Belly after cesarean

Neither sports nor diet helps her get rid of a big belly.

British woman Cheryl Castle is 35 years old, of which 6 years she has been living in a state of eternal pregnancy. And this despite the fact that Cheryl gave birth only once – in the summer of 2011, a son, Liam, was born. However, her belly has not decreased in size since then, and the woman looks like she is 6-7 months pregnant.

Someone will probably say: let him go to the gym, go on a diet – we often judge people without knowing their history.

Meanwhile, Cheryl meticulously counts calories, drinks three liters of water a day, does exercises five times a week, but still cannot get rid of her big belly. Although it weighs only 52 kilograms – 7 kilos less than before pregnancy.

“When I waited for Liam, my abdominal muscles started to loose in the later stages,” Cheryl says. “During childbirth, they parted completely, and then they urgently made me a caesarean”.

Since then, the big belly has not disappeared, and a woman cannot do anything about it.

“It’s so offensive when strangers on the street mistake me for a pregnant woman, congratulate me on my future addition,” says Cheryl. “You should have seen their puzzled faces when I say I’m not pregnant.”

Supermarket workers ask Cheryl’s son if he will be happy with his brother. Lifeguards at the water park advise the woman not to enter the hot pool, fearing for her “baby”.

“It’s easier in winter – loose jackets and coats hide your belly,” says Cheryl. “But buying clothes is a real nightmare. I have size 40-42, but I am not able to find a skirt or trousers. And usually I return from stores empty-handed. “

The woman admits that she feels fat and ugly.

“No matter what I do, nothing helps,” she says.

Now mom’s main dream is plastic surgery for a tummy tuck.

“I want to feel like a normal person again, lie on the beach, walk with my son to the pool, not being ashamed of my figure. I want to regain my confidence, ”says Cheryl.

Unfortunately, the woman cannot afford it yet. To get rid of her belly, she will have to pay 8 thousand pounds for the operation, which is almost 640 thousand rubles. Cheryl has no such funds. Therefore, the woman collects money for the operation on the Internet.

“My advice to everyone who faced the same situation: do not give up, keep fighting, and do not hesitate to ask for help,” she urges.

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