benefits and harms to health and the human body, useful properties and contraindications, use for women, men, hair, skin

Garlic Is not just a spice that is in demand in cuisines around the world and adds a delicious flavor to dishes. This is also a real find for our health: garlic is able to prevent and eliminate many diseases. This unique food product contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for a person.

It has a positive effect on the work of internal organs, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body, the condition of the skin and hair, is a powerful natural antibiotic, reduces the risk of cancer. Garlic has been recognized by the National Cancer Institute as one of the few vegetables with anti-cancer effects.

Garlic is widely available, you can buy it (its prices are very affordable) or grow it yourself (this vegetable does not require special care). In return, you are guaranteed to receive a flavored, natural nutritional supplement with many health benefits.

General benefits

Garlic is an irreplaceable product in the diet of people who care about their health and longevity. Numerous scientific studies confirm the positive effect of this vegetable crop on the human body. Here are some of the main benefits of eating garlic.

1. Stabilization of blood pressure.

Garlic extract contains a biologically active sulfur compound – alliin, which, under the action of enzymes, after grinding the vegetable (slicing, crushing, etc.) turns into allicin. By the way, this same allicin gives garlic a pungent aroma.

So, thanks to this compound, garlic has a unique property to lower blood pressure – systolic by 10 mm. rt. Art. and diastolic by 8 mm. rt. Art. – due to the expansion of blood vessels.

It is the lack of sulfur in the body that leads to high blood pressure, so additional intake of this macronutrient from food will help stabilize it.

It should be noted that heat treatment of a vegetable destroys allicin, therefore, to obtain the desired effect, garlic must be consumed dry or raw.

2. Reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

LDL cholesterol is cholesterol that is carried by low-density lipoproteins. It is important for our body, but its increased content causes the appearance of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which is fraught with various diseases.

American researchers, after a series of experiments, found that adding garlic to the diet can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10% in male patients suffering from hypercholesterolemia.

In rats, garlic slowed down the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver. Additional experiments with water-soluble and lipid-soluble compounds in garlic have shown that water-soluble compounds reduce cholesterol synthesis by up to sixty percent.

Thus, daily consumption of 1-2 cloves of raw garlic can normalize the level of LDL cholesterol in our body.

3. Prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Regular consumption of garlic lowers the level of cholesterol, lipids and triglycerides in the blood, reduces platelet aggregation (“sticking” of cells, excess of the aggregation rate threatens the appearance of blood clots), while increasing the activity of antioxidants, which helps to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Garlic also works effectively in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. Make a fragrant product a must in your daily menu: a clove of raw garlic a day will help prevent heart and blood vessel problems.

4. Strengthening bones.

Lifestyle, age-related changes lead to loss of bone strength, which causes fractures, osteoporosis and various problems with the skeleton. It has been found that garlic is an effective product in the treatment of osteoporosis and arthritis. Studies in rats suggested adding garlic oil to their diet.

It was found to inhibit the destruction of bone tissue caused by oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries in breast cancer). The diallyl disulfide in garlic has also been shown to help inhibit the enzymes that break down the bone matrix and thus prevent bone damage.

To strengthen bone tissue, it is enough to consume two to three cloves of raw garlic per day.

5. Elimination of intestinal diseases.

An upset stomach, disruption of the digestive system, clearly does not make our life better. One clove of garlic before breakfast, washed down with a glass of water at room temperature, will save you from problems associated with disrupted bowel movements. This unique vegetable has the ability to recognize good and bad bacteria in the gut.

Thanks to its strong antibacterial effect, garlic removes harmful enterobacteria from the intestines. In addition, garlic effectively fights against Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori) – a bacterium that lives in the pylorus and infects various areas of the stomach, as well as parts of the duodenum.

6. Normalization of blood sugar levels.

Elevated blood sugar levels lead to a tendency to develop diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. If you have high blood sugar, be sure to include three to four cloves of fresh garlic a day in your diet. Kuwaiti researchers, as a result of experiments with animals, found that it is raw garlic that can significantly reduce blood glucose levels.

7. Prevention of thromboembolism development.

Blood clotting is the most important protective function of the body, preventing excessive blood loss. However, increased clotting is dangerous because the resulting blood clots (thrombi) can break off and be carried by the bloodstream to vital organs (brain, lungs, kidneys, etc.).

