapy and speleotherapy?

Benefits, indications and contraindications of halotherapy

Speleotherapy and halotherapy have much in common, especially the similarity is manifested in the physiotherapy technique.

Initially, the term “speleotherapy” described the process of healing in natural conditions on the basis of salt mines or caves. They had the ability to circulate large volumes of air, thereby maintaining a constant microclimate with a certain humidity and temperature all year round. The effectiveness of such treatment is undeniable, but getting to such places is problematic, so the idea arose of the possibility of recreating such a microclimate – unique and useful.

The air environment of the speleochamber is characterized by the reproduction of the microclimate properties of underground salt caves in potash mines. So there was a need to purchase salt material (halite and salvinite blocks and slabs), which is necessary for facing ceilings, walls and floors of treatment chambers. 

As a result, a speleological chamber began to be called the premises in which a unique climatic environment is created by the air flow. An amazing mechanism of flow around the salt material takes place in it, as a result of which the products of natural destruction are torn off.

Salt aerosol is a complex of halite, sylvin and carnallite, which make up about 98% of the total volume of the substance, that is, its main minerals are potassium chloride, magnesium and sodium. Potassium chloride helps to restore the contractile function of the heart and strengthen the body’s defenses.

The most important factor determining the healing properties of speleotherapy procedures is the almost complete absence of allergens in the air. In addition, a quiet environment, without unnecessary noise and harsh sounds, creates a special atmosphere in the cell. Air ions make the air fresh and saturated, which has a positive effect on the respiratory system of visitors, gives a cozy and comfortable feeling. 

Speleological chambers use modern ventilation systems and air conditioning equipment. Air masses pass along the entire length of the wall, covered with a layer of natural salt, due to which a fine aerosol is obtained. It is this substance that is involved in the normalization of metabolism, lowering blood pressure, increasing red blood cells and other biochemical reactions. It is enough to breathe deeply during the speleotherapy procedure.

Halotherapy should be understood as a method of using the climatic conditions of a salt cave in an artificially created environment using sodium chloride, which is an aerosol of common salt. It is table salt that is the main and only component of such therapy. 

Treatment with halotherapy became popular in the 80s. A halochamber is a room in which the floor and walls are covered with a thin layer of edible salt. It is applied with a sprayer and is more of a decoration value. The task of this treatment is to ensure the function of a buffer humidity: the moisture that the patient releases during therapy is absorbed, thereby maintaining the optimal degree of humidity in the room. The exhaust fan will remove the accumulated moisture after the end of the procedure.

In halochambers, it is customary to create a special interior that sets you up for maximum relaxation and excludes the feeling of being in a medical institution. The medical effect is achieved by installing special equipment in the room – a dry aerosol dispenser called a halogenerator. It crushes salt particles to the state of an aerosol and provides a dosed flow of the substance into the chamber. The only component of the salt aerosol in the halochamber is sodium chloride. Salt spray saturates the air only with the help of a halogenerator. 

Speleotherapy and halotherapy are climatotherapy methods that are in the same treatment area. Both cases involve the use of salt. The difference is observed in the nature of the formation of the therapeutic environment and its capabilities. 

The main advantage of the speleochamber is a complex of components of salt aerosol, which contributes to a positive therapeutic effect.

According to the results of the study, the purpose of which was to assess the microclimate of the speleochamber and halochamber, it was found that the therapeutic signs of the climate of the speleochambers, recreated using blocks of natural potassium salts, have higher and more stable indicators in treatment. Halochambers coated with common salt spray have lower therapeutic properties.

The speleochamber does not need a halogenerator in its work, which needs major repairs at least once every five years.

A significant advantage of the speleochamber over the halochamber is the working surface of the chamber, which in the first case is fully involved, and in the second it has only a decorative function. 

Benefits of halotherapy

Benefits, indications and contraindications of halotherapy

Modern medicine has data on the extremely beneficial effect on the human body of salts containing sodium ions and chlorides.

The main merit of halotherapy is to cleanse the organs of the respiratory system. Being in a salt chamber helps to saturate the cells with useful ions, thereby restoring lung function, and the microflora of the respiratory tract is cleared of dust and harmful bacteria.

During a halotherapy session, salt air increases blood oxygen saturation, forms the body’s defenses to fight infections and viruses. Salt caves are especially useful in the treatment of various ENT diseases: sinusitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis. Salt caves are effective for children who are often exposed to colds. They help to strengthen the immune system, both in children and adults. 

