benefits and harms to the body, useful properties and contraindications for women, men

Pink salmon – fish of the salmon family. She is a member of the genus Pacific salmon. Pink salmon is the smallest and most widespread member of this genus. This fish is credited with many beneficial properties. It can prolong a person’s life, prevent heart attack and cancer.

Not only does pink salmon have one of the highest omega-3s, it also contains a ton of other vitamins and minerals. According to representatives of the Department of Fish and Wildlife in Washington, pink salmon is a Pacific fish. The average weight of an adult is 1,2–2,2 kg. Wild pink salmon lives off the coast of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California. This fish is one of the healthiest sources of protein.

General benefits

1. Improves overall well-being.

Pink salmon contains a large amount of vitamin D. 100 g of fish will cover the daily need for this vitamin. This is important because vitamin D deficiency is linked to many diseases, from cancer and multiple sclerosis to rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. Most of the inhabitants of our country suffer from vitamin D deficiency, since we have more cloudy days than sunny days during the year, and vitamin D is synthesized in the body precisely thanks to the sun. Therefore, be sure to include pink salmon in your diet to replenish the reserves of this vitamin, especially in winter.

2. Strengthens the skeletal system.

Researchers have found that regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent osteoporosis. Researchers at Ohio State University found that women with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood were less likely to have fractures. Inflammation promotes resorption – the process of destruction – of bone tissue. Since pink salmon is a natural anti-inflammatory food, it is a great way to strengthen your bones and avoid osteoporosis.

3. Provides cognitive health.

Omega-3-rich foods have been shown to improve the performance of various brain functions, including improving memory. In addition, vitamins A, D, and selenium in pink salmon help protect the nervous system from age-related damage and may act in the same way as an antidepressant. Research shows that long-term consumption of pink salmon can help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s and ease the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

4. Prevent ADHD in children.

ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Research shows that the cognitive health of children who regularly consume pink salmon improves cognitive health as much as their parents. Various studies show that including pink salmon in the diet of preschool children prevents ADHD symptoms and improves academic performance in schoolchildren. Concentration and memory also improve.

5. Strengthens the heart.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, pink salmon helps reduce chronic inflammation and the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and stroke. In terms of dosage, a study published by the School of Medicine and Pharmacology (University of Western Australia) reports:

“Health authorities are currently recommending at least two fatty fish meals a week. This equates to approximately 500 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid per day (two key omega-3 fatty acids). Eating pink salmon can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and type XNUMX diabetes.

6. Improves eyesight.

Eating pink salmon can help reduce dry eye and age-related macular degeneration symptoms, which are one of the causes of irreversible blindness. It is also believed that omega-3s improve the drainage of intraocular fluid and reduce the risk of glaucoma and high pressure in the eyeball.

7. Protects against cancer.

Based on reviews of 2000 scientific papers on omega-3 fatty acids and cancer, it can be concluded that omega-3 fatty acids can have a profound effect not only in preventing cancer, but also in fighting cancerous tumors that have already formed. It should be noted that some of these studies show that cancer patients generally experience significant improvement even by consuming pink salmon once a week.

Benefits for women

8. Stabilizes hormones.

Pink salmon normalizes the thyroid gland and central nervous system. 150 g of pink salmon meat a day, 2 times a week, can even out the hormonal background of a woman. Omega-3 fatty acids can ease the symptoms of PMS and menopause. They normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve painful periods.

Skin Benefits

9. Rejuvenates the skin.

Due to the high levels of omega-3 fats in pink salmon, eating this fish will help restore skin elasticity. In addition, the carotenoid antioxidants astaxanthin found in pink salmon can significantly reduce the effects of free radical damage that causes premature aging. Dr. Perricone, an internationally renowned dermatologist, recommends that his patients consume pink salmon three times a week for healthier skin. Thanks to the inclusion of fish in the diet, the skin will acquire an even tone, become soft and smooth.

Hair Benefits

10. Healthy, smooth hair.

The fatty acids contained in pink salmon nourish the hair follicles from the inside, leaving hair smooth, strong and healthy. They also repair damaged strands and prevent split ends.

