Beluga: composition, properties, recipes
Beluga is a valuable commercial fish of the sturgeon family. Beluga meat is used to prepare real delicacies for gourmets, which is why it is often called “royal fish”. Beluga is boiled, baked, smoked and fried. It goes well with fresh herbs, vegetables and mushrooms.
Beluga: composition, properties, recipes
Boiled beluga with mushrooms and sauce
To cook boiled beluga with mushrooms, you will need:
– 600 grams of beluga; – 5 pieces of fresh mushrooms; – 75-100 grams of olives; – 1 and ½ tablespoons of capers; – 1 carrot; – 1 parsley root; – 2 pickles; – 1 lemon; – 200 milliliters of broth; – 2-3 tablespoons of “Spicy” or “Southern” sauce; – 1 bay leaf; – parsley; – sugar; – salt; – pepper.
To prevent the fish from slipping in your hands when cleaning, you need to dip your fingers in salt
Peel the fish, rinse, cut into portions, pour 600 milliliters of hot boiled water, add the peeled fresh mushrooms, pepper, salt, bay leaf and cook until the fish is tender (15–20 minutes). Then remove the beluga and mushrooms from the broth, and strain it through a gauze filter.
Wash carrots and parsley root, peel, chop and simmer separately in a little water. Add finely chopped pickles, capers and boiled mushrooms. Simmer everything together for 2 minutes.
After that add the Spicy sauce to the vegetables, pour in the strained broth, season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar. Bring the sauce to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Put the boiled beluga on a dish, pour the prepared sauce over the fish and garnish with thin slices of lemon, sprigs of parsley and olives.
To prepare this dish you will need the following products:
– 500 grams of beluga; – ½ cup flour; – 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil; – ½ glass of cream; – ½ teaspoon of ground black pepper; – 1 egg; – 120 grams of sour cream; – 130 grams of hard cheese; – salt.
Mash flour and butter, add cream, egg, knead dough and refrigerate.
Remove the skin from the beluga, remove the bones, cut into slices, season with salt in flour and fry in a pan until tender.
The fish will not stick to the pan if you add a little salt to the fat
Remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide into 2 pieces and roll out into 2 layers. Grease a baking sheet with oil, cover with parchment paper and lay out a layer of dough, on top of the cooled pieces of fish, sprinkle them with grated cheese and breadcrumbs. Cover the beluga layer with a second layer of dough, shape the fish and pinch the edges. Brush the top of the dough with sour cream and place in a preheated oven. Bake the beluga in the dough for 15-30 minutes at 200 degrees.
Beluga shashlik in sour cream
To make a delicate and delicious beluga kebab, you need to take:
– 500 grams of beluga fillet; – 1 head of onion; – 150 grams of sour cream; – dill greens; – ground white pepper; – salt.
Cut the beluga into 3 x 3 centimeters portioned cubes. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Combine the beluga cubes with onions, pour over sour cream, pepper and salt to taste, mix gently. Leave to marinate for 3 hours.
Then skewer the marinated beluga, alternating with the onion rings, and grill the skewers for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill before serving.