Benefit or harm: what will happen if you completely refuse breakfast

Benefit or harm: what will happen if you completely refuse breakfast

The morning meal is usually called the most important of the day. But few people eat breakfast like a human: they usually intercept something on the go, or even completely limit themselves to morning coffee.

Someone is in a hurry to work, but someone simply does not want to eat in the morning … And how does our body react to this? We’ve rounded up the unexpected pros and cons of skipping breakfast.

1. Excess weight

It is believed that skipping breakfast every day can lead to weight loss, but this is not entirely true. Some studies have shown that fasting in the morning can lead to obesity, not only in children and young adults, but also in the elderly. This is because people who skip breakfast will eat more later, perhaps overnight. And this habit is guaranteed to make you gain too much. One study has generally shown that skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain, even if you don’t overeat for the rest of the day, because the body’s internal clock is disrupted and it starts storing fat whenever possible.

2. Bad mood

Skipping breakfast can cause mood upset in adults. People who don’t eat in the morning are more likely to suffer from depression. In addition, skipping your first meal of the day 4 or 5 times a week can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by 55%. This could be due to low blood sugar levels. When blood glucose levels drop, it leads to rapid mood changes such as general depression and irritability. I want to seize the mood sweet, and this is all the same excess weight, which will then ruin the mood even more.

3. Fatigue between 12 and 4 pm

In the morning, after a long break without food, blood glycogen stores are practically zero, and the body has nowhere to take energy for productive work. The best source of this energy is breakfast. And if you don’t eat breakfast and feel good in the morning, you may feel very exhausted after a couple of hours. You find it difficult to concentrate and you feel tired in the afternoon, writes

4. Sharpness of thoughts

Researchers have found that intermittent fasting has several beneficial effects. This type of eating means that you go through fasting periods each day (which usually consist of 8 hours of food and 16 hours of fasting). So, if you skip breakfast to complete those 16 hours, it can really be good for the brain and memory can improve. But if such a diet is not regular, then a chaotic meal will have a negative effect on brain activity.

5. Slow down aging

Believe it or not, skipping breakfast can reverse aging. Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting can help raise growth hormone levels and lower insulin levels. However, skipping dinner works the same way.

6. The likelihood of heartburn

Nutritionists say breakfast is even more important for people who have stomach problems and know firsthand what acid reflux is. In such cases, the regime is very important: due to the lack of breakfast, the acidity level in the stomach can jump. And then suffering is inevitable due to heartburn and indigestion.

7. Dizziness and migraine

Improper diet and skipping meals can cause headaches or migraines. Experts say that even untimely or irregular breakfasts can affect your body. This is usually due to too low blood glucose levels.

Nutritional headaches are often severe and may be accompanied by mild nausea. There are also some other symptoms that can include yawning, pallor, and sweating.

8. Stress hormone surge

Skipping breakfast can lead to higher levels of free cortisol, the stress hormone. This happens because a long break without food can be perceived by the body as a stressful event. The consequences are anxiety and irritability. If anxiety, bad mood, blues and grumpiness have become your lifestyle, it is possible that this psychological state is associated with cortisol levels.

9. Bad breath

Those who skip breakfast are twice as likely to suffer from bad breath. This is because bacteria in the mouth multiply rapidly, if you do not chew something useful in the morning. In addition, the smell can come from the stomach, and this is completely nasty. Therefore, in the morning in public transport there is often an unpleasant amber – many ignore breakfast, and even miss visits to the dentist.

10. The menstrual cycle can be disrupted

Studies have shown that skipping breakfast can be associated with an irregular menstrual cycle. It also increases premenstrual pain and cramps. If you face this problem on a regular basis, try starting your breakfast regularly – it is possible that such a simple measure will be enough.

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