Scientists from India conducted an experiment in which patients ate 10 mg of raw garlic daily for two months, and found that regular consumption of this daily allowance before breakfast prevents the risk of thromboembolism.

8. Help in the fight against cancer.

Garlic contains the organosulfur compound diallyl sulfide, which slows down oxidative processes, as well as selenium, which prevents DNA mutation, uncontrolled proliferation of tissue by cell division (proliferation) and the appearance of metastases.

Clinical studies by Chinese oncologists have shown that the spicy vegetable reduces the chances of tumors by 33% and stomach cancer by more than 50%.

Hence the conclusion: to reduce the risk of cancer, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat appropriate foods, which is exactly what garlic belongs to. Just one clove of garlic in the morning is a powerful cancer prevention.

9. Increased immunity.

Garlic is the richest source of phytonutrients – bioactive components found in plant foods that have a powerful antioxidant effect on our body. Antioxidants eliminate toxins and reduce the rate of oxidative processes, which helps protect against various diseases, DNA mutations and prevents cellular dysfunction.

Numerous studies support the fact that adding garlic to the diet (one to two cloves per day) increases the number of different types of immune cells in the human body and, accordingly, boosts immunity.

10. Slowdown of oxidative processes.

As already mentioned, the substances contained in garlic are capable of inhibiting oxidative reactions in the body. So, water-soluble sulfur compounds prevent DNA damage, minimize the risk of inflammation and atherosclerosis caused by oxidative processes.

In addition, garlic can prevent the onset of heart disease by destroying free oxygen radicals that negatively affect the body. Just one clove of this product is an indispensable aid in the fight against free radicals.

11. Prevention of heavy metal poisoning.

Heavy metal poisoning can have serious consequences for the human body, up to and including death. To avoid the accumulation of heavy metals in the body and to prevent poisoning, pickled garlic should be consumed.

The benefits of this product are confirmed by experiments: garlic, which was given to laboratory rats, helped to reduce the amount of heavy metals. Another study showed that pickled garlic was more effective in reducing the amount of cadmium in experimental animals.

12. Help in treating diabetes.

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases, a metabolic disorder, usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Researchers from India, using garlic as a dietary supplement for rats, found that the blood glucose and triglycerides in the experimental animals significantly decreased. In addition, insulin sensitivity has increased.

If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, be sure to consume a couple of cloves of raw garlic every day. This will be an excellent prevention of diabetes and will help in the fight against the disease.

13. Treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI).

UTI is an infection of the bladder or kidney. Garlic effectively suppresses and prevents the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This pathogen causes inflammation of the urinary tract as well as recurrent UTIs and kidney infections.

Garlic also stops the proliferation of Escherichia coli in the urinary tract. Three cloves of garlic added daily to food will help prevent UTIs and help treat pre-existing kidney diseases and infections.

14. Help in the treatment of colds and asthma.

Garlic is one of the oldest natural medicines for treating colds and asthma. Massaging the area of ​​the nose, throat and lungs with a warm mixture of mustard and garlic oils effectively warms the body and helps clear accumulated mucus from the lungs.

Garlic also reduces the hypersensitivity of asthmatics, so in addition to massage with oil, use raw garlic to prevent and treat these diseases.

15. Treatment of herpes.

The herpes simplex virus causes painful blisters (called the common cold) to appear on the lips, chin, and nose. And the worst thing is that this disease is contagious. But the anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and its ability to destroy germs helps in eliminating this problem.

However, to date, unfortunately, there is no clear scientific evidence for this phenomenon. And yet, a couple of cloves of garlic a day won’t hurt.

16. Prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

According to research data, garlic can prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, dementia (acquired dementia). Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia, hence the aromatic vegetable is effective in avoiding it.

The bioactive compound S-allylcysteine, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article, has a neuroprotective effect, that is, it prevents the destruction of brain neurons.

And the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic prevent further deterioration of the patient’s condition. Therefore, without hesitation, start eating three to four cloves of garlic a day – this will help avoid the occurrence of the above diseases.

17. Weight loss.

If you are on the path to weight loss, garlic is your faithful ally. Three cloves of garlic a day slows down the formation of cells that can store fats, increases thermogenesis and lowers the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol.

18. Eye protection.

Regular consumption of garlic normalizes intraocular pressure, prevents the growth of microbes that provoke the development of keratitis. Laboratory studies in rats have shown that garlic juice prevents lead-induced apoptosis of retinal cells.

