Belching with rotten eggs is the release of gases, with a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide, from the gastrointestinal tract into the oral cavity. Such an eructation is considered an abnormal phenomenon and indicates the presence of problems with the digestive system.
Putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which are evidenced by belching of rotten eggs, occur against the background of impaired motor activity of the digestive tract and reduced secretory function.
A “lazy” stomach is in no hurry to digest what is eaten, which, in turn, causes the sulfur-containing proteins present in the food to rot and release hydrogen sulfide in large quantities.
The putrefactive process in the stomach is similar to the process of protein breakdown, with the release of a foul-smelling gas, in a spoiled chicken egg.
Causes of burping rotten eggs
The reasons for belching rotten eggs can be very diverse, and the result of what exactly is such an unpleasant symptom can only be established by a gastroenterologist after a thorough examination.
Belching with hydrogen sulfide occurs under the following conditions:
- decrease in the secretory function of the stomach caused by atrophic gastritis;
- reduced enzymatic activity that occurs in chronic pancreatitis;
- chronic gastritis;
- biliary dyskinesia;
- cholecystitis calculous;
- Crohn’s disease;
- inflammatory processes in the duodenum and small intestine;
- stenosis of the gatekeeper;
- intestinal bacteria;
- intestinal infection;
- intolerance to certain foods.
Certain culinary habits: love for spicy, fatty, fried foods, overeating, etc. provoke the development of gastritis. If an acute process smoothly turns into a chronic one, then a number of irreversible processes follow it.
This is atrophy of the gastric mucosa with (hypoacid gastritis), low acidity of gastric juice and, as a rule, a decrease in the motor function of the walls of the diseased organ. As a result – a malfunction in the digestive tract, and as one of the many signs – burping with rotten eggs.
Normal pH environment of the stomach promotes good digestion and inhibits the development of putrefactive processes. However, with a low secretory function of the stomach, everything happens exactly the opposite.
Digestion is also disturbed in liver diseases: biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, when bile is produced in insufficient quantities, and its release from the gallbladder is difficult. In this case, the amount of bile secreted becomes insufficient for the digestion of fats. The secretory function of the intestine and peristalsis are disturbed.
For good digestion, enzymes are needed, for the production of which the pancreas, stomach and small intestine are responsible. In chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, chronic enteritis (inflammation of the intestine), the enzymatic activity of the organs decreases sharply, which leads to indigestion and the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
If, in addition to belching rotten eggs, other symptoms are present: diarrhea with an admixture of blood, excessive fatigue, high fever, nausea, bloating, then an examination for Crohn’s disease is necessary.
Intolerance to certain foods can cause rotten eggs to burp. For example, with hypolactasia (lactose intolerance), the use of dairy products causes unpleasant conditions: abdominal pain, diarrhea, belching with hydrogen sulfide. These phenomena occur due to a lack of an enzyme in the human body – lactase, which is necessary for the normal digestion of milk.
Fructose intolerance causes a person similar suffering. With this hereditary disease, all foods containing fructose are excluded: fruits, vegetables, sweet juices, legumes.
Putrid eructation may occur with gluten enteropathy (celiac disease) – a disease characterized by intolerance to gluten – the main protein of cereals. In people with such a rare genetic disease, the body refuses to digest flour products, cereals, bread.
The cause of belching with hydrogen sulfide can be gatekeeper stenosiswhen food literally stagnates in the stomach. Repeated scarring of duodenal ulcers makes the pyloric part of the stomach poorly passable for food. Therefore, part of it remains in the gastric cavity for a long time, which causes fermentation and putrefactive processes there.
Diarrhea (loose stools) when burping rotten eggs
The processes of digestion are the links of one big chain. Failure of one of the links immediately causes a chain reaction.
The final stage of digestion takes place in the small intestine. This is the meeting point of absolutely all enzymes produced by the digestive organs (stomach, pancreas, small intestine). It is here that the splitting of food into separate components and the main absorption of all useful substances, as well as poisons and toxins.