Harm and contraindications

1. There can be negative consequences of overuse.

With excessive use of pink salmon, the production of hormones can become too active, which will irreversibly lead to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Experts recommend to consume no more than 150 grams of pink salmon per day, no more than three times a week.

2. Individual intolerance is possible.

Do not use pink salmon if you have an individual intolerance to seafood, as well as an increased sensitivity to their components. If you are diagnosed with chronic liver disease, an excess of iodine or phosphorus in the body, then before adding pink salmon to your diet, consult your doctor.

3. Provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

If you have gastrointestinal or liver problems, do not eat salted fish. In this case, it is best to steam or grill it. Eating pink salmon fried in oil can also provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. In addition, from fried in the body harmful cholesterol accumulates, which can lead to clogging of blood vessels and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Excessively salted and peppery fish can provoke the formation of ulcers or gastritis.

4. Contraindicated in certain diseases.

Do not use pink salmon if you have urinary tract problems. During pregnancy, pink salmon can be consumed in a strictly limited amount, and it is better to refuse to introduce it as a complementary food for an infant. Do not eat pink salmon at night, its excessive use leads to swelling of the limbs.

Chemical composition of the product

Nutritional value of pink salmon (100 g) and percentage of the daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements
  • calories 140 kcal – 9,83%;
  • proteins 20,5 g – 25%;
  • fats 6,5 g – 10%;
  • carbohydrates 0 g – 0%;
  • dietary fiber 0 g – 0%;
  • water 71,8 g – 2,8%.
  • And 30 mcg – 3,3%;
  • B1 0,2 mg – 13,3%;
  • B2 0,16 mg – 8,9%;
  • B4 94,6 mg – 18,9%;
  • B5 0,75 mg -15%;
  • B6 0,611 mg – 30,6%;
  • B9 7 μg – 1,8%;
  • B12 4,15 μg – 138,3%;
  • S 0,9 mg – 1%;
  • D 10,9 μg – 109%;
  • E 1,5 mg – 10%;
  • To 0,4 μg – 0,3%;
  • PP 8,1 mg – 40,5%.
  • potassium 335 mg – 13,4%;
  • calcium 20 mg – 2%;
  • magnesium 30 mg – 7,5%;
  • sodium 70 mg – 5,4%;
  • sera 190 mg – 19%;
  • phosphorus 200 mg – 25%;
  • chlorine 165 mg – 7,2%.
  • iron 0,6 mg – 3,3%;
  • iodine 50 mcg – 33,3%;
  • cobalt 20 mcg – 200%;
  • manganese 0,05 mg – 2,5%;
  • copper 110 μg – 11%;
  • molybdenum 4 mcg – 5,7%;
  • selenium 44,6 μg – 81%;
  • fluorine 430 μg – 10,8%;
  • chromium 55 mcg – 110%;
  • zinc 0,7 mg – 5,8%.


Pink salmon is the richest source of useful macro- and microelements. It is very nutritious and healthy. It also contains protein – a building block of every cell of the body and essential fatty acids, without which the existence of our body is impossible. Despite the benefits, this fish also has some contraindications, which must be taken into account before including it in your diet.

Useful Properties

  • Improves overall well-being.
  • Strengthens the skeletal system.
  • Provides cognitive health.
  • Prevents ADHD in children.
  • Strengthens the heart.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • Protects against cancer.
  • Stabilizes hormones.
  • Rejuvenates the skin.
  • Leaves hair healthy and smooth.

Harmful properties

  • There are negative consequences of overuse.
  • Individual intolerance is possible.
  • Sometimes it provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  • Contraindicated in certain diseases.

Additional useful information about pink salmon

How to use

Pink salmon can be cooked in many ways: fry, bake in the oven, salt, smoke, grill, steam, charcoal. This fish is suitable for salads, cold appetizers, sushi. You can buy canned fish and make sandwiches out of it. As a side dish for pink salmon, use potatoes, rice, pasta and any other cereals you like.

The best seasoning for pink salmon: salt, pepper, lemon juice and vegetable oil. You can cook stuffed pink salmon. It is stuffed with mushrooms, vegetables or other seafood, sprinkled with cream and sprinkled with grated cheese. You can cook soups from pink salmon, make cutlets and meatballs from it. Pink salmon caviar is considered a delicacy. It is used to make pancakes, sushi and sandwiches.

