Belgian Tripel

The variety belongs to the category of Trappist beer, that is, originated in ancient Belgian monasteries. Despite the increased degree, alcohol is almost not felt, so intoxication occurs suddenly. This is a highly carbonated drink made according to the “champagne” method, that is, with secondary fermentation in the bottle.

The taste is dry, bitter with tones of spices. The malt profile emphasizes and enhances the hops. The bouquet is rich, complex, with fruity nuances. Hops are manifested by notes of spices, flowers, malt gives a hint of grain and honey. The Belgian Tripel is a harmonious combination of all four profiles: hops, malt, yeast and alcohol. The flavors complement each other, not cancel each other out. The finish is dry, the aftertaste remains bitter, without malty sweetness.

The color of the Belgian tripel is rich yellow or gold, transparent, with “strings” of bubbles. In the glass it forms a strong creamy foam, settling on the walls “lace”.

Despite the high density, the drink is light or medium-bodied, very drinkable. Alcohol is not warming, but rather hidden – it is almost not felt.

The style is made on the basis of Pils malt, Saaz hops and Belgian yeast. Additional ingredients – sugar, spices (optional). The Belgian tripel is slightly darker and denser than the Belgian golden strong ale, phenols are more clearly felt in its bouquet, and esters, on the contrary, are hidden. The taste should be malty, but never sweet.

Belgian Tripel

Strength: 7.5-9.5%.

Density: initial 1.075-1.085, final 1.008-1.014.

Bitterness Index: 20-40 IBU.

Color: 4.5-7 SRM.

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