Due to the disorder of the process of digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients, the intestinal microflora suffers. There is an imbalance between “bad” and “good” bacteria. Excessive, in the intestine, bacterial growth leads to flatulence, diarrhea and belching of rotten eggs.
Hydrogen sulfide belching is often the so-called “prelude” to diarrhea, which occurs due to a violation of the diet or eating stale foods.
But it can also accompany serious intestinal infectious diseases caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, Giardia, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus, Clostridia. These diseases are characterized by bacterial diarrhea and, in some cases, vomiting and fever.
What to do when burping rotten eggs?
Ways to solve the problem:
- medical examination;
- treatment;
- diet.
Be sure, you need to understand that burping with rotten eggs is a “bell” about trouble in the body. That it can be one of the symptoms of an incipient, serious illness.
Therefore, without delay, you need to undergo a medical examination and identify the main cause of this problem.
Limit foods that cause putrefaction and fermentation in the digestive tract. These include:
- whole milk;
- all types of legumes;
- cream;
- fat sour cream;
- cabbage;
- zucchini;
- bulb onions;
- tomatoes;
- plum;
- cherry;
- nuts;
- citrus;
- apples;
- pears
And foods rich in sulfur:
- canned fish;
- red fish meat;
- rabbit meat, pork, beef, turkey, chicken;
- liver;
- meat of pike, sea bass, sardines, flounder, catfish;
- chicken eggs.
Each person, through trial and error, can develop an individual nutrition scheme for himself and choose the right diet, in which discomfort will become much less.
Proper treatment of any disease is possible only with qualified diagnosis. Medical examination for rotten egg burping includes: ultrasound, gastrofibroscopy, blood and stool tests.
Depending on the diagnosis, treatment can be very diverse. In infectious processes in the intestine, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. With poor digestion and slow emptying of the stomach, enzyme preparations, adsorbents and drugs that increase intestinal motility are prescribed. If the disease is caused by parasites, antiparasitic drugs are used for treatment.
What to do with a symptom
It is recommended not to overeat, as well as monitor your own nutrition. The diet must be balanced. Bathing and exercising after meals are also not recommended. If this does not help, then you need to go to the hospital.
When to see a doctor
Constant and strong belching is a signal to go to the hospital. This should also be done if other symptoms occur: abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness, coma in the throat, problems with swallowing, flatulence, bloating, loss of appetite. Frequent, constant and severe belching along with these symptoms indicates the presence of pathological processes, so do not delay going to the doctor.
Symptom treatment
The causes and treatment of belching are interrelated. That is why careful diagnosis is required. To determine the causes of such a symptom, ultrasound, endoscopic, x-ray examinations are performed, and laboratory and electrophysiological techniques are also used. In our clinic, you can carry out a complete diagnosis and treatment of belching.
Treatment of belching is carried out strictly according to the recommendations of the doctor. He can prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, means to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, prescribes a diet and physiotherapy. Operations are prescribed only for cancer, hernia and other serious cases.
symptom during pregnancy
During pregnancy, belching is a common symptom. The body is being rebuilt. This also applies to the digestive system. The uterus gradually enlarges as the fetus grows, so it needs more space in the abdomen, so it puts pressure on the intestines and stomach. From here also there is often an eructation.
Treatment at home
To avoid burping, it is necessary to give up sweet, carbonated water, products that promote fermentation (legumes, cabbage). You need to eat often, but in small portions. If belching is associated with excessive secretion of gastric juice, then it is recommended to use alkaline mineral waters.
Symptom prevention – only when it can be done
The causes and treatment of belching are interrelated, but prevention is best:
- stop smoking, drinking alcohol;
- lie down during sleep with a raised torso;
- give up carbonated drinks and foods that increase gas formation;
- do not drink food with drinks;
- chew food thoroughly;
- do not play sports immediately after eating;
- drink enough water per day;
- eat 3 hours before bedtime;
- undergo an examination at least once a year;
- treat all diseases in a timely manner.
These factors will help to avoid burping and digestive problems.
Which doctor to contact with a symptom
You can make an appointment with a gastroenterologist at the hospital.