Beginner at the gym: where to start, program

Beginner at the gym: where to start, program

Everyone who comes to the gym for the first time has a lot of questions. Some, on the advice of friends or girlfriends, begin to master simulators on their own, while others immediately take on heavy weight. In order not to make mistakes, a newcomer to the gym must behave accordingly. It is necessary to learn how to independently organize the training process.

Beginner at the gym: where to start?

People who come to a fitness club usually have a specific goal. They want to lose weight, build muscle, or get a toned figure. It is important to have not only the desire to change yourself, but also the knowledge of how best to do it.

Beginner at the gym: where to start?

First you need to remember the following rules.

  • A full 8-hour sleep and proper fractional nutrition 4-5 times a day are the key to successful workouts.

  • A beginner needs a personal trainer. He will draw up an individual program for him, which will include the necessary exercises.

  • Before training, be sure to do a warm-up so that the joints and tendons are warmed up for exercise.

  • You need to visit the gym at least 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), then training will become effective.

It is also worth remembering that sports nutrition can and is useful to use. It makes training effective, but it is not worth replacing regular food with it.

Not everyone has the opportunity to connect with an experienced coach. In this case, the training program should be developed independently, using the existing knowledge and feedback from those who have been going to the gym for a long time. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the peculiarities of your health so as not to overstrain.

  1. In the first month, do exercises for specific muscle groups, and avoid free weights.

  2. First, on the simulators, the legs are worked out, then the back, chest and abs, and finally the arms and shoulders.

  3. Gradually, the muscles will tone up if you perform 2 sets (15 repetitions each).

  4. The muscles will not immediately get used to the load, so increase the working weight gradually.

  5. After a month, master a different training system, when different muscle groups train on different days.

With a systematic approach to classes, the effect will appear in 2-3 months. In a year, your figure will change dramatically. If initially the goal was to lose weight, then with proper training and nutrition, the result will be in six months. For some people, sport becomes a way of life in the future.

– The biggest “mistake” of a newcomer to the gym is comparing yourself to others. Very often, coming to the gym, people first of all begin to compare themselves with advanced athletes who do a thousand squats with a weight of 60 kg, and try to imitate them. However, this should by no means be done, because you do not know how many people have worked on their form.

Compare yourself only with yourself: today you did 30 squats, and tomorrow it is already 35. Listen to your body, focus on your achievements and results, multiply them, and not the results of your neighbor on the treadmill.

And the second thing that must be observed, especially as a beginner, is the regularity and regime. In order to turn hiking into the gym into a habit and really achieve any result, you cannot retreat. Develop a plan for yourself and follow it. If you decide to go to the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, then go on like this. Do not be lazy and do not look for excuses for yourself, go and get better every day.

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