19. Elimination of ear infections.

Ear infections often lead to related illnesses, which can result in total or partial hearing loss. Garlic is the guardian of ear health – it is effective in fighting infections due to its anti-inflammatory properties, but there is no scientific evidence for this yet.

20. Improving oral health.

Allicin contained in garlic has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and destroys oral pathogens that cause tooth decay and periodontitis. Thus, chewing one clove of garlic daily will help prevent toothache, tooth decay, and various oral diseases.

In addition to eating this product, garlic extract is used as a mouthwash. Simply put, the use of toothpastes and rinses that contain garlic extract has a positive effect on the health of the entire oral cavity.

21. Improving the absorption of iron and zinc.

These two trace elements are essential for the proper functioning of the entire body. The sulfur contained in garlic has a positive effect on the absorption of iron and zinc. If you have a deficiency of these elements in your body, a couple of pieces of garlic in your daily diet can correct the situation and normalize the bioavailability of zinc and iron.

22. Treatment of fatty liver disease.

An increased amount of fatty deposits in the liver can be fatal. Therefore, it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle and take preventive measures to avoid fatty liver. Eating garlic daily is one such measure.

S-allylmercaptocysteine, which is found in a spicy vegetable, repairs damaged areas of the organ, and the antioxidant properties of garlic oil provide reliable protection.

Benefits for women

23. Decreased activity of yeast infections.

The skin tends to successfully protect us from yeast infections. However, pathogens can enter through wounds or cuts, and can also be sexually transmitted.

Yeast infections are most commonly found in women, and these infections have unpleasant symptoms. Garlic is an effective natural remedy against them.

Its antifungal properties stop yeast from multiplying and is also highly effective in treating yeast infection symptoms. Studies have shown that garlic extract is effective against infections caused by Candida yeast.

For the prevention and control of the disease, it is advisable to use two or three pieces of garlic, but in no case should it be applied to the area of ​​infection.

24. Preventing the development of breast cancer.

We have already mentioned that garlic helps prevent the onset of cancer. One of the most common cancers today is breast cancer, a disease that affects a large number of women around the world.

The compounds contained in garlic have a destructive effect on cancer cells, stopping the process of their growth and reproduction. That is why regular consumption of garlic is a powerful prevention and help in the treatment of this type of cancer.

25. Improving sexual health.

Garlic has a cleansing effect on our vessels, removing them from deposits on the walls of cholesterol, which improves blood flow to the organs. The genitals are filled with blood vessels of different sizes, and good blood flow in them can help a woman to enjoy more sexual intercourse.

Thus, garlic has a positive effect on improving sexual health, increasing libido and increasing vitality.

Skin Benefits

26. Fight acne.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of garlic are effectively used in the treatment of acne. Acne occurs when the body builds up too much toxins, clogged pores, and bacterial infections. Due to its amazing properties, garlic successfully helps to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and fights the appearance of unaesthetic skin rashes.

To prevent and prevent the appearance of acne, you should eat a clove of garlic daily with cold water, and always observe personal hygiene and keep the skin clean and moisturized.

27. Soothing effect in psoriasis.

As an autoimmune disease that cannot be completely cured, psoriasis presents many problems for those suffering from this disease. Red, itchy, scaly patches that appear during flare-ups on the scalp, knees and elbows are all symptoms of psoriasis.

Since it is an inflammatory process, it is likely (although not yet scientifically confirmed) that garlic, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, can be used to relieve symptoms of an unpleasant disease. This can be achieved by consuming three cloves of garlic with onions, broccoli and beet juice every day.

28. Slowing down the aging process of the skin.

Aging is an inevitable process that is aggravated by stress, bad habits, heredity and other factors. As a source of S-allylcysteine, garlic helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds contained in this product neutralize oxygen free radicals, slowing down oxidative processes.

In addition, garlic promotes the synthesis of new – healthy – skin cells. To prevent the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging, it is recommended to regularly consume a clove of garlic with honey and lemon in the morning.

You can also make a “cocktail of youth”: chop the garlic and fill it with water, and in the morning drink the resulting infusion.

29. Reduction of stretch marks.

Unaesthetic white stripes on the skin (stretch marks, they are also striae) bother many of the fair sex. Stretch marks can be completely removed only by surgery, however, you can reduce them and make them less noticeable on your own.

