Pregnant, me?
Specialists speak of three degrees of negation of pregnancy:
— concealment : be aware of being pregnant while having a real difficulty in saying it and showing it;
— denial : encountering signs suggestive of pregnancy without ever admitting them, always finding another logical explanation;
— denial : not being aware of her pregnancy.
When the pregnancy goes unnoticed until term (it happens too!), It is obviously a huge shock for the mother who gives birth at home (or elsewhere), alone and without really understanding what is happening to her. Faced with this child who is born and whose existence no one foresaw, it is astonishment, total disarray. Some women find no other solution than to abandon their newborn baby.
Sometimes it’s the drama … The child can die in an unexpected delivery and the mother can find herself accused of infanticide and sentenced, as happens every year. The French Association for the Recognition of Denial of Pregnancy helps these women to prove their innocence and fights to have this denial accepted legally. French association for the recognition of denial of pregnancy 28, rue Bertrand De Born 31000 Toulouse |
Fortunately, the mother-child relationship generally regains its strength and rights after childbirth.. Not to mention the will of these mothers who, deprived of their pregnancy and privileged contact with Baby, are determined to make up for lost time. A nice snub to denial, so much the better!