bending the legs in the simulator lying
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: The Simulator
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Сгибание ног в тренажере лежа Сгибание ног в тренажере лежа
Сгибание ног в тренажере лежа Сгибание ног в тренажере лежа

Bending the legs in the simulator lying — technique exercises:

  1. Adjust the arm of the simulator, putting it to the desired height, then lie down on the bench of the simulator face down. Legs place under the arm exerciser (10 cm below mid-calf). Tip: it is preferable to use an inclined and not horizontal bench exerciser.
  2. Push the torso to the bench, clasp your hands arms. Foot perpendicular to the tibia. This will be your initial position.
  3. On the exhale lift your legs, Contracting the glutes and muscles of the back of the thigh. By performing this movement, keep your upper thighs from the stand. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  4. On the inhale slowly lower legs to starting position. Complete the required number of repetitions.

Note: too much weight will hinder the correct performance of the exercise and may cause injury or sprain.

Variations: you can also perform the exercise while holding a dumbbell between stop. For better isolation of muscles exercise can be done for each leg alternately.

exercises for the legs exercises for thighs
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: The Simulator
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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