Add oil massage to proper nutrition, physical activity: heat the base oil (mustard or olive) and add two or three cloves of garlic to it. When you start to smell, remove the garlic and let the oil cool slightly, but not completely. Massage the problem areas with warm oil in a circular motion.

Hair Benefits

30. Help in the treatment of alopecia (hair loss).

Ecology, heredity, poor lifestyle and many other factors can negatively affect the condition of the hair. And if for some this is expressed in a deterioration in the structure of the hair, the appearance of dandruff, that is, in cosmetic problems that are quite easily eliminated, for others this can result in significant hair loss, up to alopecia.

Alopecia areata is a fairly common autoimmune disease that is characterized by hair loss on the head, face, and other parts of the body. To date, there is no one hundred percent effective remedy to eliminate this problem, so numerous studies are underway.

One such study, conducted in Iran, examined the effect of garlic gel on the treatment of alopecia. For three months, participants in the experiment, taking corticosteroids to combat the disease, additionally applied garlic gel to their skin.

It was found that this treatment plan adds to the effectiveness of therapy aimed at treating foci of alopecia. Also, for the prevention of the disease, it is useful to use garlic, adding it to salads and other dishes, but only in its raw form, since after heat treatment it can partially lose its beneficial properties.

Benefits for men

31. Increased attractiveness to women.

Many people think that the smell of garlic can cause negative attitudes towards you around you, but research shows very different results. The body odor of men who regularly consume garlic in reasonable amounts is more attractive to women than those who do not have garlic in their diet.

Scientists from Prague have proven this experimentally. Therefore, if a man wants to become even more desirable for women, he needs to eat twelve grams of garlic daily.

32. Increased potency.

Garlic is a source of nutrients that occupy a particularly important place in the full functioning of the male body. These are vitamins B, C and D, potassium, magnesium, phosphoric and sulfuric acid, as well as selenium – a mineral necessary for maintaining the health of the male reproductive system.

A clear advantage of a fragrant product is its effect on potency. This becomes possible due to increased blood circulation: with the systematic use of garlic, the blood flow to the organs (including the sexual ones) becomes greater and, accordingly, male strength increases significantly.

33. Prevention of prostatitis.

It was also found that the presence of garlic in the daily menu is an excellent preventive measure to prevent the development of prostatitis.

34. Increase in muscle mass.

Compounds in garlic inhibit the production of cortisol, a hormone that destroys muscles and inhibits muscle growth. Avid athletes know this, and therefore, before training, they are advised to consume a couple of cloves of garlic.

In addition, by blocking the production of cortisol, this product promotes the production of testosterone, a hormone that helps to build muscle mass and maintain it.

Harm and contraindications

1. Specific smell.

Garlic is a rather tasty spicy spice, but regular use of it raw can cause a persistent specific smell that not everyone will like.

2. Nausea, heartburn, vomiting.

Spice abuse can cause dizziness, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

3. Exacerbation of gastritis.

Large amounts of garlic can have a negative effect on the stomach, causing stomach problems and worsening gastritis.

4. Increase in body temperature.

Since garlic increases thermogenesis, eating a large amount of food can cause an increase in body temperature and, as a result, the occurrence of sweating.

5. Migraine.

Garlic is a trigger, that is, a factor that can trigger migraines. If you are prone to frequent migraines, try to refrain from excessive consumption of this vegetable.

6. Eye problems.

An excess of garlic on the menu may well negatively affect the health of the eyes, for example, cause intraocular bleeding.

7. Reduced pressure.

Garlic eaten in reasonable amounts can prevent hypertension, but an overt food cravings can dramatically lower blood pressure.

8. Allergic reaction.

If the product is intolerant or consumed in excess of the norm, allergic reactions may occur in the form of itching, rash, redness and peeling of the skin.

9. Aggravation of vaginal infections.

As they say, everything is fine, but in moderation. Above we mentioned the benefits of garlic for yeast infections, however, exceeding the norm of spices in the diet, on the contrary, can aggravate a vaginal infection.

10. Damage to the liver.

An excess of garlic can be toxic to the body, and then instead of benefit, you will receive a severe blow to the liver.

11. Pregnancy.

Pregnant women should also avoid consuming garlic.

12. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have stomach ulcers, ischemic heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or have had surgery on it, it is best to refrain from consuming garlic.

Chemical composition of the product

Garlic Nutritional Value (100g) and Percent Daily Values:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements
  • calories 149 kcal – 10,46%;
  • proteins 6,5 g – 7,93%;
  • fats 0,5 g – 0,77%;
  • carbohydrates 29,9 g – 23,36%;
  • dietary fiber 1,5 g – 7,5%;
  • water 60 g – 2,34%.
  • S 10 mg – 11,1%;
  • E 0,3 mg – 2%;
  • To 1,7 μg – 1,4%;
  • V1 0,08 mg – 5,3%;
  • V2 0,08 mg – 4,4%;
  • V4 23,2 mg – 4,6%;
  • V5 0,596 mg – 11,9%;
  • V6 0,6 mg – 30%;
  • B9 3 μg – 0,8%;
  • PP 2,8 mg – 14%.
  • potassium 260 mg – 10,4%;
  • calcium 180 mg – 18%;
  • magnesium 30 mg – 7,5%;
  • sodium 17 mg – 1,3%;
  • phosphorus 100 mg – 12,5%;
  • chlorine 30 mg – 1,3%.
  • iron 1,5 mg – 8,3%;
  • iodine 9 mcg – 6%;
  • cobalt 9 mcg – 90%;
  • manganese 0,81 mg – 40,5%;
  • copper 130 μg – 13%;
  • selenium 14,2 μg – 25,8%;
  • zinc 1,02 mg – 8,5%.


Despite the possible harm, it is safe to say: such a powerful natural antibiotic and an assistant in the fight for a healthy body is still to be looked for.

And if you remember its widespread prevalence, price and availability all year round, then all doubts – whether there is or not – will disappear by themselves. Take the first and most important step to health and longevity, starting today.

Useful Properties

  • Stabilization of blood pressure.
  • Lowering LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  • Strengthening bones.
  • Elimination of intestinal diseases.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Prevention of thromboembolism development.
  • Help in the fight against cancer.
  • Enhance immunity.
  • Slowing down of oxidative processes.
  • Prevention of heavy metal poisoning.
  • Help in treating diabetes.
  • Treating a urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • Help in the treatment of colds and asthma.
  • Herpes treatment.
  • Prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Weight loss.
  • Eye protection.
  • Eliminate ear infections.
  • Improving oral health.
  • Improving the absorption of iron and zinc.
  • Treatment of fatty liver disease.
  • Benefits for skin and hair.
  • Benefits for men and women.

Harmful properties

  • Specific smell.
  • Nausea, heartburn, vomiting.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Migraine
  • Eye problems.
  • Low pressure.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Worsening vaginal infections.
  • Liver damage.
  • Pregnancy
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sources of Research

The main studies on the benefits and dangers of garlic have been carried out by foreign doctors and scientists. Below you can find the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:

Sources of Research

1.http: //



4.https: //

5.http: //

6.https: //





11.https: //





16.https: //


18.https: //


Additional useful information about garlic

How to use

Garlic is a valuable product in all forms, although, without a doubt, the use of raw spices is preferable – more nutrients are retained.

1. Natural medicinal product.

Basically, garlic is used as an antimicrobial anti-inflammatory agent to fight various diseases.

2. Cooking meals.

Garlic is a delicious aromatic hot spice used for many dishes: fried, baked, stewed. Raw garlic is in perfect harmony with ingredients in different salads, sauces, marinades, it is used for stewing and baking meat and fish.

This makes the flavor of the dish brighter and richer, as well as its health benefits.

The health benefits of garlic can be increased by chopping, slicing, or crushing it and letting it sit for 5-10 minutes before adding it to a dish.

Grinding the product starts the process of producing the alliinase enzyme, and holding for a certain time allows this enzyme to convert part of alliin into allicin, which then forms useful organosulfate compounds.

3. Preventive measures.

As a prophylaxis of many diseases and for general strengthening of the body, the World Health Organization recommends daily use of garlic: fresh – 2–5 g, in powder form – 0,4–1,2 g, garlic oil – 2–5 mg, garlic extract – 300-1000 mg.

How to choose

To get the most out of garlic, you need to know how to choose the right one.

