- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Rod
- Level of difficulty: Beginner

Bench press narrow grip — technique exercises:
- Lie on a straight bench. Legs rest against the floor to ensure the sustainability of the body.
- Grasp the neck narrow grip as shown in the figure. Remove the neck from the racks.
- Slowly breath down the neck on the chest. The neck should lie just below the chest level.
- On the exhale, lift the neck, completely straight arms.
Video exercise:
bench press exercises for the arms exercises triceps exercises with a barbell
- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: Rod
- Level of difficulty: Beginner