Halotherapy is rightfully considered an excellent remedy for cosmetic problems. Salt procedures renew the skin, promote healing by exfoliating the stratum corneum and nourish it. 

A visit to salt caves leads to a qualitative change in the intensity of blood flow to skin cells, increasing oxygen exchange at the micro level. An interesting fact is the faster healing of wounds and abrasions after visiting the salt chamber. Due to this property, halotherapy is recommended for people who suffer from acne, dermatitis of various origins, psoriasis, seborrheic lesions of the skin and other skin diseases. Salt particles in the caves have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles and the appearance of the hair in general.

The benefits of salt caves in the fight against smoking are known. Especially if a heavy smoker can not part with addiction. Breathing clean air allows such a person to compare it with tobacco smoke, and this becomes the first psychological moment on the path to a healthy lifestyle: the lungs are cleared, inflammation is reduced, and the craving for nicotine gradually fades away.

Salt caves are equipped with maximum comfort and an atmosphere that forms a psycho-emotional relief. Thus, a session of halotherapy acquires not only a healing, but also a relaxing effect. 

Studies on the effectiveness of halotherapy


Improvement of the condition


on 76%


on 76%

Sinusitis / inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

on 71%


on 43%

allergies to pollen

on 89%

Skin allergies

on 92%


on 71%


on 80%

fatigue syndrome

on 94%

Indications for halotherapy

Benefits, indications and contraindications of halotherapy

There are many indications for halotherapy. The main goal of such sessions is the improvement of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person.

Recommended list of indications for procedures in salt caves:

  • Preventive measures to prevent colds: frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, bronchitis of varying severity, etc.;

  • Treatment of ENT diseases: chronic sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, their chronic inflammatory processes;

  • Treatment of asthmatic manifestations: pre-asthma, “smoker’s bronchitis” syndrome, recurrent tracheobronchitis, and, of course, bronchial asthma;

  • Reduction of possible complications in the initial stages of colds, such as false croup or bronchospasm. Halotherapy in these cases can reduce the viscosity of sputum, improve its separation and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, thereby relieving symptoms, relieving suffocation and increasing bronchial patency;

  • Allergic manifestations: allergies of various etiologies, including allergic dermatitis and rhinitis;

  • Skin lesions, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and pustular manifestations on the skin, acne and hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands;

  • For recovery in the field of cosmetology – halotherapy sessions relieve the inflammatory process;

  • In diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemia, angina pectoris, hypo- and hypertension. It is effective to visit salt caves during the recovery period after a heart attack or stroke;

  • In the event of neurotic and neurosis-like conditions: phobic manifestations, fears, insomnia, unreasonable anxious thoughts and fears. Influencing the human vegetative system, salt air contributes to its normalization in the psycho-emotional plan;

  • Prevention of diseases associated with environmental pollution. Areas where harmful industries are located or when a person does not have a stable work schedule, for example, if necessary, go to night shifts, salt caves will help to cope with psycho-emotional stress, clean air will relieve fatigue and have a positive effect on an overloaded nervous system.

Contraindications halotherapy

There are few contraindications to halotherapy, but they must be taken into account, because. visiting salt caves in the presence of chronic or infectious diseases, especially during an exacerbation or relapse, will only aggravate the situation. In addition, it is important to be aware of the possible individual intolerance to saline aerosol.

The main contraindications of halotherapy include:

  • Active stage of tuberculosis;

  • Malignant neoplasms;

  • Infections before the end of the isolation period;

  • Diseases with complications in the form of serious suppuration;

  • The period of exacerbation of blood diseases;

  • Bleeding of any origin and localization;

  • The entire period of pregnancy;

  • Acute form of sexually transmitted diseases;

  • Chronic addictions: alcoholism and drug addiction

  • Mental illnesses of varying severity.

Before starting a course of halotherapy, you should consult with your doctor to clarify the indications and contraindications for such a procedure.

Halotherapy at home

The dynamic modern world requires a maximum of time from a person, so there is an option when halotherapy can be carried out at home, without leaving for specially equipped rooms or in the natural conditions of salt caves.

The organization of halotherapy sessions at home has several options, ranging from purchasing only a specialized lamp made from salt crystals, and ending with equipment for this purpose in a separate room. In the first case, of course, it will not be possible to achieve a diverse effect on organs and systems, but it is quite possible to strengthen immunity.

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