  • The two main attributes of a good product are firmness and dryness.
  • The fruit must be ripe and fresh.
  • Choose a small size garlic that has a subtler taste.
  • The head of garlic should have large cloves and be firm to the touch.
  • The maturity of a product can be judged by its teeth. In ripe garlic, the cloves will be felt more clearly than in unripe.
  • Excessive husk is another indicator of immaturity.
  • Sprouted garlic is not recommended to buy. It has a sharp, unpleasant taste and minimal health benefits.

How to store

In order to avoid sprouting and rotting of the bulbs, you should know how to properly store the garlic.

  • A fundamental condition for long-term and high-quality storage of garlic, in which all its beneficial properties are preserved, is preliminary drying immediately after being removed from the soil. After that, the stems are cut, selecting only large, healthy and intact heads.
  • It is recommended to store garlic in a well-ventilated place out of sunlight.
  • The optimum humidity is 50-70%, the temperature is from two to five degrees for a summer harvest or from eighteen to twenty degrees for a winter one.
  • The containers that are most suitable for long-term storage of the product: cardboard or plywood boxes with holes for improved air circulation; baskets with not too tight weaving; nylon stockings; glass containers, paper bags, plastic containers.
  • Garlic can be stored in a cellar. Plywood boxes with holes are installed in it, laying out the garlic heads on a layer of salt 2-3 centimeters high, and filling them with the same layer on top. In a dry cellar, you can also hang braids and bunches of garlic or nylon stockings filled with heads.
  • Refrigeration is the ideal solution. Pre-dried garlic is stored in paper bags, cling film, glass jars or cloth bags.
  • Storage in the freezer ensures that the product can be stored until the next season. Peeled garlic cloves are wrapped in foil and placed in the freezer. However, you should be aware that in this case, the taste may change slightly.
  • For storage in glass jars, dried uncleaned heads are placed in sterilized containers without filling.
  • A second option is also possible, in which the heads are sprinkled with flour / salt, which prevents rotting and the appearance of excessive moisture. In both cases, the jars need to be stored in a cool place.

History of occurrence

Garlic is a spice with a history dating back centuries. It is one of the most ancient vegetable crops. The first mentions of garlic can be found in India and Egypt 5000 years ago, in the Babylonian (about 4500 years ago) and Chinese (4000 years ago) cultures.

Garlic originally appeared in Central Asia, and it was from there that it spread throughout the world after people began to migrate from continent to continent. Many varieties of spice are now known, and about ten million metric tons of the product are produced every year around the world. The leading crop producer is China, which accounts for 65% of the total world production of garlic.

How and where is it grown

Garlic is an unpretentious crop, but it also requires some care, like any other vegetable or fruit. There are two types of garlic – winter and spring, in each of the species there are many varieties that differ in terms of planting and harvesting, the presence of arrows, the size of the bulb, the number of cloves, the color of the covering scales and, of course, the taste characteristics.

Winter garlic is harvested in late July – early August, and spring garlic – in late August – early September. A clear sign that the vegetable is ripe is drying of the lower leaves, as well as yellowing and complete lodging of the leaves of the upper tier. Garlic selected from the soil is dried, cut and sent to storage. Garlic is grown throughout our country.

Interesting Facts

  • In honor of garlic, the Americans named one of the famous cities in the United States. This city is Chicago, which means “wild garlic” in Indian.
  • In the United States of America, the charitable Garlic Festival is traditional (since 1998). The funds raised during the event are used to support children with mental disorders.
  • This vegetable is one of the sweetest. Garlic contains 20% sugar, but its sweetness is subtle due to the presence of many specific compounds.
  • Garlic is an extremely high-calorie vegetable. A kilogram of garlic is 1400-1500 kcal.
  • The smell after eating garlic can be easily eliminated by drinking milk or eating any high-fat dairy product.
  • Garlic, like onions, is toxic to cats and dogs.
  • In ancient times, in many countries of the world, this product was considered the strongest amulet against evil spirits.
  • Garlic has been repeatedly found during excavations of Egyptian mummies – in front of closed eyes and in internal cavities. This made it possible to put forward a hypothesis about its ritual significance.
  • In ancient India, garlic was widely used as a medicine, but it was not eaten because of its pungent odor.
  • In 1720, garlic saved the lives of several thousand European inhabitants during the plague.
  • The ancient Romans called garlic (because of its specific smell) “smelly rose” and “poor man’s molasses.”

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