How to choose

  • In fresh fish, the inside of the abdomen should be pink.
  • If the color of the abdomen is yellow, then the fish is stale, or it was not stored correctly. Such fish will taste bitter after cooking.
  • When buying fish with a head, pay attention to the gills. They should be red. If their color is not red, refuse to buy.
  • Fins and tail should not be dry. This effect is the result of several freeze-thaw cycles. The more such cycles, the worse the quality of the fish.
  • The river gorbusha is cheap.
  • You can purchase frozen fish.
  • Give preference to the products of large proven companies.
  • Small producers deliberately water the fish before freezing to increase its weight.
  • Dull eyes in fish are not evidence of a bad product. They naturally become cloudy when frozen.
  • If there are spots on the fish that look like bruises, do not be alarmed. The fish are caught in tons, which is why there is a strong pressure on the one that is located below, so “bruises” are formed. In taste and quality, such fish is in no way inferior to ordinary fish. The only downside is that its appearance will not be as attractive.
  • In order not to be mistaken with the quality of the goods, ask the seller for a certificate confirming the quality of the fish.

How to store

  • If you bought frozen fish and don’t plan to use it soon, put it in the freezer.
  • Fresh fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
  • Store pink salmon in parchment or cling film, or better yet, in a glass container.
  • Pink salmon cannot be stored at room temperature.
  • Smoked pink salmon is stored for no more than 10 days.
  • If you purchased pink salmon in a vacuum package, then do not open it if you do not intend to eat fish in the near future.

History of occurrence

Salmon fish appeared in the Mesozoic era (145 million years ago). The indigenous people of the North have long been engaged in fishing for salmon fish, thanks to which they survived. They consumed it completely, leaving no waste. Dried pink salmon caviar was valued most of all; it saved people during long travels. It was even consumed instead of bread and fed to sled dogs. The best was always given to the animals.

Today pink salmon is an important commercial fish. Its catch is 80% of the total red fish catch. Since 1909, pink salmon have been cultivated in artificial conditions. This happened due to the depletion of its natural resources. Now almost all pink salmon found on the shelves is grown on fish farms. During the Soviet era, they tried to breed pink salmon in the White, Caspian, Barents, Baltic and Black Seas. Attempts were unsuccessful. Pink salmon took root only in the White and Barents Seas.

How and where is bred

The habitat of pink salmon is the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean and the lower reaches of the rivers of the Arctic Ocean. It is found along the American and Asian Pacific coasts. It can be seen off the coast of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Hokkaido. Pink salmon live for 3 years and is very prolific. It got its name due to its characteristic feature. In males, before spawning, a hump-shaped growth is formed above the spine near the head.

The main catch areas are the lower reaches of the Amur and western Kamchatka. Pink salmon is affectionately called “pink salmon”, but it tends to change its color when migrating from freshwater rivers to the sea and back. Most often, pink salmon can be seen in a light blue color. During spawning, its abdomen becomes white-yellow, and the back turns pale. Pink salmon prefers cold water (5-10 degrees).

Pink salmon is the most important fishing object in Russia. Hundreds of thousands of tons are harvested annually. Russian catches account for about half of the world’s total. Pink salmon is the earliest salmon. The fry go into the sea, reaching a length of 3 cm and at the same time weighing 200 milligrams. Pink salmon lives in the sea only for a year; after spawning, it dies. On an industrial scale, pink salmon is bred in Sakhalin and Alaska.

Interesting Facts

  • After hatching, all pink salmon fry are females. With the beginning of swimming, half of them change their gender to male.
  • Pink salmon is capable of creating spawning grounds for itself.
  • When pink salmon enters the river, it stops feeding. This means that at this time it cannot be caught with a bait.
  • Having laid eggs, pink salmon dies within 15 minutes.
  • The humpback salmon needs a hump for the convenience of swimming on its side, for maneuverability and agility.
  • For spawning, this fish swims against the current.
  • For spawning, pink salmon returns to the river in which it was born.

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