😉 Greetings, dear readers! The article contains basic information about the golden fruits of the southern fruit tree. Apricots: benefits and harms to the body, how to choose, how to store.
This plant has 12 species distributed around the world. Plum genus. The famous ancient healer Avicenna appreciated the apricot fruit as a cure for many diseases.
What are perches, dried apricots, kaisa, apricots, ashtak
Poles, poles, poles – this is how the wild apricot is called. It is smaller, the kernel of the stone has bitterness. We can say that cultivated apricot has better quality. Poles have more fruit on the tree than their “brother”. In Ukraine, all types of apricots are called poles.
The golden fruit, even in dried form, preserves vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, it is dried for the winter. This is a wonderful filling for pies and a wonderful dried fruit for a fragrant compote or jelly.
- Dried apricots – apricot halves without pits, dried in the sun. One kilogram of dried apricots is obtained from 3-4 kg of fresh fruits.
- Apricot is a dried apricot of small varieties with a stone.
- Kaisa is a whole and dried pitted apricot.
- Ashtak-pashtak is a kaisa, only stuffed with an apricot kernel.
Apricot: calorie content
Fresh apricots have fewer calories than dry or canned ones.
In 100 grams of product:
- calorie content – 44 (fresh), 240 (dried apricots);
- proteins – 0,9 mg;
- fats – 0,1 mg;
- mono and disaccharides – 8,3;
- carbohydrates – 9 mg, dried apricots – 51 mg;
- water – 86,2 mg;
- vitamins: A, B3, C, beta-carotene, E, PP;
- potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus;
- cellulose;
- pectin substances, ash.
Why apricot is useful
- fruits are nutritious, quickly satisfy hunger;
- ideal for fasting days and diets;
- contain potassium and antioxidants that strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
- have a mild diuretic effect;
- lower blood pressure;
- useful during pregnancy;
- increase hemoglobin;
- help with anemia;
- increase visual acuity;
- good for the skin (masks);
- for brain function and memory improvement;
- diuretic effect for edema;
- for the treatment of constipation;
- improve hair growth;
- bright fruits are antidepressants;
- crushed fruits are added to cottage cheese and cereals for breakfast.
- in the pulp of fruits from 5 to 27% sugar. Patients with diabetes mellitus are contraindicated in apricots and dried apricots;
- it is not recommended to eat apricots on an empty stomach, this will worsen the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- eating fruits in large quantities can provoke diarrhea;
- idiosyncrasy;
- with liver disease, pancreatitis, it is necessary to limit the use of apricots.
Apricot kernel: benefits and harms
In my childhood, children, armed with a stone, broke apricot pits on the asphalt to get delicious grains. The taste of apricot kernels is very reminiscent of almonds. This product is considered quite high-calorie, in fact, it can be considered a nut.
- Apricot kernels are an anthelmintic.
- Helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
- They fight the growth of cancer cells (vitamin B17).
Do not get carried away with nuts! Hydrocyanic acid is present in the core of the bone. This has a negative effect on the entire body as a whole. In order not to harm the body, use a safe rate – 20 apricot kernel kernels.
How to choose and store apricots correctly?
It’s simple! Choose ripe, firm, orange-yellow fruit that is free from damage, dents or dark spots. If you eat fruits with dark spots, the fermentation process in the stomach is ensured. Avoid unripe fruits – there will be no health benefits from them.
Apricots cannot be stored for a long time. The implementation period is 1-2 weeks. For ripening, the fruits are placed in a paper bag and stored at room temperature. Use a plastic container with a lid for refrigerator storage.
Apricot oil: application
The oil is obtained in the process of cold pressing of apricot kernels. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins of groups A, C, B, F. The oil is widely used to care for face skin, hair and eyelash growth.
- has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect;
- used for massage, baths;
- ideal for dry skin, moisturizing it;
- an effective remedy for cellulite (in combination 1: 1 with avocado oil);
- normalizes fat metabolism of the skin, making it firm and elastic;
- eliminates redness and flaking of the skin;
- promotes the healing of abrasions and scratches;
- hair masks.
In this collection of videos, additional information “Apricots: benefits and harms to the body”
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